"Hahaha, what the idiot Colonel Guan said is really hurtful."

"That being said, King Ning's first wave in the early stage is still more important."

"There are two junglers in a game, how do you want the opponent to play?"

"To be precise, it should be three."

"I almost didn't regard my brother as a human being."


There were also jokes on the barrage.

Only then did everyone realize that with Chen Ke's play, it could be said that one person played two positions.

If Chen Ke can be counted as half of the jungler in this game, it means that in this BO5, three small games, he directly tried all four positions by himself.

When the player was replaced in the bottom lane in this game, everyone was still making fun of him.

The reason why Chen Ke couldn't go to the jungle was because T1 couldn't hold on to the fourth round.

If T1 can win a game, it might give Chen Ke one more chance to try.

Now it seems that everyone is shallow.

One game can do two things.

After grabbing the clockwork in the middle, King Ning directly released the vanguard in the middle.

It is true to quickly demolish a tower. Their lineup is really difficult to demolish towers.

If you are held back by the opponent, it will be very uncomfortable later on, so the vanguard is very important.

The opponent's bottom lane could have been replaced with tower skins, and they must be faster in demolishing towers.

However, after YSKM's weapon took a kill on the top lane, it was directly teleported to the bottom lane guarding the tower.

Although the weapons at this time are not capable of one-on-two, once the troop line enters the tower, it is still no problem to open a counterattack storm to clear the troops.

It doesn't matter if some of the back row soldiers can't be eaten, as long as it can slow down the opponent's speed of pushing the tower.

The four of them, Chen Ke, gathered in the middle lane, and no one even bothered to take care of Jace on the top lane for a while, just to directly demolish the tower in the middle lane.

After the middle tower falls, T1 will be under great pressure.

No matter who develops in the middle next, they must guard against the fast-moving Dragon Turtle.

Once the middle line of troops cannot pass through, your entire field of vision will be compressed.

Especially since the support is still ice, it is more dangerous for a hero like this to use vision in a disadvantageous situation.

If a person is caught, it can range from a confrontation to a serious loss of life.

From the economic panel point of view, T1 is not far behind.

Even though they had troubles on all three routes, they were even taken down the first-blood tower.

However, they got a lot of taps in both the upper and middle lanes, and the bottom lane was really ahead by a lot.

Although Chen Ke leads the rhythm everywhere, the hero Dragon Turtle is really not suitable for last-hitting.

Fortunately, from the perspective of the scene, V5 is still relatively ahead, and the rhythm is completely in hand, making it impossible for T1 to develop with peace of mind.

Soon after the second dragon was refreshed, Chen Ke and the others began to take the initiative to control the dragon.

T1 still took the initiative to develop. After getting a dragon first, they were not very enthusiastic about the dragon.

After the second dragon is defeated, you will know what element of dragon soul this one will spawn.

As soon as they saw it was the Fire Dragon Soul, everyone knew that the next little dragon was very important to both sides.

Basically, you can win if you get the Fire Dragon Soul.

It took the commentator a few seconds to realize that the dragon turtle seemed quite comfortable in this special fire dragon terrain.

Later, Chen Ke took the cat with him and kept looking for opportunities.

You may not be able to do it every time, but sometimes you can force a big move or flash out, which is obviously more profitable.

After the second vanguard was captured, V5's rhythm was completely stabilized.

T1 didn't cower for too long. When the third dragon spawned, it was okay to let this dragon give way.

Even if you get V5, it doesn't matter that you have accumulated two little dragons.

But T1 felt that he still wanted to come over and give it a try, and didn't want to make it too easy to get V5.

It is probably also taken into consideration that at this point in time, the dragon has not been refreshed yet.

Even if you have never fought in a group fight, you won’t lose the baron along with it.

The two sides had just formed their formations in Xiaolong District, and before the confrontation had lasted for a few seconds, King Ning immediately started to move.

After all, the T1 lineup has much longer hands than them. If they keep pulling, Chen Ke and the others will definitely suffer.

Jace hasn't been hurt yet at this point, but for some reason, Zeus's Jace feels that the damage is higher than that of others.

Fortunately, there is a prince in the V5 lineup, so the ability to start a group first is guaranteed.

Prince Ning was alone here and drove up directly.

Among the five people opposite, except for the blind monk, the remaining few people did not move.

It would be a disaster if it was blocked by the prince's ultimate move.

The effect of King Ning's ultimate move was pretty good. It directly covered the three people on the opposite side, including Double C.

As soon as Varus made his big move, King Ning pressed the stopwatch.

This wave of people had watches on their bodies, so they obviously went in and sold them, otherwise the prince would really not be able to withstand the damage from the opponent after he was arrested.

While King Ning was stalling for time, Chen Ke jumped in directly.

Everyone suddenly realized that the prince's ultimate move and the dragon turtle's ultimate move seemed to work together.

At first, they were blocked by the prince's ultimate move, and neither Xiao Lu Bu nor Feike had any chance to flash.

Flash is very important to them and cannot be handed over easily.

But when I saw the dragon turtle rushing inside with the cat, it wouldn't work if I didn't pay this flash.

After the cat was turned on, it had a great impact on their formation.

Big O blind monk directly kicked Chen Ke, and this kick was simply used for defense.

However, YSKM circled around for a long time and jumped out from behind with a counterattack storm.

It’s just for you, Varus.

After flash is handed over, there is really nothing you can do against heroes like weapons.

Chen Ke also quickly spotted the opportunity, flashed and gave Jace a taunt, and Jace was gone without even handing over the flash.

After the two points of Varus and Jayce were resolved in the team battle, T1 was unable to operate and was left with a rout.

Feike's ultimate move is pretty good, but no one can deal damage, and his own damage at this point in time is average.

In the end, Han Bing sold himself and Bao Feike retreated, and V5 directly played 0 for 3.

Little Cream's Czar can only say that he played really well, and he didn't push anyone in this wave.

Instead, the edge kept dealing damage, and he almost got hit by a big move.

Even so, Chen Ke and the others didn't feel any pressure in this wave of team battles.

The disgusting aspects of Dragon Turtle began to fully appear.

You can’t find any outstanding moves in this Dragon Turtle game.

Just use the Q skill and the cat's E skill again and again to rush towards you quickly.

A lineup like T1, which has no displacement heroes, would give me a headache when I see the Dragon Turtle.

It can be seen from the fact that Feike was deceived by Chen Ke's retreat step that T1 is really panicking now.

Even a figure like Feike, who is like a sea-fixing needle, panicked, which shows how far the others have reached.

V5's advantage is getting bigger and bigger, but it is indeed difficult to win the game directly.

It’s the same old problem, the hands are too short, only the Tsar has long hands.

As long as T1 shrinks back and doesn't fight you, there will still be no problem in defending the tower.

Chen Ke can't just bring a cat and rush to the opposite defense tower. The cat's crucible hasn't been made yet. Once Chen Ke is connected by the control chain, it won't be that hard.

In fact, if you slowly let the weapon be worn alone, you will definitely be able to tear open the hole.

In this round, YSKM's weapon has three kills, which is quite fat. Jace is no longer an opponent.

The gap between the two will also become wider as the game progresses.

The single belt behind the weapon cannot be affected by the opponent. YSKM's weapon proficiency is quite high, and it is not that humorous.

In addition, there is a Czar in the V5 lineup. As long as this thing continues to develop, it will be a guarantee in the later stage.

However, V5's style will not take your time with you at all. Seeing that the time is almost up, he will directly press the baron.

This makes it impossible for your T1 side to shrink and develop, so you have to come over and pick up the team with me.

After the baron is obtained, T1 cannot be defended at all. The weapon can lead a way alone.

As soon as the person approached, Chen Ke took the initiative to start a group.

Now equipped, Chen Ke plays the role of a troublemaker in team battles.

Just keep resisting damage and controlling it from the front, but it's not impossible to beat it.

Even if 伱T1 is an AD damage-heavy lineup, if you hit me, you will have to take damage. If everyone loses blood together, I will not suffer.

Chen Ke's teammates behind can easily hit output to complete the harvest.

Chen Ke has been running around in this round and has relatively few last-ditch hits, but it is a pleasure to use weapons and resources with the Czar, and both of them are developing very well.

During team battles, the output is at full capacity, and T1 really cannot beat them when their economy is lagging behind.

After the game, I suddenly saw that Chen Kecai had three heads.

This is the game in which Chen Ke has the fewest heads. When playing the auxiliary robot, there seem to be more than three heads.

But in terms of presence, Chen Ke is definitely the strongest one.

After the game, Chen Ke and his brother were really happy.

What makes me happy is not that I got a clean sheet on T1 again, but that I won even games like Dragon Turtle, and it was so fun to play.

Every time they speed up to chase someone, Chen Ke and his brother will laugh in unison.

This laughter made the teammates feel a little redundant.

As soon as the game ended, there were constant cheers.

It's not like there's a library situation. With V5's popularity, if they compete anywhere in the world, it can be said that there will be their fans at the scene.

Even if it's a home game in South Korea, less than half of the fans are here to support V5.

Now all Koreans are silent, and the cheers of V5 fans are much louder.

For the Koreans, after this game, this S game is completely over.

There are no LCK teams in the subsequent finals, so it has nothing to do with them.

Forget it, the most uncomfortable thing is that they held the game at home, and there was no local team, which was quite uncomfortable.

It’s not the first time that LCK didn’t make it to the finals.

But this time, it is somewhat unacceptable for the LPL team to have a civil war in South Korea.

Many rational T1 fans did not express any ill will towards V5, they were just sad alone.

What these fans like may not be the SKT of the past, but they just like these people from T1 in recent years.

The reason why it is uncomfortable is because fans know that after three consecutive years of losing the World Championship, this lineup will definitely be disbanded.

Having been runner-up so many times, no one can stand up to it. It’s pretty good that these guys from T1 can stand up to it.

If they can win the championship this year, they still have hope of staying in the same team. If they lose again, they will have no choice but to disband.

Feike will definitely not move, and the others will not say anything.

The contracts have also expired, so T1 really can't keep them if they want to.

Even if this team is Big O, it will be a hot commodity in the market if it is released.

After Chen Ke and the others came to the middle of the stage and bowed, they didn't stop too much and handed the stage to T1.

After a few fist bumps, they still wanted to thank the fans for their support.

You can't just pretend to be dead and don't dare to face it if you lose.

For the interview on the main stage after the game, Chen Ke was still not available.

Chen Ke went to be interviewed by the LPL Chinese stream.

The host was Yu Shuang. After the two met, Yu Shuang kept telling Chen Ke that he had worked hard, which made Chen Ke only smile.

They are all polite words. I can't tell others that I am not working hard.

After the interview started, Yu Shuang's first question was: "First of all, congratulations on winning T1 today and entering the finals. This is your fourth consecutive World Championship final. How do you feel now?"

"It's calmer now because I'm a little used to it."

Others say this is Versailles, but when it comes out of Chen Ke's mouth, everyone believes it to be true.

For people who have won the championship and are numb, isn't it a basic operation to enter the finals?

Yu Shuang concluded with a smile and continued to ask: "This is also the third consecutive year that you have met T1 in the knockout round of the World Championship. Meeting your old enemy again, does it feel any different from before?"

"As for old enemies, I don't think they can be counted."

"We just met each other until the end, but they never won once. It's too reluctant to say they are old enemies."

Yu Shuang was not surprised that Chen Ke started a group as soon as he came up. She had even guessed it.

However, Chen Ke's firepower was not very strong, so he replied normally: "It's not much different, because their lineup has been quite stable in the past few years."

"The main thing is that we just have to do our best here."

Yu Shuang nodded heavily, and just as she was about to summarize Chen Ke's answer, she heard Chen Ke continue to add: "But we probably won't be able to touch each other next year. This should be the last time."


Yu Shuang was obviously a little confused and looked at Chen Ke in surprise.

Chen Ke didn't say it clearly, he just gave a smile: "This should be good news for T1."

There are still a few questions that have been designed long ago, such as talking about Feike and the upcoming finals.

As a result, Chen Ke's words completely disrupted Yu Shuang's rhythm.

After saying that they would not be able to compete next year, Yu Shuang's first reaction was that Chen Ke wanted to ridicule T1, saying that T1 might not even enter the World Championship next year.

But Chen Ke didn't, and instead joked that this was good news for T1.

Having said this, Yu Shuang naturally understood what it meant.

It can’t be that V5 won’t make it to the World Championship next year. No one believes this.

Chen Ke's meaning was so scary that Yu Shuang couldn't accept it.

The barrage on the domestic live broadcast platform exploded at this time.

Question marks all over the screen flooded the live broadcast room, and fans were confused!


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