Chapter 516 Ouch, what are you doing~

"Take a look at where the pheasant is, he is heading this way."

"The V5 guys want to buy time, but looking at the speed at which the opponent is beating the baron, it seems a bit fast."

"PSG has Jinx in this lineup, and it is really fast to beat Baron."

"Prince Ning, be careful. His position is very dangerous. Don't let the other side drive him."


The two commentators looked at the situation on the field and couldn't help but frown.

The situation originally seemed to be going well, but unexpectedly, someone suddenly started to make trouble.

And with this situation, it seems that the overall situation is going to go wrong, and it doesn't look as stable as before.

Originally, everyone felt that this one was a sure win.

Were there any accidents when V5 gained such an advantage?

It seems that there is no such thing in everyone's mind, let alone when Chen Ke is here.

Moreover, my brother is a support player in this game, so I don’t have to worry about him sending a big blow.

But Wanwan didn’t expect that the mid laner would be given away.

After the little cream was delivered, I felt that the situation was indeed a little different.

A big kill doesn't matter. Judging from the current economic gap between the two sides, it really doesn't have that big of an impact, and it's not the jungler who dies.

I really didn’t notice the problem with the top order’s transmission at first. After I discovered that Pheasant wasn’t transmitting, I realized that the problem was a bit serious.

From decision-making to reaction, PSG had no problems in this wave.

If the opponent gets the Baron because of this small mistake, it will still have an impact on the game situation.

Since the bottom lane player is not a normal hero, in a stalemate, Nuoshou is not that easy to play as a hero.

It's useless to talk about Little Cream at this time. As a newcomer playing this level of competition for the first time, it would be strange if he didn't make mistakes.

What we need to see now is how Chen Ke, the three most experienced people in the team, handles this wave well.

When King Ning pulled forward and started to charge up his Q skill, the senior colonel was already getting nervous.

He still doesn't think V5 can go up and play. Without two main output points, the risk is still too great.

The best thing to do is to keep someone around.

Dalong can let it go, and there is no need to even let King Ning go in and grab it.

If the dragon cannot grab it, the person will evaporate immediately.

After the opponent defeated the baron, they felt that they had taken advantage of it, and they must have thought about retreating immediately.

If you delay a little longer, the pheasants will almost arrive.

Even if people can't reach it immediately, the distance is almost enough to support a big move.

As long as Rambo can use this ultimate move during team battles and the position is quite suitable, it means that he has arrived.

So the best way for V5 now is to hold back. Prince Ning's position is a bit dangerous, and it will be really bad if he is hit.

If there are fewer people, this wave of team battles will really be impossible to fight, and King Ning is still a big man.

It's equivalent to letting the other side make more money.


Just as the colonel was about to open his mouth and say a few more words, he found that Prince Ning's punch went straight in.

The colonel's mouth opened instantly, and he forgot what he was going to say for a moment.

No, you dare to do this?

At this time, the PSG team really cares about the lack of Ning Wang. The commander of their team still feels that they must go all out to take down the Baron first.

At this point in time, the baron is the most important, and the kills are still not as helpful as the baron to the situation.

And at this point in time, the dragon has not reached the kill line at all, and still has four to five thousand health.

Naturally, they subconsciously felt that Prince Ning was testing him and there was no way he would come over.

If you don't have any precautions, you can easily be caught off guard.

Prince Ning is very decisive and is also a Q flasher.

Even if Wei is on guard against her Q flash, it is difficult to react to it.

After hitting the opposite fox with one punch, King Ning directly hit him with a big move.

My brother was also very decisive, flashing a Q skill and taking control.

The fox on the opposite side has the ultimate move on his body at this time, but there is no chance to enlarge the move.

He couldn't move at all from the beginning to the end. King Ning developed well this time, and his burst damage was very considerable.

Chen Ke followed up, struck twice briefly, and then used the Noxian guillotine to kill the fox.

As soon as the fox died, PSG was instantly in chaos.

At this point, the team members began to act inconsistently.

Some people want to take away the baron quickly, while others feel that they want to fight the opponent.

Even if you get the dragon, what's the point if everyone dies.

Taking down the dragon at the cost of five people would definitely be a blood loss.

And everyone on the opposite side is there. After the dragon reaches the kill line, it's not sure who it belongs to.

The most terrifying situation is that the dragon is on the opposite side even if the people are gone.

But when fighting in the Dragon Pit, they are indeed difficult to defeat.

After the brother summoned Xiaoju, he took a closer look and found that there were four people on the V5 side.

Xiaoju looks not doing well, but the damage actually cannot be ignored.

Some players may not be able to do as much damage as Xiaoju in a team fight after a single game.

After the fox on the opposite side was killed, there were also four people. Now it seemed that the number of people was equal.

However, Quisanti on the opposite side had quick eyesight and quick hands at this time, and directly used his ultimate move to take King Ning out of the dragon pit.

Baron's HP is a little ambiguous at this time, so taking away the opponent's jungler is the best option.

King Ning's flash is gone. As long as he goes out, he will not be able to enter the dragon pit for a while. All he needs to do is block his Q skill with his body.

Besides, if Nuoshou were to take him out for a duel, Nuoshou would really be unable to defeat him with the equipment he currently has.

At this time in the dragon pit, including Xiaoju, it should be 3V3 to be precise.

After Chen Ke killed the fox, his first target was Jinx.

After starting sprint, and with Xiaoju's shield on his body, Chen Ke now looks unstoppable.

As soon as he reached Jinx, Tam quickly swallowed it in one gulp.

It didn't matter to Chen Ke, he dealt with Tam very quickly.

After Nuoshou triggered Blood Rage, he had a sweeping attitude in team battles and wanted to kill even his own teammates.

Chen Ke had just finished dealing with Tam and when he won the double kill, King Ning outside was also dealt with by Quisanti.

King Ning has used both his flash and ultimate moves, and taking the lead to start a group fight will definitely take a lot of damage.

His blood volume really can't beat the big Quisanti.

After Quesanti finished dealing with King Ning, he quickly returned to the dragon pit.

Now that Wei is dead, the only output point on the opposite side is Noshou.

He went in and cooperated with Monkey and Jinx. As long as the Nuoshou was eliminated, they could still win.

They didn't regard their brother's Ivern as a human being, but in the fierce hand-to-hand combat, Ivern did play a big role.

PSG's trio of top and bottom junglers were playing around and found something was wrong.

This Nuoshou just can't be beaten to death.

Seeing that his blood volume was low, Ivern's side provided a shield to help support him a little.

Then Nuoshou's Q skill improves, and a Q in the outer circle restores some blood. It's really hard to kill!

"Triple Kill!"

When the monkey was chopped off by Chen Ke, the remaining two people on the PSG side could already feel that something was wrong.

There was a flash of it in Jinx, he just held it in until now and it has been useless.

Anyway, with Tam's protection at the beginning, he didn't need to flash.

Staying in the Dragon Pit is also to cooperate with your teammates in dealing damage.

If he flashes away, his teammates will have no way to deal with Chen Ke inside.

As a result, I didn't expect that even if I added my own output, I still couldn't handle it.

In Nuoshou's current state, he can be killed by touching him twice and then hitting him with an axe. No operation is required at all.

Knowing that he couldn't beat him, PSG, the AD, simply moved to the edge of the dragon pit, thinking of flashing past.

As a result, his brother's Q skill hit him again, and Chen Ke clicked the right button of the mouse to dash forward instantly.

Before Jinx's flash was pressed, he was instantly melted by Chen Ke.

"Quadra Kill!"

The moment the four kills came on, the senior colonel was already extremely excited.

He shouted in an instant: "Five kills, five kills, and one Quisanti!"

"If Quisanti didn't flash, he probably wouldn't be able to beat Nuo Shou. This five-kill wave is sure to happen."

Brother Leg also said something with a smile on his face, but his tone was a little calmer.

The hero Nuoshou is like this. When fighting in a group, as long as he cuts up, it's not too difficult to get five kills. At least it's much easier than those heroes like Rambo.

In this wave, Chen Ke just wanted to be able to operate, but he never expected that he could get five kills in the end.

There is one Quisanti left, and it looks like he has decent health.

However, Chen Ke's current ax is too deadly, and there is no such thing as flesh and blood in front of him.

The two sides fought fiercely together, and my brother kept trying his best.

Because Chen Ke did seem to have low health, I was afraid that Chen Ke would accidentally roll over and be taken away.

My five kills were snatched away by my teammates, and it didn't seem as uncomfortable as being counter-killed by my opponent when I was about to get five kills.

"Oops, Q3 is twisted, Chen Ke's position has changed!"

Seeing that the Q3 in Quisanti's hand did not knock Chen Ke flying, everyone knew that this wave was stable.

Quisanti had no more options at his disposal.

The ax in Chen Ke's hand was also unambiguous. He jumped up and struck again.

In team battles, the most fearful thing is to see Nuoshou jumping like crazy. The sense of oppression is much stronger than Pike's continuous jumping.

"Five kills, Penta..."


The colonel's mood level was already maxed out, and when he called out the five kills, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Why doesn’t the word Pentakill appear on the screen? Wait, how come this head belongs to Ivern?

At the same time, the voice in the V5 team was also quite surprised. King Ning couldn't help shouting: "Huh? Where is the pentakill?"

After Chen Ke landed, he was a little stunned. He didn't even notice what was going on. His brother had taken his head away.

Even if he was robbed of five kills by his teammates, Chen Ke didn't really care about five kills at once.

When he first debuted, he was almost out of luck with five kills, especially in the first season of the LPL.

The past two years have been okay. I rarely get five kills in games. To put it bluntly, my playing style has changed a lot.

The problem is that the pentakill was snatched away by Ivern, which is somewhat difficult for Chen Ke to accept.

How about a hero like Ivern who promised not to do any harm?

Chen Ke couldn't help but said: "Oh, what are you doing~"

My brother was also confused and said somewhat innocently: "Fuck, I don't know, I didn't do anything!"

"This man's head was blown to death by the shield."

Little Buttercream, who had been silent until now, said something silently at this time, obviously he had noticed the details.

My brother was afraid that Chen Ke would be killed in a counter-attack, and the damage done by the hero Quisanti should not be underestimated. There were many famous scenes of counter-attacks in a state of residual health.

Basically, once I have the E skill, I will use it on Chen Ke.

The shield given by Ivern will explode with a damage after the duration ends.

However, the damage is not high, and generally everyone ignores it, unless it is Ivern who uses AP equipment.

Chen Ke's ax blow just now did not kill instantly.

After the chop fell to the ground, Quisanti's blood volume would actually bleed him to death.

What he never expected was that the shield exploded at this moment, directly killing the man's head.

My brother is a passive K-head, and it is indeed not intentional.

And this thing is also a matter of luck, there’s really nothing to say about it.

If you think about it carefully, a human head is just a human head.

In the game, many ways in which Baron was robbed were even more outrageous than Ivern's robbed pentakill.

After this wave of games, we can already win, so it doesn't matter if we get five kills or not. Chen Ke was just teasing his brother.

My brother was very comfortable assisting Chen Ke in this game. Without his brother's support, how could Chen Ke be so happy in this team fight?

And if his brother's skills hadn't kept Jinx, Chen Ke wouldn't have had the chance to kill five. All I can say is that everything was the best arrangement.

At this time, Little Cream and Pheasant also arrived.

The team fight between the two of them had no effect whatsoever.

Little Cream may be a little better, he sent a wave, which directly caused the game to accelerate.

After the two of them came over, the four of V5 directly focused on the big dragon.

Xiaopao now has Kraken and Swift Blade on him, and he can beat the big dragon very quickly.

Once the baron was won, the game completely lost its suspense.

Choosing this basketball combination to go down the lane and win the game made Chen Ke feel quite good.

And it’s not just a mess. It’s really different if C wins the game.

"Hahahaha, damn!"

"These five kills were snatched away by Xiaoju, haha~"

At the same time, in the toothpaste live broadcast room, he smiled happily.

After the start of the offseason, Toothpaste also started to live broadcast to pay off its debts. It had signed a lot of live broadcast time before.

Toothpaste's live broadcast also has little content. To be honest, I am not very enthusiastic about live broadcasts.

Just after MSI starts, watching the game live is a good way to spend some time.

You don’t have to play games yourself, just talk and show everyone the games.

Toothpaste just wanted to hang out for a while, but after the V5 competition started, his popularity in the live broadcast room couldn't go up or down.

As a V5 star, everyone wants to see Toothpaste’s critical comments on old teammates.

From the very beginning of Toothpaste, I felt that Chen Ke’s promise to take out the toothpaste had something to say.

When there was a problem in the wave just now, Toothpaste stopped talking. He felt that if the baron lost, this round would be really difficult.

It's not that I don't believe in the strength of V5, but there are hidden dangers in the V5 lineup selection in this game. It will be more uncomfortable after losing the Baron.

Fortunately, Chen Ke brought Prince Ning and his brother back this time.

All I can say is that these three people are indeed more reckless than the other.

King Ning and his brother came out of IG back then, and what they are best at is this kind of team battle.

If you let me have more people than the opponent, I really may not be able to fight.

Let's not talk about it, Chen Ke. He has even done one-on-five operations, and it was in the World Championships.

When I saw V5 calling back, Toothpaste finally relaxed his brows.

But when he saw his brother snatching Chen Ke's five kills, Toothpaste suddenly smiled.

This mentality is easy to understand. I am afraid that my brother will suffer, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

In the toothpaste live broadcast room, almost everyone is now a fan of V5.

Even if you are a personal fan of toothpaste, you will definitely support V5. This is not a conflict.

Fans really didn't take this pentakill seriously.

Not to mention that this was an accident, even if it was a deliberate robbery, as long as the players have a good relationship, it means there is no problem.

When you usually play games, you must have disgusted your good brother.

People on the barrage were teasing me at this time, asking my brother to wait tonight.

Toothpaste also joked: "As soon as this game is over, Wink will be crazy about it."

By coincidence, Wink was wearing headphones in the backstage lounge at this time and happened to be watching the Toothpaste live broadcast.

Putting aside his ability, Gao Gao's teammates have never had a good relationship with him. On the contrary, everyone likes to play with him.

Wink has always had a good relationship with Toothpaste. When Toothpaste was about to leave, he was sad for a while.

Then I went to wash my feet and it was fine.

Everyone was very casual about this game. Wink just lay there after two games, and no one stipulated that he should always watch the game with the coach and the others.

Wink opened the live broadcast platform himself and saw that Toothpaste was live broadcasting, so he simply clicked in.

Seeing that Toothpaste was leading his own rhythm, Wink couldn't bear it anymore.

Madly posted a barrage saying: "The anchor maliciously sets the pace, report it!"

After interacting with Wink for a while, Toothpaste glanced at the barrage again and suddenly shuddered.

He said speechlessly: "Made, what the hell is Cos Quisanti at night? Even a pervert like me feels perverted."


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