
Chen Ke's teammates are not in a good mood at the moment.

Originally, if this wave went well, it would have been possible to end the game directly.

As a result, the dragon was surrounded by a wave of attacks from the opposite side, but it was as if the dragon didn't make anything, and even suffered a loss.

Fortunately for G2, the entire army was not wiped out. At least the two players in the bottom lane were still alive.

It's okay for Bronn, it doesn't matter whether he dies or not.

Even if there is still the big dragon buff on him, it will be enough to wait until others are resurrected, and it will be difficult to organize an effective wave of advancement.

Mainly Chen Ke, he is now worth a thousand yuan per head.

If this person is killed by Jingdong, no matter who gets the head, he will make up for it.

It is conceivable that the senior colonel would shout "one thousand yuan" crazily!

If Chen Ke didn't die, it wouldn't be considered a blood loss. At least the advantage was still on G2's side, but the rhythm was slightly interrupted.

The teammates kept shouting to retreat, but the support was okay and deliberately protected Chen Ke.

Be prepared to sell yourself and protect Chen Ke when someone catches up later.

As a result, Chen Ke turned around while walking.

Facing JD's lineup, he threw a W skill to slow him down, and Chen Ke started to move A.

All four teammates were stunned. Even though all the teammates were gone, they still wanted to fight back?

Although there are two people now, Braum is not in good condition and has no ultimate move.

There was no harm at all, barely a third of a person at most.

Rounding things off, Chen Ke is preparing to fight one against five.

"Oh, Walter!!!"

His teammates were signaling frantically, thinking that Chen Ke was crazy!

Several people from Jingdong gave up the pursuit themselves.

The Duke who was chasing at the front seemed to have a chance, but before he got close, Braum gave him a Q skill to slow him down.

Without the flash on the body, it is basically difficult to catch up.

He didn't expect that the opponent Han Bing would dare to turn around and fight back. Did he think that he would be more powerful if he was better equipped?

"Damn it, this guy is so good at pretending."

"Kill the ice, kill the ice!"


The Jingdong team suddenly started to give orders fiercely.

There is only one goal, Ice Shooter!

With the dynamic melody in his ears, Chen Ke felt no pressure at all.

Since this wave of BGM can sound, it means there is room for maneuver.

If the five people on Jingdong are all in full condition and have relatively complete skills.

Then it's completely impossible for you to bring an assistant to fight five of them, even if the Six Gods are installed, you won't be able to fight.

The ice itself has no movement, and it is difficult to withstand all the enemies coming at you.

But now it's the endgame!

JD.com has seized the opportunity very well this time, but relatively speaking, it has paid a certain price.

The skills are almost used, and the status is also average.

Especially the two people at the front, Duke and Lu Mao, were both in a state of residual health.

Although one person on G2's side was defeated in seconds, they still had the advantage of having an economic advantage due to their equipment.

Although I have never fought back, the output is still there.

That is to say, Chen Ke didn't have a good output position just now, otherwise it would be impossible for all members of Jingdong to still be there after this wave.

The current situation is reversed. As long as the operations are in place, everything is possible.

When Chen Ke started operating, he could feel that his overall fluency had improved to a higher level.

Could it be that after cutting the song, different BGM bonuses are also different.

The Duke at the front still had Braum's passive on him, and Chen Ke was stunned three times in a row.

No one on Jingdong's side retreated, and everyone came over to attack Chen Ke.

In this situation, as long as Chen Ke can be killed, even if two people die, he can accept it.

After all, it’s a thousand yuan head.

If Chen Ke dies, Bron will definitely not be able to escape.

Even if two people are sacrificed to replace G2 in the bottom lane, it will definitely be a bloody gain.

Fortunately, Bronn didn't sell Chen Ke, although I don't understand why Chen Ke ran a few steps and then wanted to turn around and fight back.

But since AD ​​is playing, there is no reason for support to run.

Even though he no longer has a big move, Bron is still very solid when he holds a security door in front of him.

Chen Ke's damage is very high now. Several straight A hits on the Duke's body still have the effect of destruction. The Duke's wrist hero cannot withstand the amount of blood at all.

In the dazed state, Chen Ke killed him before he even fired [charged punch].

After Chen Ke opened his Q with A, he completely took off.

Frantically pulling A away, Han Bing shook his head crazily!

The colonel and the cat king were stunned.

From the beginning of "Huh? This ice dares to fight back, someone is sending it!" to now "I'll go, what kind of harm is this?!"

Chen Ke's equipment is definitely the best in the game.

Three and a half pieces of equipment in over twenty minutes.

And when Aoun can buy equipment, the first target to buy equipment is Chen Ke.

All Orn players know that equipment should be given to the fattest person first.

Now the "Blade of the Ruined King" on Chen Ke has been renamed to "The Power of the Ruined King"!

After Hanbing has the three pieces of equipment: Ruin, Hurricane, and Endless, the damage is actually enough.

Especially after Endless.

Normally, the fourth item would be defensive equipment, such as resurrection armor and the like.

But Chen Ke chose to wear it full, and planned to make a green cross for the fourth item. He hasn't reached that stage yet, he just bought a yellow cross on his body.

However, because the dilapidation has been upgraded, Chen Ke now has about the same four pieces of equipment.

Keep pulling, keep outputting!

The people at JD.com are obviously a little bit overwhelmed.

When the team fight started just now, Chen Ke didn't use all his firepower, so they didn't have a clear understanding of Chen Ke's current damage.

Only when it was actually touched on the body did one realize that it turns out that freezing pain can be so painful!

After the Duke fell, there were four people left in JD.

Logically speaking, it doesn't matter if there is one less top laner with residual health. If the top laner doesn't dodge or attack, he won't pose much of a threat.

But now the problem is the lack of flash, which makes it difficult for them to meet Chen Ke.

Chen Ke was very good at pulling strings and kept an ambiguous distance.

I can reach you, but you can hardly reach me.

Not to mention that there is a Bronn holding up the front.

Mikyx didn't think he could survive this wave, so he used his life to create output space for Chen Ke.

Although there is no output, the E skill plays a big role for a while when it is activated.

What is very detailed is that before falling down, he tried his best to use his passive on the opposite side of flat A.


Under Chen Ke's crazy output, the male gunner fell second.

Two of the remaining three people still had residual health and looked like they couldn't fight.

Chen Ke didn't even give them any room to think. He flashed forward to avoid the female tank's E skill. There was no way to retreat!

"Quadra Kill!"

When Chen Ke succeeded in the fourth kill, the scene returned to calm again.

Even the two commentators didn't know what to say.

Your silence is deafening!

There is only one LokeN left, and this kid knows how to protect KDA.

Seeing that his teammates couldn't hold on any longer, he knew with his blood volume that he couldn't kill Chen Ke at all, so he hurriedly ran into the spring.

When they found out that Chen Ke was one kill short of a five-kill kill, everyone's inner voice at this moment was: "LokeN, run!"

This two-on-five wave was exaggerated enough. If the two-on-five team also got a five-kill, I can't even imagine what kind of famous scene it would be.

I can't control that much now.

It's okay to lose, but I definitely can't give you five kills!


PS: Brothers, is the story about my brother true or false? I can’t even write down the words I’m worried about!

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