He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 531: He wants Chen Ke Hongwen to show his sword in front of his face?

"If you keep saying that, Pheasant will almost be unbearable."

Everyone started joking.

It was obvious who the friend Pheasant was talking about was.

In fact, Shanji has another one he hasn’t mentioned yet, he has Big Brother’s private WeChat account.

The boss even sent him a message a while ago, letting him have time to visit the manor.

Now everyone knows that visiting Dabi Manor is more than just a meal.

Not to mention the pick-up and drop-off service, you can also take your mobile phone when you arrive.

For many professional players, an iPhone is quite valuable.

Not every professional player can earn hundreds or tens of millions a year.

But Pheasant also knows that he has to prepare for the game, so he probably doesn't have time to commentate on the game.

Moreover, King Ning, Chen Ke and the big force in the team all have their own rhythm. If he goes there, he will be somewhat incapable of being a good person.

Pheasant didn't agree either, so naturally he wouldn't talk about it to anyone else.

Chen Ke let the pheasant go after saying a few words, and suddenly thought of something.

He opened his mouth and said, "If one day Xiaotian can buy Dabi Manor and live there every day, I guess I won't be depressed in this life."

"Hahaha, you are so outrageous. I'm afraid Xiaotian won't be able to afford a house worth tens of millions."

"Besides, if you have that kind of money, people won't sell it."


Chen Ke and the others did not broadcast live, so this chat was just a joke within the team and did not cause any commotion on the Internet.

The most discussed topic on the Internet right now is EDG.

After all, he won the game, and now the online public opinion is definitely in favor.

Everyone has won the game, and they have won two rounds in the playoffs. Naturally, it will be difficult for the black players to perform for the time being.

Fans of the Holy Knights are mostly thinking about the next game at this time.

On the other hand, no one at Taobo cared.

Even Xiaotian, who had greater responsibilities today, didn't see a few people in the meeting.

There are definitely some, but not many in number.

All I can say about Taobo now is that after his brother left, there are not many fans left.

To put it bluntly, most of the previous Taobo fans were my brother’s fans.

After his brother left, the impact on the entire Taobo team was still relatively large.

In addition to fans, attention has also dropped a lot, and this is the most terrible thing.

When my brother was here before, many people who were not fans wanted to watch Taobo's games just for fun.

EDG will face V5 in the next round, and you can imagine the popularity.

Tengjing also paid close attention to marketing and tried its best to warm up for this game in a short period of time.

Mainly before, no one expected EDG's current strength to meet V5 in the playoffs.

Now that we have really encountered it, we can only say that this is the situation that Teng Jing wants to see the most.

Now fans of the Holy Knights are not only thinking about defeating V5, but also starting to think about winning the summer split.

Some normal people can't stand it and ask if they are overthinking it, and they will be retaliated immediately.

"Before the playoffs started, it seemed to you that EDG couldn't win even one round. Now isn't it better to win two BO5s?"

"We have already qualified for the Bubble Tournament. Why do fans think so much?"

"I won't open the champagne after winning the game. It's really your fault."

"When you win V5 later, it will be too late for you to lick it."


In addition to some remarks about early loans, there is also a classic picture that has also become popular.

It’s a picture of the Grim Reaper carrying a scythe and knocking on the door one by one.

The team logos of WE and TES were hung on the front two doors, and there was a pool of blood at the door.

At this moment, the God of Death has arrived at the door of V5.

Chen Ke just looked at it without making any response.

He was thinking about how to increase his intensity when he returned to the game.

The next night, the starting lineup was announced.

Chen Ke is not in the starting lineup and is still on the bench.

V5 continues the same starting lineup that has been played in the regular season.

When they found out that there was no Chen Ke, fans felt a little bored.

I've already had a season off, why can't I make the playoffs?

Everyone thought that if they met EDG, Chen Ke would appear directly without saying a word.

When predicting before the game, many people felt that Chen Ke would start.

On the spinach website, there is also a list of whether Chen Ke will be the starter.

However, fans of V5 are not in a hurry. Chen Ke certainly has his reasons if he doesn’t want to join.

To be honest, it does take some time to adjust after not playing for a season.

Besides, in a BO5 game, the starting lineup means nothing, it’s just the personnel in the first game.

If Chen Ke wants to get involved, there will be plenty of opportunities later.

V5 fans didn't say anything, but EDG was a bit arrogant.

It's not enough to say that Chen Ke was scared. That's just a joke, and no one in his right mind would be able to say it.

But it is true that many EDG fans asked Chen Ke to come out in the comment area.

Combined with the comments made by EDG fans on the Internet in the past two days, you will find that the people calling for Chen Ke to play are not fools, they are serious.

The competition venue is in Xi'an, but it is not the home court of the WE team.

The capacity of WE’s home stadium is still a little small.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the game officially started.

The game was packed with thousands of seats packed.

Before the game started, the scalpers really made a fortune.

In the first game, V5 took the initiative to choose the blue side.

The game was not too easy, and it took 25 minutes for V5 to establish its advantage.

Chen Ke was watching the game in the audience, and he could see that it had nothing to do with how strong EDG was.

It's purely because V5 hasn't played a game in a long time and needs some time to become proficient.

After winning the first game, even if Chen Ke doesn't play next, V5 can successfully win EDG.

I dare not say that each game is faster than the last, but it is definitely faster than the first game.

V5 without Chen Ke is much stronger than EDG in terms of strength. If you look at Ah Le who is the hardest working person in the team, you will know how far it has reached.

The two opponents that EDG was able to win were purely due to their own relatively big problems.

"You can't get the next one?"

After coming down, Wink couldn't help but ask.

Chen Ke laughed: "Why, I'm not in a hurry yet, you are more anxious than me."

"Come on, I'll come down just in time to watch the game."

Wink gave Chen Ke a look: "I prefer to watch you play Uzi."

Chen Ke didn't show any pretense and asked Aning to go to the staff to report the substitution news.

Chen Ke's own plan is that in the second game, whether he loses or wins the first game, it will not affect Chen Ke's plan.

Why is there such an arrangement? Isn't Chen Ke anxious to go up and give Uzi a red temperature?

Of course Chen Ke wants the red temperature reward, but if you want to give him red temperature three times in a row, it is impossible.

Some people are ripe when they are red. If they are already ripe, how can they still be red when you tell me?

So there is no need to rush, let your teammates go up and play a game first.

Winning or losing is good for Chen Ke, and Chen Ke also guessed that he would win with a high probability.

After winning, I will tell everyone that V5 can beat you without Chen Ke. It has nothing to do with whether Chen Ke is here or not.

If Chen Ke makes his debut in the starting lineup, he will have a reason to wash his hands after he loses. There is no shame in being unable to beat Chen Ke. This sentence has now become the consensus in the industry.

If EDG had been in better shape in the first game, it would have been much easier to win.

Presumably the EDG players can't help but imagine the scenario of winning V5. In this case, it will be easier for Chen Ke to put pressure on him again.

"I just received a notice that Chen Ke will be in the next round."

In the EDG lounge, after their brief review was over, Abramovich said: "After Chen Ke joins, the pressure on you two in the bottom lane will be greater."

"When the focus is on your bot lane, I don't think you need to think too much, just put down your baggage and go fight."

“Putting too much pressure on yourself and thinking too much can lead to problems.”


Abramovich is trying his best to provide psychological counseling to the two players in the bottom lane.

In the last game, I played against my brother and Wink, and they were killed by the line when they were at level three.

Now that Chen Ke is on the board, it stands to reason that the pressure on the bottom lane will be even greater.

If the bottom lane cannot be stabilized at this time, no matter how many tactics you use, it will be useless.

In fact, Abu doesn't think the two of them can be stable. He just hopes it won't be so miserable. It would be better to let Ale play YSKM on the top lane to gain some advantage.

Then there is hope for them.

A Le is a bit of a jerk. Hearing Abu talk so much nonsense makes me feel a little uncomfortable to be honest.

The level of chicken soup is not as good as Zhu Kai's.

After finally waiting for Abu to finish speaking and everyone was about to go on stage, A Le joked: "Wuzi, be careful later, Chen Ke will probably target you later, so don't become famous."

Now that they have become familiar with each other, Ah Le is more rude in his words.

And he really knows how to control temperature.

Uzi is not angry either, the temperature is still acceptable.

He just smiled and said, "Chen Ke, you're okay. They really don't want to specifically target me now."

"Besides, it's not certain who will play AD between him and Jack."

After a few days of contact with Chen Ke during the Asian Games training, Uzi felt that there was really nothing between him and Chen Ke.

The relationship has also eased.

If Chen Ke was so anxious to target him, he would have taken the first step. How could he wait until now?

They may have already planned to appear in the playoffs, and it has little to do with me.

After Chen Ke came on the stage, the fans at the scene started cheering and shouting crazily before the game entered the BP stage.

The reason was that Uzi fans kept shouting cheers below.

Just shout a few words. If you keep shouting like this, V5 fans will be annoyed.

The rebellious psychology was directly stimulated, and everyone even shouted for Chen Ke to come on.

EDG has a lot of fans, but they are still far behind V5, so the sound of cheering was completely drowned out.

The scene has completely turned into V5’s home court.

This game was a bit surprising. Even though EDG had the initiative, they still chose the red side.

You know the current version, the red side seems to be at a bit of a disadvantage.

Normally everyone would choose blue.

This move by EDG just gave the commentators room to imagine.

The three commentators murmured there for a long time, feeling that EDG most likely had some secret weapon.

I am willing to take the initiative to go to the red side, not just for the last counter position.

Both sides banned people with three hands, but EDG focused on Draven.

Draven is a hero who cannot be let go as long as Chen Ke gets it.

The two players in the bottom lane are top-notch Draven. If you let him out, they will dare to pick him. If you pick him, you won't be able to deal with him.

V5 was on the first floor and directly grabbed a small cannon in the middle.

In this version of the playoffs, small cannons in the middle are still very popular. After the electric knife is released, the main focus is a quick push.

In addition, Enchantress is also a popular hero. When the electric knife Enchantress is on the line, she has a disgusting effect.

In addition to these two electric knife heroes, there are also Neeko, Tsar and the like who often appear.

If that doesn't work, there are mid laners with sharp faces like Fox and Akali to choose from.

The hero Xiaopao is very important to both teams.

On the EDG side, this is the hero FoFo has played most skillfully recently.

After Chen Ke came up, he didn't have much impact on the team's overall tactics. It was still a matter of how to choose.

Wang Duoduo commented: "V5 chose Xiaopao first, but I don't think it's easy to determine where this hero will go."

There are also people who try to take the botched path for the hero Xiao Pao.

With the help of Mirio, the hands are very long.

Look at the two players in the bottom lane, they can also play small guns.

Everyone knows that Little Cream is probably the worst one among Little Pao.

When it was EDG's turn, they decisively chose the weapon for Ale first.

The hero Weapon is currently quite strong, plus this is Ah Le’s signature.

EDG is worried about V5's lineup of two shooters and three shooters.

If there are weapons, it will be more restrained against a double-shooter lineup.

There was back and forth between the two sides, but it seemed as if they had reached some kind of tacit understanding. They seemed to be prepared to wait until the fourth or fifth floor before choosing the bottom lane.

During the second round of banning people, Mai Zijian took the initiative and asked: "Verus, do you want to play? If not, just ban him."

Chen Ke couldn't hold it back: "What's the purpose of ban? He doesn't know how to play."

"Really or not, there's nothing Verus can't do."

My brother obviously didn't believe it. In his eyes, this hero was simple.

Chen Ke smiled and said: "Then look back and see if he chooses. If he chooses, you will understand after you see it."

It's one thing to put this thing out anyway, but it's another thing entirely whether the opponent chooses it or not.

EDG selected a pig girl on the fourth floor of the red square. Once this thing was selected, everyone knew that Riel, who was selected before, was definitely in the auxiliary position.

Riel can swing now, and since Meiko is a hero who has been played less, at first, I subconsciously thought that he would be used as a jungler by Jiejie.

"EDG's fifth floor is directly left to AD. I don't know if Uzi has prepared anything new."

When Brother Leg saw this, he couldn't help but mention it, raising everyone's expectations again.

"Hey, are you preparing for Vayne?"

"Don't tell me, Vayne is okay in this game. EDG's lineup is very solid in the front row, and they need a hero who can hit meat faster."


My brother was on the fourth floor, so he simply showed off a Vayne, causing a burst of screams from the crowd.

When the camera was shown, I found that Chen Ke and his brother were both laughing.

Liang Wei'en was just his brother's own behavior, Chen Ke had no intention of playing with it.

Choosing Vayne in front of Uzi and showing him her skin probably won't have any effect now.

In addition, Chen Ke really doesn't want to play Vayne. Playing that hero is quite tiring.

After taking such a long break from playing games, Chen Ke wanted to relax.

Brother sneaked away from everyone for a while, and in the last few seconds, he chose a bull head to fight Riel.

As soon as this Niutou was selected, everyone was obviously not very happy.

Fortunately, on the next fifth floor, you can see what Chen Ke is going to play.

Everyone was waiting for Chen Ke's answer. Chen Ke thought for a moment and said, "If it doesn't work, just go to Varus."

Everyone: "?"

Brother: "Didn't you agree to show it to the other side to see if they choose?"

"I changed my mind and plan to teach him first."


The audience obviously felt that Varus was a bit boring, and everyone still wanted to see Vayne more.

But the next second, EDG caused the scene to explode.

They actually locked onto Vayne directly on the fifth floor.

That’s right, it’s locked directly!

Even Chen Ke was slightly surprised by this result. How dare he play Vayne in front of him?

He doesn’t want me to be Hong Wen too, right?

But if you choose this thing, are you sure it can withstand the laning period?

Chen Ke couldn't understand, but was shocked.

My brother's expression also changed instantly. I don't know why, but he felt a bit like a clown.

I kept it on for a long time without making a choice, but someone just chose it.

If they win, this will be a bit of a slap in the face.


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