He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 538 Chen Ke unexpectedly leaves the circle and fights for the gold medal!

At 8pm on the 23rd, the Asian Games officially opened.

In terms of the opening ceremony, people are still looking forward to it.

Anyway, in Chen Ke's opinion, the opening ceremony of this large-scale sports meeting should be better than the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in the past two years.

As e-sports players, Chen Ke and the others can attend the opening ceremony just like other athletes.

This is the benefit of becoming an official event of the Asian Games.

If it were still an exhibition match and you wanted to enter the opening ceremony, it would be impossible.

Overall, this is a new experience.

No matter how much you carry in the S game and no matter how many championships you win, you will never experience the feeling of wearing a national team uniform and entering the field.

Chen Ke and the others arrived at the gymnasium early in the afternoon.

A simple make-up is required, in short, just follow the instructions.

After the opening ceremony began, everyone also experienced a long wait.

As the host, we need to be the last to enter, so everyone has to wait a little longer.

There was nothing impatient, Chen Ke and the others were quite looking forward to it.

After all, this is the first time to participate, and everyone knows that this is the only time in life.

If you want to persist for a few more years and be selected for the national team, it is really difficult.

Korean players still have a chance to do it, but our players most likely cannot.

And we won’t be the host of the next Asian Games.

The cheers you enjoy at home are completely different from those in other countries.

The moment he came out, I could feel the whole stadium shaking, and the tide of cheers seemed to be engulfing everyone.

Chen Ke and the others held small flags in their hands and waved them while walking among the crowd.

Chen Ke often experiences this kind of cheers from the audience.

There were even tens of thousands of people cheering for Chen Ke.

If there is a difference this time, it may be that the identity is different.

There were also so many camera flashes on set that it felt like there were lights and shadows flickering all the time.

Prince Ning was very excited and roared to say something to Chen Ke.

But the scene was so noisy that it was impossible to hear what was being said. Chen Ke could only nod perfunctorily.

After the entrance ceremony, everyone returned to the backstage and dispersed without staying any longer.

Many people have competitions tomorrow, so they can't waste too much time and need to rest quickly.

In fact, some people in their representative team did not come to the scene today because of the competition.

Before the opening ceremony, some competitions started.

Our national team delegation has a total of more than 1,300 people, ranking first among all countries and regions.

But Chen Ke's visual inspection showed that there were not that many people present at the opening ceremony today.

On the way back to the Asian Games Village, everyone was very excited.

They kept discussing the opening ceremony just now, and the excitement was hard to dissipate for a while.

What Chen Ke didn't expect was that he would become famous just after the opening ceremony of the Asian Games.

With Chen Ke's current popularity, he is already a top-notch presence in the industry.

The one who can still make Chen Ke popular must be out of the circle.

Every time at the opening ceremony of a sports meeting, there are always some athletes with relatively good looks who suddenly become popular on Weibo.

In order to cope with this wave of traffic, people might come here specially to open a Weibo.

This year, I never expected that the person that everyone was paying attention to in terms of appearance was actually a person from my own country.

When Chen Ke saw the news forwarded by his teammates, he felt a little unreal.

He is not a standard-bearer or anything like that, and his status as an e-sports player is definitely not worthy of him.

Chen Ke just blended in with the crowd and ended up getting caught in a shot.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but I think Chen Ke's appearance is quite eye-catching, so I gave it to him.

The shot only lasts for two seconds. It is very rare to get a shot that lasts two seconds.

Just because we are the host this time, we are given a lot of screen time and shots, otherwise Chen Ke would not be able to get his turn.

This year's entrance attire is a blue suit with white pants, which looks quite stylish.

This outfit cannot be measured by money, and it definitely adds to your appearance.

Even Prince Ning's looks look a bit impressive after wearing this outfit. One can imagine what kind of effect Chen Ke's looks will have after adding a layer of buffs.

The group of girls on Weibo who didn’t know Chen Ke were just exclaiming that he was so handsome.

Then Chen Ke's information was quickly learned by everyone, because Chen Ke himself has a lot of traffic and many people know Chen Ke.

He was just handsome at first, but once he got to know him, he realized that he is currently the number one person in the League of Legends.

Earning thousands of W a year, this is the key point, it is circled and tested.

After knowing Chen Ke's income, looking at Chen Ke again, I feel that in addition to his handsomeness, he is a bit more ordinary.

Chen Ke's income can already beat more than 95% of domestic athletes.

After an hour of fermentation and dissemination, Chen Ke's Weibo fans are still growing crazily, and at the same time, the hot search about him has reached the second place.

The second most searched topic on Weibo today is a very valuable position.

Because the first place can only be the opening of the Asian Games. No matter how much you recharge Zhalang, you will not be able to get the first place.

Chen Ke felt like a mirror in his heart. He was indeed very popular today, but to reach the second most searched position, Tengjing must have worked hard.

If you use the Asian Games to praise Chen Ke, it can also increase the popularity of LOL events.

The benefits of spending some money are very high, so Tengjing is not lenient at all when it comes to recharging.

In addition, Weibo is also cooperating with them, otherwise how could they form a team?

I can only say that fortunately, this Asian Games is more certain.

If the heat is so great, and you get a bronze medal, you will be a little overwhelmed.

"Guigui, Chen Ke, you are really on fire this time."

"I feel like after the Asian Games, maybe a variety show will invite you."

"Baolan and Leng Shao can both appear in variety shows. It's not a matter of words for Chen Ke to want to be on them."

"Made, it's good to be handsome. I'm envious."

"Where's Chen Ke? Why don't you say a word? Are you pretending to be serious since you left the circle?"


The group chat between Chen Ke and his teammates was very lively at this time. Everyone was discussing this and making fun of Chen Ke.

This is how good brothers are, they will never miss an opportunity to tease you.

This is also the reason why men can't post casually on WeChat Moments now. If you pretend to be cool and write some deep copy, someone will come over and be weird the next day.

Chen Ke was just scrolling through Weibo and forgot to reply to the group message for a while.

I climbed up the stairs and scanned the news, and found that Prince Ning was the most cheerful, so I couldn't help but say, "It's thanks to Prince Ning that I'm famous."

"How do you say this? I feel like your next sentence doesn't have anything nice to say."

"In the CCTV cameras, I appeared in the same frame as Prince Ning, so everyone thought I was so handsome."

"You're going to be caught by Kanavi if you beat the Korean team. I won't even go to the middle."

The brief explosion did not affect Chen Ke's normal preparation rhythm.

The Asian Games is coming soon, so I’m still a little nervous.

The only difference is that now that Chen Ke goes to eat in the restaurant in the Asian Games Village, more people may come to ask for photos with Chen Ke than before.

On the 25th, the League of Legends competition officially begins.

However, on the 25th and 26th, the group stage will begin first.

Because the Chinese team ranked first in the Asian Games, they did not need to play in the group stage and directly entered the quarterfinals.

The group stage was not interesting either. Teams like South Korea and Vietnam were all killing each other in the group.

On the 27th, the knockout rounds officially begin.

All four quarter-final matchups will be played within one day.

There are two shows at 9 a.m. and two shows at 2 p.m.

The scene supports two games starting at the same time, which is also the basic operation of many events.

Chen Ke's first teammate also played for the provincial team, but he was the representative team of Australia Island.

During the Asian Games journey, I met the team from Australia Island, but it was not Chen Ke and the others at that time.

In the first game, the entire main lineup will be played directly, it doesn't matter what the opponent's strength is.

In the Asian Games, it would be boring for Chen Ke to show off and not play, because there were only a few games in total.

No matter who you play, there is no suspense in this game against Australia Island.

In the two games, Chen Ke and the others had quite a good time.

I didn't deliberately let go, so I was fighting with all my strength, but I wasn't precise enough.

It's like a big brawl between the two sides. They basically fight together when they encounter each other. There is no operation at all.

In terms of operation, there aren't even any LPL players on the Australian island side, so the gap is still quite big.

But at this pace, it's easier for them to get kills.

Although the game ended very quickly, with one game over in just over 20 minutes, the scene didn't look that ugly.

In the second game, substitutions were adjusted.

I replaced Wink and let my left hand come up to experience it. Chen Ke was still on the court, but he couldn't pass the bottom lane.

The two games combined, including BP, will probably only last about an hour.

Chen Ke and the others successfully defeated their opponents and entered the semi-finals.

In fact, in competitions like the Asian Games, there is no such thing as the semi-finals.

Everyone only looks at what medals you get. If fourth place doesn’t even get a medal, it will feel like it’s different from the top three.

On the other side, the South Korean team, which started at the same time, ended at about the same time as Chen Ke and the others, and easily won the big team.

The strength of Goudahu's representative team is indeed worse than that of Ao Island, and they have no ability to fight back.

The game between the two sides looked a bit miserable.

Today's game has no reference value, and the gap will not reveal anything.

Everyone knows that tomorrow's war between China and South Korea is the focus.

After Chen Ke and the others finished the game today, the first Asian Games e-sports gold medal was produced.

It was the pesticide team that won its first e-sports gold medal.

This gold medal is somewhat special in a certain sense.

After all, it is the first gold medal after becoming an official event.

Pesticide was able to get this first gold medal because of the competition time and their schedule was earlier.

To put it bluntly, it depends on the official arrangement. Since it is arranged like this, it is a tacit consent for them to get the first deposit.

First of all, we must get this first e-sports gold.

Among various projects, pesticides are the most stable.

Even if you don't choose a national team, if KPL just pulls any team over, it's probably going to be a gold medal.

The main thing is to be foolproof.

Seeing that the pesticide side had won gold medals, Chen Ke and the others were still a little stressed.

On the 28th, it was still the same time. Chen Ke and the others got up at around seven o'clock.

After breakfast, we arrived at the competition site at eight o'clock.

Getting up so early every day is somewhat contrary to the group training.

All I can say is that the weather is not bad now at the end of September.

If it were really winter, getting up early would be a bit overwhelming.

It was still at yesterday's game. When Chen Ke and the others entered the venue, the audience was full.

But this venue is not big, so it cannot accommodate many spectators.

Moreover, the tickets you buy for this e-sports competition can only ensure that you are buying this item, but not which event.

There is no way to choose the show, which one you see has something to do with luck.

Everyone wants to watch the battle between China and South Korea, because this is the gold medal battle that comes early.

Like the afternoon match between Vietnam and the provincial team, no one was really interested in watching it.

The two teams are playing each other, which is just rookies pecking each other. It's really nothing interesting to watch.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Ke and the others sat on the gaming chairs, and the game started on time.

There is no entrance ceremony, and there is nothing to do. This kind of occasion should not be done.

Both teams played in the starting lineup, with Feike from South Korea sitting on the bench.

In Kouma's view, the increased power will make the team's overall combat effectiveness stronger.

At the Asian Games, Feike is more like a mascot. With his status here, he would not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

Feike did not start the game and specifically explained that it was because he had a cold recently.

Whether it's a real cold or not is hard to say.

Anyway, I found a reason, and at least the fans can accept it.

Sitting at the game site, Chen Ke and the others were no longer nervous. They were even less nervous than when they played against Ao Island yesterday.

Yesterday was the first Asian Games game. It was the first time for everyone, so it is inevitable to be nervous.

After gaining experience today, and having played against the Korean team a lot, this is the first time for the national team, but in everyone’s eyes, it is not much different from those teams in the LCK.

There are even two old acquaintances from JD.com, who often win in the LPL.

In the first game, the Korean team was on the blue side.

The right to choose sides was changed from guessing coins to drawing lots, and the Korean team got the right to choose sides.

In BO3 games, side selection is still very important. In this version, you must choose the blue side.

The lineup everyone chose was quite conventional, including Chen Ke.

He simply chose a fox and formed a classic midfield combination with King Ning's Wei.

Among the strong ADs in the current version, Xiaopao and Enchantress are among them. Xiaopao has a higher priority, but today both heroes are in the ban position.

Chaowei was on the opposite side and chose a rock bird to face Chen Ke.

Frankly speaking, this hero doesn't appear much in the middle lane at the moment.

It can only be said that it has a certain restrictive effect on the fox's displacement.

Just like some people like to use little mages to fight foxes, the E skill limits the fox's sudden advance.

On the road, I chose Crocodile for Brother 9 to fight Zeus' weapons.

On the bottom lane, we have Xia + Reel on our side, and Varus + Lenata on the opposite side.

The Korean team’s jungler is Daeshu, and our team’s jungler is Wei.

Judging from the lineup, the Chinese team's lineup mainly focuses on a sudden appearance when entering the field.

Everyone rushes in together, and the ability to start a group will be stronger.

However, the Korean team's choice of Lenata is pretty good, with strong protection and defensive abilities.

It can only be said that the lineup is only one aspect, and it depends on the performance of the players.

After the game started, the process was a little different from what everyone thought.

There are too many people paying attention to this game.

Fans in the industry are all watching the Asian Games, so there is nothing to say about this.

The point is that after Chen Ke became popular these days, the popularity has not dissipated, but he has gained many new fans.

Everyone is watching Chen Ke's competition, wanting to see Chen Ke win the gold medal.

Everyone knows that today's game is very crucial. According to the public opinion before the game, we thought we would win easily.

But as soon as the game started, everyone suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Except for the middle lane, when the camera shows the upper and lower lanes, the Korean team has the advantage.

With this selected lineup, it’s normal that the bottom lane can’t beat the laning in the early stages. Varus and Lenata’s laning abilities are too strong.

If you can't beat them on the top lane, it's just a matter of personal ability.

Crocodile is a hero who, to be honest, is easy to use weapons in the early stage. Weapons are more expensive than the equipment of God Point.

Before the gods came out, the combat effectiveness of weapons was not very strong.

But I can't stand it, Zeus has tricks, after all, he is currently the number one top laner in the world.

Brother 9 didn't handle a detail well when he was at level 2, which resulted in a loss for the blood exchange.

In addition, I knew that the big tree on the opposite side was coming up, so I naturally had to back off a little.

As a result, in the eyes of some people, they were beaten and unable to play.

Many of the spectators who came to the scene were also worried.

Akun and his girlfriend came to the scene today. They are a young couple working in Hangzhou.

I was lucky enough to buy a ticket for this game today.

A Kun is Chen Ke's biggest fan and has been in love with Chen Ke for two and a half years.

You must know that Chen Ke has only made his debut for three years.

The key is that his girlfriend has also fallen in love with Chen Ke recently.

My girlfriend didn’t understand this game. She became obsessed with Chen Ke because she felt he was quite handsome after the opening ceremony.

In the past, when his girlfriend liked the young talents in the entertainment industry, Akun simply scoffed.

Now seeing that his girlfriend likes Chen Ke as much as he does, Akun feels very good.

Being able to bring my girlfriend to watch Chen Ke's game today is a kind of NTR.

"Didn't you say you can beat me casually? Why do you feel like you can't beat me?"

My girlfriend only watched it for a few minutes before she said anxiously: "Is it going to roll over?"

A Kun said calmly: "Where are you now? No one has even died. Why are you so anxious?"

"As long as Chen Ke has an advantage in the middle, that's fine. Let's wait for him to show off."

The girlfriend was still confused and said: "Is it enough to just have an advantage in the middle lane? Neither the confrontation lane nor the development lane can beat the opponent."

Akun: "Climb for me!"


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