He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 552 I thought I was doing a good job, but I didn’t expect it to be a unique skill!

"Fuck, paste!"

"Hahaha, Yao Yao is also here."

"Jiangmao's eyes today look a bit like a college student, revealing a clear sense of stupidity."

"I'm laughing so hard. This director is obviously targeting me."

"It seems that in the last post-match interview, Gao Mao offended someone."


When the paste appeared in the camera, everyone inevitably started to discuss it.

Not many people found fault. They felt that Toothpaste hadn't advanced yet, so they went to watch the game.

Why don't you support your old teammates? Besides, after mocking KT in the last interview, Toothpaste probably wanted to see them die with his own eyes.

Toothpaste is as concerned about what Chen Ke will do today as everyone is.

If the director doesn't take care of himself, no one will know that Toothpaste is here.

The most annoying thing is that Ouen also came, and the two of them were sitting together. As a result, only toothpaste was visible in the camera.

It can be seen that this lens is somewhat deliberate and particular.

However, BP is not over yet, and this small episode will soon pass.

When it was KT's turn to make the final selection, the camera turned to their side.

It can be seen that everyone in KT still has a somewhat surprised look on their faces at this time, obviously they did not expect that the opponent would actually choose the Joker.

This hero is really not that effective in professional competitions.

Anyway, a really powerful hero has been selected in professional competitions long ago, and it’s unlikely that anyone has used it for so long.

If the opponent forcefully chooses this hero to ridicule, then for them, there is nothing to worry about.

KT's final selection did not change much, and they still followed the strategy they had discussed before.

The lineups of both sides were quickly selected. The clown was indeed in charge of Chen Ke and could only play the auxiliary position.

The position of the hero Joker is not fixed.

Generally speaking, there may be more jungle positions, and some people use them to play support.

In the past, there were still people playing the clown in the top lane, but then the appearance rate became lower and lower.

The clown's skill mana consumption is now higher than before, and he is no longer suitable for appearing in the top lane position.

"It is detected that the host chooses the Demon Clown in the game, which meets the triggering conditions of the [Sunny and Cheerful Big Boy] talent buff."

"Reward the host for maximizing the understanding of the hero Joker, and at the same time reward the host for having the [Abnormal] bonus in this game."

As soon as the game started, Chen Ke's previously acquired talent was triggered.

It was precisely because of this talent that Chen Ke came up with the idea of ​​playing a clown today.

At present, the bonus given is within Chen Ke's expectations.

If you have a full understanding of a hero, you will definitely be good at playing this hero.

As for the [Abnormality] bonus, it’s also easy to understand.

If you don't have a little bit of psychopathy, you won't be able to play the essence of the clown.

"Chen Ke's outfit looks like he's going to be an AP clown."

"If it's true that in the auxiliary position, AP Clown is better. After all, it doesn't have that much economy."

"That's not necessarily the case. He might become the fattest one in the whole game."


The two people on the commentary stage were talking and laughing themselves.

Judging from Chen Ke's Comet talent and AP salary equipment, he will most likely play AP Joker this time.

The clown's outfit is also divided into two types: AP and AD.

AD's set can instantly kill people. If the development is relatively good, combined with the collector's equipment, it can really appear suddenly and kill people instantly.

One sword kills tetanus, two swords kills the ancestors.

That kind of clown is more scary.

The AP clown is even more disgusting. The main one keeps toying with the opponent, and the box is the key.

The duration of the clown's box is related to his own spell strength.

When playing as an auxiliary, there is really no economy at the beginning, and it is indeed better to use AP.

At the beginning of the game, I signed a series of contracts with my brother Kalista.

With the blessing of Kalista's ultimate move, the Joker's upper limit has been somewhat increased.

When I came online, I didn’t see the clown’s role in the early stages.

KT just stays on the road and doesn't give you any chance.

Their strategy was also right, because Kai'Sa wanted to fight Kalista first, but she couldn't beat her at all.

Slowly growing is the best option.

For a hero like the Joker, as long as you don't want to kill him when you face him, he will actually feel very uncomfortable.

Most of the scenes where the clown plays tricks on others are because the other person is murderous towards him.

If you just focus on development, clowns are actually not that disgusting.

Chen Ke is not in a hurry. The competition is long and there will always be time for him to perform.

Occasionally find an opportunity, use the E skill to throw it at the opponent's AD, and use the comet to consume a wave.

I guessed that the opponent at level 1 wouldn't have any moves, so there was no need to learn W.

After successfully grabbing the second level in the bottom lane, Chen Ke began to become proactive.

However, KT's bottom lane was all standing in front of the defense tower. Chen Ke could only go up and throw an E at most, and he couldn't do any extra operations.

In fact, it is very good to be able to suppress the bottom lane at the beginning.

In addition, with a hero like Kalista, the jungler can quickly take the dragon with the absolute advantage of lane power.

As long as the dragon soul is in the early 20 minutes, it is impossible for KT to delay.

Opposite Kai'Sa also has a hero like Weapon, which needs to be developed so much.

Chen Ke and his brother grabbed the third level first, but when the opponent is very insignificant, it seems that there is not much use in grabbing the level.

Even in this situation, if you choose this clown to assist, the opponent will not be under so much pressure.

If you really play someone who is expendable, or someone with a hook who can strike first, and if you match it with powerful skateboard shoes, something may have happened to the opponent's bottom lane.

The two people in the bottom lane of V5 went home first to replenish a wave of equipment. After returning to the line, Chen Ke began to roam.

Chen Ke was relieved to let his brother play online alone.

As long as he doesn't give him a chance, it's difficult for the two people on the other side to pose any substantial threat to him.

When Chen Ke is on the court, his brother is very focused and rarely gives anything away.

After disappearing from the line, Chen Ke reached the opposite lower half of the jungle first.

I drove the scan all the way and lurked into the grass next to the blue buff. A box was already placed under my feet.

The blue buff is about to be refreshed soon, and the toad on the opposite side is also there. Chen Ke estimates that the blind jungler on the opposite side will come over soon.

While ambushing him, Chen Ke called over King Ning.

He is only at level 3 now. If he wants to fight a blind monk, he can do it as long as he doesn't get into trouble. He can't kill alone unless the opponent's HP is low.

Within a few seconds, Cuzz's blind monk came over, faster than King Ning.

Chen Ke pressed the Q skill and moved out of the grass. Cuzz didn't notice at all.

The moment he entered the grass, he directly touched the box and triggered the fear effect.

Lee Sin, a hero, generally does not buy scans, which is good news for the Joker.

The moment he saw the box, Cuzz also knew that his jungle area was not clean, and the clown had already entered.

Chen Ke used the Q skill to pull to one side. After the invisibility effect ended, he began to attack Cuzz.

Cuzz was also a little surprised. He thought Chen Ke came in to put the box.

Put some boxes in the opposite jungle area. Once the box is triggered, it can also have the effect of vision. Vision may be very important in the game.

Just be reasonable and find out what he's doing, but he didn't expect Chen Ke to dare to provoke him.

With such a close distance, Cuzz accurately hit Chen Ke with a [Tian Yin Wave], and directly kicked him with the second Q to start to reduce the blood volume.

He also knew that the clown was difficult to kill, so it would be nice to gain some health.

As soon as Cuzz kicked over and chased Chen Ke twice, King Ning rushed over.

King Ning was playing Poppy. When he came over, he adjusted the angle with a flash and pushed the blind monk directly into the wall. He looked very decisive.

The problem is that Poppy's damage is limited, and it is difficult to kill the blind monk quickly with Chen Ke.

Cuzz has also been watching the online situation, and when he saw that the V5 double C was still online, he was not very panicked.

After the stun effect ends, you can even continue fighting with the opponent.

Chen Ke was only at level three at this time, and he didn't have any decent equipment.

In addition, the cooldown time of the W skill is relatively long, so it is difficult to keep placing boxes to tease the blind.

At this time, Chen Ke's W has not yet improved.

After the skills are used up, the damage of level A is limited, but the blind monk is still thinking of counterattack.

"Ah? The Q skill is not ready yet. Why doesn't Chen Ke use Q to hide from this wave?"

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the blind monk's second Q skill improved and kicked Chen Ke again.

Chen Ke had no position today. It was hard to imagine that the blind monk's Q skill could hit him so easily. This was already the second time.

Cuzz didn't think twice and kicked directly.

If you fight an auxiliary clown, his damage is still very high.

Chen Ke didn't even use the Q skill and walked directly to the wall inside the blue buff.

Seeing that the blood level is very critical, but fortunately, I can use the Q skill to get over the wall.

Cuzz has been following him. After Ning Wang released his E skill, he was completely unable to stop him.

He didn't expect that this wave could knock Chen Ke to such a low level.

Chen Ke first placed a box behind the wall, and then moved his Q skill over it.


Cuzz was very decisive and seemed to be confident as he flashed over the wall.

He didn't touch his eyes, because King Ning seemed to have shot W directly against the blind monk in order to protect Chen Ke.

In this case, blind monks who touch their eyes will be stopped directly.

When fighting a clown, as long as you don't want to chase him, it's hard to get into trouble.

Who the hell can hold back when the problem is that he can be killed?

Cuzz also wanted to gain an advantage too much and was a little bit over the top. At this time, assistant Riel was on the way.

He waited a little, and under the cover of the auxiliary, he was able to pursue King Ning.

After all, Prince Ning had handed over Flash, so it looked like he had a chance.

If you really can't kill it, just change it to flash for no reason, which seems to be very profitable.

The problem is that Chen Ke's hatred is so full that Cuzz gets a little carried away.

The moment he flashed across the wall and saw the person right in front of him, Cuzz was frightened by the box again.

At this moment, Little Cream's Nicole came over.

Neeko is a hero who is too aggressive in laning in the early stage, and can basically push the laning against most heroes.

Little Cream didn't move at first, that's because the army line hadn't been pushed through yet.

Seeing that the jungle was still shaking, he hurriedly pushed the line and came over.

BDD also had a reminder in the voice, but Cuzz was already on top and wanted to flash over to see if he could take Chen Ke away.

As long as Chen Ke is killed, Nicole can't do anything to him. If he can't beat him, he can just touch his eyes and walk away.

Flashing across the wall, he was immediately frightened. This was something Cuzz didn't expect.

At that time, his mind was full of guessing Chen Ke's location, thinking that if Chen Ke failed to cross the wall after becoming invisible, wouldn't he be embarrassed?

When he saw Chen Ke, Cuzz felt happy.

But after the fear was over, Little Cream arrived.

An E skill accurately hits the blind monk, and then a Q skill hits it with comet damage, which is still very painful.

Nowadays, Neeko has a lot of comets in order to fight in the lane.

The blind monk had been fighting for a long time, but his blood volume was actually average.

Nicole came over to play a set, and combined with Chen Ke's E skill and Ignite, the blind monk was taken away immediately.

The first blood was obtained by Chen Ke's Ignite, mainly because after using Neeko's skills, she could only rely on level A, and the damage was still a bit low.

"Ouch, Cuzz has been fooled."

"He dared to show up like this. I really didn't expect it. This guy is too murderous."

"To be fair, the middle lane should have reminded him that Neeko has disappeared."

"Chen Ke got the first blood, which is not bad."


This wave of operations by the Blind Monk amused the commentators.

Everyone didn't expect to go after the clown like this. After a long time, it was the jungler who suffered the worst first.

In fact, Chen Ke's operation just now was not very powerful, just some basic things.

It was just that one of my family members arrived first and wanted to seduce the other party.

The previous blood volume was lowered, and it was indeed Chen Ke who was giving the blind monk a chance.

Even if he can't seduce him, Chen Ke has nothing to lose. It's just a matter of going home to replenish his health.

But for Cuzz, it felt very embarrassing.

He also knows the attention this game will receive. He made a problem first, and the pressure from public opinion after the game must be great.

Cuzz sometimes has too much mental baggage, which is why he has always been very strong in the rankings, but when it comes to the game, he doesn't have that feeling.

This year has been relatively good. When I was cooking in the past, my ID was changed to ICU by fans.

In addition to being embarrassing, the wave just now also had a huge impact on Cuzz's development.

After he died, the blue buff happened to be refreshed in the jungle, and King Ning could directly counter the jungle.

Including Toad, everyone lost money, which Cuzz couldn't accept.

I silently remembered Chen Ke in my heart. After reaching level six, he would be the first to move down the lane.

Originally, everything was fine in the bottom lane, but KT's bottom lane only suffered a little bit of CS and a bit of tarnishing. They were able to accept this result.

Riel stepped forward in a flash and chose to take the initiative.

The elder brother was directly beaten and purified, and Flash was still held in his hand.

In fact, his reaction speed is already relatively fast this time, so he deliberately left Flash untouched and just used Purify.

At this time, the bottom lane has not yet reached level 6, and Riel has no ultimate move.

Chen Ke and his brother figured out that this opportunity was once in a lifetime, so it was better to take advantage of it.

"The V5 duo in the bottom lane are so fierce. They didn't move away, but directly chose to fight back!"

"The blind monk was frightened as soon as he came up. There is really a chance this time!"

"Kasha has no fighting ability at all, Jack is slipping!"


As soon as the battle began, the commentary instantly became passionate.

Two against three is a very exciting thing. At this time, the most powerful blind monk did not flash, giving Chen Ke and the others room to operate.

The two sides were fighting, and everyone was on top, with no intention of retreating.

We have to fight to the end even if we risk our lives, and we want to see who can have the last laugh.

KT, who had the numerical advantage, suffered a loss in the end. Their bottom lane duo was killed before their brother was replaced.

The head was also taken away by the blind monk, which was very unpleasant for Aiming.

It can only be said that Aiming's wave was not clean either. He flashed directly onto Chen Ke's box and became the first person to be killed in this wave of team battles.

Now Chen Ke and Cuzz are left. Cuzz becomes jealous when he sees Chen Ke. In addition, Chen Ke is still at low health. How could he let Chen Ke go?

In addition, Chen Ke must be killed before this wave can be considered a thing of the past. Otherwise, his next move will be in vain.

The opposite jungler has not shown up yet, and Cuzz also knows that King Ning will not come, so he must be preparing to play vanguard in the top half.

Killing Chen Ke would be a big loss. If you don't get Chen Ke's head, it would be a blood loss.

"The blind monk doesn't have much health, can Chen Ke do a wave?"

"This wave is not easy to operate. I think we should leave quickly. We have already made money in this wave anyway."

"The clown's Q skill should be ready. Hey, why did Chen Ke run back?"


Chen Ke should be able to run, but he actually ran in the opposite direction and returned directly to the line.

Cuzz was still chasing him, and when Chen Ke showed up, he realized that Chen Ke had gone back.

Chen Ke hurriedly hit the A twice to replenish a sports car with residual health, and the level directly reached level six.

Everyone suddenly understood at this moment. No wonder Chen Ke ran in the opposite direction without entering the grass. It turned out to be to upgrade to level six.

Once you have the ultimate move, you can summon clones. Is this wave really operable?

When Chen Ke approached the blind monk, he directly summoned his clone, and then it was up to the game between the two.

The two clowns were walking in two directions. After Cuzz's Q skill improved, he kicked them with [Tian Yin Wave].

"Q has reached the fake body, there is a real chance this time!"

From God's perspective, everyone can easily tell which clown is real.

If Cuzz kicks up and blows up the fake clown, it will cause damage at the moment of explosion, and there will also be three boxes.

Three boxes can also attack Cuzz. If Chen Ke follows up with another skill, the damage will definitely be enough.

Cuzz was completely guessing through his movements. He made a guess, but it was a fake one.

But for professional players, it is not difficult to distinguish the real clown from the fake one. There are many ways to tell the difference.

Cuzz's second stage Q kick only hit A, and he found that the clown was already out of health. This damage was obviously not right.

He was quite sensitive to damage. When he saw the clown losing blood so quickly, he knew it must be a fake.

The Joker's fake body takes extra damage, so it's very fragile.

Cuzz stopped immediately, knowing that he could not continue with A in this wave. Once the fake body exploded, he would be in danger.

The two sides are still continuing their game. Now the vanguard in the upper half is starting to fight, and no one is coming to support them.

Chen Ke kept pulling and kept a suitable distance from the blind monk.

Surprisingly, Chen Ke did not use the prosthesis to stick to Cuzz.

Sometimes the clown's avatar keeps sticking close to you, and you can't help but want to knock him off.

Cuzz’s Q skill CD is very fast now.

Immediately after the Q skill improved, a Q that predicted Chen Ke's movement accurately hit Chen Ke.

When the fans saw this, their hearts suddenly clenched.

Chen Ke smiled. When you were predicting my position, I was predicting what you would do.

Chen Ke placed a box under his feet, which was what Cuzz expected.

When Cuzz kicked over with his second Q, he also used his E skill.

This floor-beater wants to cooperate with his flat A and quickly clear the box.

At the same time, you can also use the second stage E to slow down Chen Ke.

Chen Ke simply can't hold on to the next Q skill to improve.


Unexpectedly, the moment Cuzz kicked over, Chen Ke's fake body was instantly pulled over.

Cuzz slapped the floor, destroying the fake body with residual blood.

The moment the false god exploded, three boxes fell to the ground, causing a fear effect on Cuzz.

Before Cuzz could react, Chen Ke threw an E skill in his hand and easily completed the kill.

"Ouch, this wave of fakes pulled over, and Chen Ke killed him!"

"Oh my god, isn't this too extreme?"

"Everything is calculated, this mental quality."

"I estimate that Chen Ke only had a few dozen drops of blood just now."


The moment the battle ended, everyone basically understood Chen Ke's operation.

After the clown's fake body is pulled to a certain distance, it will teleport directly to the real body, which is somewhat similar to Annie's bear.

Chen Ke had been controlling the distance between himself and the fake body just now. While he was moving, the fake body was also walking in the opposite direction.

Being able to control the fake body to pull back the moment the blind monk kicked him up shows how perverted his proficiency with the clown has reached.

The screen was full of question marks.


"Damn it, how did this wave of counterattack come about?"

"What this clown is doing is really perverted, it's so showy."

"If I were Cuzz, I would probably call the police."

"Cuzz was so angry that he smashed the keyboard on the spot. He discovered that the keyboard was fake and three boxes exploded."

"Is there a possibility that Chen Ke on the field is also fake, and the real person is standing behind Cuzz?"

"Damn it, why are you saying it's so scary?"

“I thought Chen Ke’s choice of clown was just a trick, but I didn’t expect it to be a unique skill!”


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