"You'll hit yours later, and I'll hit mine."

Before entering the game, Chen Ke joked with his brother.

In fact, it is impossible for two people who are going down the road together to completely ignore each other.

But the selection of their lineup revealed this meaning.

Except for the little cream in the middle, the Titan is a bit of a team, the other heroes seem to be a little less able to link up and cooperate together.

Even little Lu Bu wasn't nervous at this time.

When he saw Draven being taken out again on the fifth floor, little Lu Bu was indeed a little panicked.

He remembers exactly how Chen Ke's Draven killed him before.

If the whole Titan really goes down the road, even if Draven lets his brother take charge, it will be quite scary.

Fortunately, there is a bomber in the bottom lane, so the threat will be much smaller.

The two commentators no longer knew what to say at this time, and basically just said, let's see what the effect will be later.

He said that he could play with Xuan Nuo in the bottom lane before, but he was still a little worried in his heart.

Because everyone knows by heart that the last time you played was PSG, and this time your opponent is T1. The two teams are not at the same level at all, and they are slightly different.

If you play T1 with a mentality of being cruel to others, if you don't take them seriously, you may overturn.

As long as this team reaches the world competition, it has something to offer.

In the league, they were beaten by Gen.G and couldn't fight back. When they came to MSI, they still defeated Gen.G.

But there is no need to say these words before fighting, and they will probably be ignored.

V5 has so much traffic now, so naturally it has a lot of horror fans.

At the beginning of the game, everyone paid more attention to the bottom lane, but there was nothing interesting about it.

It's relatively bland, and it's hard to hit anything.

With Draven on V5's side, he did get the line right as soon as he went up.

Coupled with the brother's bomber, the skill throwing is not bad. A bomb was thrown to Aphelios on the opposite side, triggering the comet to play at a certain cost.

The second bomb helped Chen Ke clear the line of troops and speed up the line push. In this way, Chen Ke's success rate in grabbing the second level was relatively high.

But it stopped there. To put it bluntly, it couldn't achieve a breakthrough effect.

It would be nice if T1's bottom lane was a little more stable. If you want to grab the second level, I'll let you. I'll just take two steps back.

At this point in time, it’s impossible for you junglers to come down and overtake me.

The two people in the bottom lane of V5, the support has no means of starting a team, and the two of them are not under control. It is impossible to kill them in the lane.

Unless Bomberman uses his W skill to blow the person back, even then he still won't be able to kill him because there is Thresh on the opposite side.

Thresh is a hero whose protective ability is still good.

This is also the reason why everyone is not optimistic about Bomberman's support. It makes no sense to support this hero, let alone when paired with a hero like Draven.

For T1, the hero Aphelios itself is developed.

As long as I can develop normally, there is no need to compete with you Draven.

If you really develop into a team in the later stages, there will be a clear gap between Draven's ability and Aphelios.

What Chen Ke thinks here is that it is indeed difficult to find opportunities in 2V2 laning, but his purpose in this game is to push the tower as soon as possible.

You have to kill people, because if you don't kill the opponent, it will be really difficult to push the tower.

In the early stage, use suppression first. When the line of troops reaches the opposite tower, let your brother's bomber touch the tower.

When Bomberman is passive, he can still damage the defense tower with a flat A.

After the midfielder reaches level 6, he can come down and put pressure.

Bomberman has little control, but the hero Titan in the mid lane can make up for the shortcomings.

What Chen Ke never expected was that something unexpected happened just after the plan was implemented.

At the third level of the bottom lane, Chen Ke pushed another wave of troops into the tower.

At this point in time, their level is ahead of their opponent, and the two players in the bottom lane of T1 are still level two.

Because the wave of troops that is about to enter the tower has not been eaten yet.

After the troops entered the tower, my brother and Chen Ke stuck to the edge of the defensive tower.

All the skills in Bomberman's hand are thrown at the opposite tower. The damage at this point is not high, but it is really disgusting.

Little Lu Bu felt sick for a long time after eating a Ta Dao.


When my brother came to Tower A, what worried Chen Ke the most happened.

Thresh used a hook and accurately hit his brother's bomber.

The crisp business after Thresh's hook hit made Chen Ke a little excited.

Then he remembered that his brother was his teammate now.

If you hook it normally, even if Thresh uses [Pendulum of Doom] to get within the attack range of the defense tower, it won't be a big deal, because their red side's minions are still under the tower at this time.

At this time, little Lu Bu was paying attention to details. The E skill his brother just gave him was still spread under the defense tower.

The tiny bombs did not completely disappear. Little Lu Bu stepped on them, taking some damage and allowing his brother to absorb the damage from the defense tower.

At the same time, Aphelios A dropped a melee soldier, and the two T1 bottom laners flashed with light and reached level three.

After my brother took some damage from the defense tower, he quickly pulled out the defense tower. At this time, it was still very painful to hit someone with the defense tower.

Thresh hurriedly threw a lantern back and pulled Aphelios over.

Aphelios had already used the purple sword, and a falling beam fell on Bomberman. Little Lu Bu directly pressed the Q skill to create a confinement effect.

At the same time, he quickly cut his gun and gave Tongbi Q in his hand to his brother, trying to maximize his damage in a short time.

Thresh's weakness was directly given to Bomberman, just to slow him down.

My brother suffered a lot of damage and his health seemed to be in danger.

The main reason is that the defensive tower killed me, and it seemed to be full of health.

The ax in Chen Ke's hand never stopped, and he was also dealing damage to the opponent Aphelios.

However, the two people in the bottom lane of T1 didn't look at him at all. They knew that Bomberman's health could kill him, and they wanted to work together to kill Bomberman.

If they can get a lane kill and get first blood, then their lane matchup will be very successful. It can be said that it is much better than expected.

The temptation of first blood is really too great. If you give Huanfeng a chance in this situation, Huanfeng will do the same.


The elder brother took two steps back. When he saw that his blood volume could no longer support him, he quickly flashed and pressed it out.

This flash button, he also knew that he would still die.

I just wanted to exchange flashes with Aphelios on the opposite side, seduce people over, and see if I could create an opportunity for Chen Ke to change.

After all, Thresh's lantern has already been used.

My brother didn't expect this hook to be eaten, but he probably guessed what would be displayed on the barrage at this time.


After his brother flashed out, little Lu Bu behind him followed the flash without even thinking.

But before he pressed Flash, the E skill in Chen Ke's hand was released.

At this time, everyone was watching Bomberman, and few people cared about Chen Ke.

A pair of rotating axes accurately predicted the landing point of Little Lu Bu's flash. The moment Little Lu Bu flashed to the ground, they hit him directly and caused a knock-down effect.

A brief interruption of the knock-up is very important. After Lu Bu lands on the ground, he can't get out with the flat A attack.

My brother's flash is closer to the grass on the line.

Chen Ke bought him a short time, and he stepped directly into the grass.

This bush was his last resort.

Not long after it went online, everyone's vision was precious. It was impossible to have real eyes without going home.

There is no T1 eye position in the grass online.

After his brother entered the grass, little Lu Bu's immediate vision was lost.

The flat A in my hand was stuck again.

Going out without A twice in a row makes you look stupid.

And when he was stuck, Chen Ke's output didn't stop for a moment, hitting Aphelios with at least three more axes.

Under Chen Ke's continuous output, little Lu Bu's blood volume also dropped drastically.

He had used some of his brother's skills before, so he was not at full health.

When he took action, several red soldiers under the tower also caused him a little damage.

Now, little Lu Bu was panicking, because after flashing the hand, he had no way out.

Now there is only one way out of Huashan, which is to rush over and replace the bomber.

He had eyes, and as he walked forward, one of his eyes pierced into the grass.


After gaining a field of vision in the grass, little Lu Bu hit the flat A in his hand.

This time, my brother was not taken away because he had also been taking drugs.

The time Chen Ke bought for him and the moment he entered the field of vision of the grass card allowed him to recover a little more blood.

"First Blood!"

If it is not taken away immediately, there will be no chance.

Chen Ke's ax fell from above his head and directly completed the killing.

"Ouch, Chen Ke!!"

"Wow, this wave is so extreme. Jack successfully blocked the blood directly."

"Beautiful, we got first blood!"


The two commentators, like the audience, all shouted out when they saw this thrilling scene.

After Miller finished yelling, he still said: "Chen Ke's prediction of E this time is really crucial, otherwise this first blood would have been little Lu Bu's."

The doll nodded in agreement.

This time, my brother did not die, and there was indeed an element of luck involved, but the main reason was Chen Ke's good operation.

If this E skill didn't predict enough to interrupt little Lu Bu, his brother would definitely die. He wouldn't be able to get into that bush.

When his brother could be killed with just a flash of light, Chen Ke couldn't deal that much damage without the protection of Thresh.

Thresh's E skill is quite fast now. At level one, the cooldown time is shorter than the hook. If he uses his E skill to interfere with Chen Ke, Chen Ke will also feel a little uncomfortable.

If Chen Ke operates correctly, he can also replace Aphelios with flash.

But Aphelios has first blood, and Draven's bounty is not high at this time, so they won't lose money in exchange.

Now that Chen Ke has received first blood and his brother is not dead, the situation will be very different.

T1 fans' hearts even stopped beating at that moment.

Dr. K from behind glanced at his brother and finally held back.

If he flashes up and gives him a flat A, he can indeed take his brother away, but whether he can leave himself is another matter.

Chen Ke has a deadly rhythm in this game. Now that the stack is full, the range can keep chasing him for output.

Little K was afraid that he would not be able to escape and would be forcibly replaced by Chen Ke.

It doesn't mean much for him to get a kill as an assistant. Chen Ke must not be allowed to get a kill again.

The elder brother did not move in the grass at first. Knowing that the grass had eyes, he was deliberately seducing Thresh.

Seeing that Thresh was not fooled, his brother withdrew.

Because the Thresh hook was about to cool down soon, my brother was afraid that he would take another hook and be taken away directly.

"Made, that was the real limit just now."

After being out of danger, my brother finally spoke.

When he was hooked, my brother was really a little panicked. Don't be in trouble just because he collapsed in the bottom lane.

I didn't expect Chen Ke to be able to fight back. Having thighs is really comfortable.

If Chen Ke had low emotional intelligence at this time, he would simply say: "You have to pay attention, if you take the bait again, you really can't save him."

But with the relationship between Chen Ke and his brother now, how could he have the heart to blame him.

Instead, he encouraged him with a high-EQ statement: "Well done Wenbo!"

"This wave of seduction was so beautiful that it directly made the two people on the opposite side lose their minds. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to get first blood."

After Chen Ke finished speaking, the other three people in the team started thinking about it.

I thought that it turned out to be a deliberate attempt to seduce him, and I thought that my brother was getting sick again and started to trigger the Q attribute to take advantage of the hook.

But this seduction was really bold, and I almost got myself involved in it.

At this time, my brother felt warm and caring.

I was encouraged in my heart and planned to continue working hard to find more opportunities for Chen Ke!


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