"Niko Niko, he didn't dodge!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Nice brothers!"


In fierce team battles, the voices of King Ning and his brother can always be heard.

Previously, the leaders of the V5 team were Ning Wang and Wink. Generally speaking, they were junglers or auxiliary leaders.

After my brother joined, he also took away some of the command rights.

Logically speaking, AD, a position that requires focused operations, should not be suitable for command.

But I can’t stand it, my brother is really good at commanding.

He didn't do much directing in V5, and sometimes he would only say a few words when he couldn't help it.

Chen Ke and Xiao Guangmai basically didn't talk when they were playing together, both of them were concentrating on the operation.

But what his brother and the three of them were saying made Chen Ke still feel a pain in his head.

It was like being stuck with a needle.

It doesn't matter if three people are directing, the main thing is that these three people all have loud voices, which makes it difficult to hold up.

In addition, today's game may be against JD.com, and the opponent is a bit strong, which will make everyone more excited.

So the voice will be louder than usual.

Fortunately, after killing Neeko on her left hand, the battle is over.

The crocodile left first. Jinx, the ruler, saw this situation and decisively chose to betray his teammates.

Chen Ke and the others naturally couldn't chase these two people, so they could just turn around and fight the dragon.

There are three less people on the opposite side, although the support has been resurrected at this time.

However, in the absence of the midfielder, nothing will happen to this Baron. It is basically V5's bag.

Even Jinx has even used his ultimate move, which means that the last possibility of miraculous grabbing the dragon is gone.

As soon as the baron was won, the game came to an end.

It can be seen now that JD.com will have a hard time beating it next.

Especially for the crocodile on the top lane, it is difficult to play any role later. It is estimated that it only takes three seconds to fight in the front.

When Chen Ke and the others were beating the dragon, they were not feeling very relaxed.

The main reason is the operation of Brother 9 in the team battle just now, which made everyone look a little confused.

They are all professional players. After a wave of team battles, how could they not notice the crocodile who was on the edge of OB?

Chen Ke even kept a W skill in his hand, ready to wait for the crocodile to come in and control it so that he could restrict it.

As a result, I didn’t expect that this person had a problem with his own thinking.

After the game, it was as if there was some kind of tacit understanding within the V5 team. No one talked about it, as if nothing had happened.

If someone else on the other side performed this kind of operation, everyone would have to make fun of him.

But if Brother 9 plays like this, everyone is still a little embarrassed to say anything.

It doesn't matter if you tease or tease someone, it's normal for friends to often joke around.

But after the wave just now, anyone with a discerning eye can imagine that Brother 9 will definitely be called to a meeting after this game.

The competition isn't even over yet, and people are already setting up the venue online.

Unless JD.com can make a comeback next, there will be no way to clean up this wave.

Thinking about it, Brother 9 will not only be trolled on the Internet, but Hongmi will also be scolded by him.

As good brothers, Chen Ke and the others naturally couldn't laugh at this time.

Of course, there is one exception, and that is toothpaste.

I am very happy to see the toothpaste, and even the melon seeds are arranged.

Brother 9's operation just now made the toothpaste feel like a shot of adrenaline, and he is now more energetic.

He wanted to see if something even more outrageous would happen later.

In fact, the team battle between the two teams behind was not as good as before.

V5 has the same style. When Chen Ke is here, he won't give the opponent a chance to breathe when he gets the advantage.

After taking the big dragon, I thought about sweeping the opponent with the power of thunder.

When seeing V5 on the high ground, Jingdong also knew that it would not be possible without fighting back. This wave must be launched proactively.

Brother 9 probably also realized that he committed a serious crime in the last wave of team fights, so he took a lot more initiative in this wave.

But it's really uncomfortable for the hero Crocodile to reach this point, not to mention that his development has been average.

When it comes up, the speed of light is slowed down by a second, which makes it look even more ridiculous.

Fans will have something to say later.

Not doing it when it's time to do it, and giving it away when it's not supposed to be done.

After the game, the score was only tied at 1:1, and the two sides were back on the same starting line.

Even though JD.com has more power to choose sides, it still seems to have an advantage.

However, Chen Ke won the game as soon as he started, and he still took the top lane, which he was not good at.

In this case, JD.com is no different from losing the game.

As soon as the game was over, when the players on both sides returned to the backstage, they stopped talking.

With Brother 9 being beaten like this, it was really hard to be in the mood to talk to Chen Ke. Seeing his depressed look, Chen Ke couldn't take the initiative to say anything.

Forget it if it's just the two of them, the key is that the rest of JD.com are still there.

That crocodile's fight just now was outrageous, and you talked to your opponent after the fight.

Teammates may feel uncomfortable if they see it, so try to avoid it.

After returning to the lounge, Chen Ke also took out his mobile phone and took a look at the online public opinion.

There are many people who attack the crocodile Brother 9, but it is not that serious.

To put it bluntly, this is just an LPL game, not the World Championship, and he is playing V5.

There must be more fans on the V5 side, and most people support V5 to win.

So Brother 9 didn't perform well this time, so he didn't get scolded that badly.

Chen Ke took a look at it, and even more people were making fun of it.

Most of the people talking online are V5 fans. V5 won the game, and he was the reason V5 went out, so naturally people won't be too vicious.

Another reason is that even if he plays well in that wave, he still may not win.

Although he won the last game, in the third game, Chen Ke still did not intend to continue his top lane position.

Judging from the current experience, top order is not that fun.

The main reason is that if Chen Ke continues to take the order, if he increases the intensity of Brother 9 again, he is afraid that he will do something even more outrageous in the game.

Being in the top lane position in the last game may also have something to do with the selection of the hero Gnar.

Chen Ke felt that his influence on the game was a bit small, and it would be slightly better to switch to a position he is familiar with.

So in the third game, V5 made substitution adjustments again.

YSKM replaces Wink.

This substitution is not a substitution of the same position, but everyone knows what it means when V5 makes such a substitution.

As soon as Wink went down, it was obvious that Chen Ke was going to the bottom lane.

In fact, before today's game, what everyone was most looking forward to was the bottom lane.

After Ruler came to LPL this year, he can be said to have conquered the entire LPL.

Everyone just discovered this year that if Chen Ke didn't play, it seems that so many domestic ADs couldn't even beat a ruler.

The key point is that Chi Di is still at this age and is also a standard older player, which is a bit unacceptable to everyone.

Seeing that no one could stop him, Chen Ke had no choice but to take action.

Even if Chen Ke plays a supporting position, everyone wants to see a domestic bottom lane combination that can suppress Chi Di.

As soon as Chen Ke went to the bottom lane, everyone's expectations for the third game were unprecedentedly high.

In the third game, JD.com took the initiative to make changes and chose the red side.

They were probably a little annoyed by the counter position. They felt that if Chen Ke went to the bottom lane, he would not be able to give them the counter position.

Because Chen Ke likes to do scientific research the most when he is assisting in the bottom lane, and he will even sway with his brother from time to time.

JD.com is also afraid of problems in its bottom lane.

Chi Di has always been the most stable point in the team. If something goes wrong with him, it will be really hard for Jingdong to deal with it.

During the selection, Jinx was still given to Ruler Emperor.

Right now, Jinx and Aphelios are the two strongest ADs, but in the later team battles, Jinx feels more comfortable.

Once this hero starts running, his output ability in team fights is really strong.

What's more, the ruler's Aphelios is actually a bit less fun to play.

There is definitely no problem with his proficiency, but in the game it feels like there is a gap between him and other heroes that he plays well.

Jingdong didn't want to do anything weird in the bottom lane.

Ruler Emperor rarely does scientific research and basically plays version heroes.

In short, there are only two or three heroes that can be played. I just choose the ones I want to play.

Whatever Chen Ke and the others play, they will definitely have to wait until the second round, so they cannot wait until V5 comes out in the bottom lane before choosing a hero.

By the second round, it’s not certain whether a popular hero like Jinx will still be there.

In the second round, people from the fourth floor of JD.com will be selected first.

They chose the auxiliary position on the fourth floor, and it can be seen that they are not so determined in their choice of Tahm.

I debated for a while whether to choose Lenata, but in the end I chose Tamu to increase the protection ability.

Anyway, they didn’t consider Lulu as a hero.

After taking out the last game, I found that the effect was just like that. In addition, JD.com was a little worried that Chen Ke would take out a robot.

Draven was banned, but Robot is still there, and JD.com doesn’t have any extra ban slots for heroes like Robot.

If Chen Ke really takes it out, Jinx and Lulu will feel very uncomfortable.

"What do you mean, what do you want to do in the bottom lane this round?"

As soon as Chen Ke came up, he chose players in the bottom lane so casually.

They can play so much, and they usually try out a lot of things in training matches.

Mai Zijian is not easy to give advice. He usually asks them what they want to play first.

Chen Ke originally wanted to ask his brother, but then he turned his head and found that his brother was also looking at him.

Seeing this look, Chen Ke immediately understood and said with a smile, "How about giving Chi Emperor some strength?"

"The one who is the most disgusting in lane?"


Even his teammates couldn't understand what Chen Ke said to his brother.

It feels like the two of them came up with some weird heroes, which are quite disgusting.

During training matches, these two people sometimes beat the opponent's bottom lane for five minutes and then quit the game.

Don't think that five minutes is an exaggeration. Sometimes in training matches, there are teams that can finish within five minutes.

There are too many disgusting things. The two of them are crazy about scientific research. Those who don’t know it think they learned the routines from short videos.

It is precisely because they have seen so much that no one knows what combination they think is disgusting.

Chen Ke and his brother didn't talk, because they were on the fourth or fifth floor, so they could just choose what they wanted to play.



When I saw the choice between the fourth and fifth floors, the tone of the explanation gradually became wrong.

There was already something wrong with Varus, and when he saw Xerath, he was only more surprised.

But after seeing the lock, everyone understood that they were planning to play a double poke in the bottom lane to maximize the strength of the line.

After Wang Duoduo was surprised, he quickly recalled: "If I remember correctly, Chen Ke played this hero a long time ago."

"Yes, I remember I played it the year before last, and I picked it out of Taobao at that time."

When Brother Leg said this, it immediately brought back many people's memories.

Everyone suddenly thought about it, and the pictures gradually became clear and three-dimensional in their minds.

It seems that it was indeed taken out when I beat my brother in the past. Everyone still remembers that the scratching of my brother's head and Xerath suddenly synchronized.

As a person involved, my brother doesn’t remember it very clearly now.

He didn't even remember this incident. He had been beaten so many times by Chen Ke, so how could he remember it every time.

Now that Chen Ke is assisting him anyway, he can completely stop thinking about what happened before.

After the bottom lane combination is locked, the fifth floor player on JD.com has not yet been selected.

Chen Ke suggested: "How about we make a bet and see who can do more damage in this round."

As an AD, my brother is also good at poke, so he will definitely not be scared.

He nodded and agreed: "No problem, whoever loses will treat me tonight, okay?"

The relaxed conversation between the two people could be heard by the referee behind them, and the referee was a little speechless.

The game hadn't even started yet, so we were making bets to see who could do more damage, and we even talked about who would treat them to dinner in the evening.

Obviously, only if you win the game can you have a treat in the evening.

Being able to communicate so easily shows that he doesn't regard Emperor Chi as a human being.

If this is heard by Chikui fans, it will be very uncomfortable for you two.

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