"Come on, sit down and talk while we eat!"

As soon as Chen Ke came in, everyone greeted him.

Chen Ke looked down and noticed that there were two bottles of wine opened on the table.

It was my first time to have dinner in a place like this, and it felt weird.

"What's going on today? Why did you hide it from me in advance?"

Chen Ke still didn't understand what was going on, and even recalled it in his mind.

I was sure that today was not a special day, but I ended up having this party without telling myself. What did it mean?

Especially when he saw his old teammates coming back, Chen Ke couldn't help but think, is this trying to persuade him to continue playing next year?

Now for Chen Ke, the benefits and other things are all available, and he even has shares in the team.

It is impossible to impress Chen Ke through this. The best thing is the emotional card.

"I really didn't mean to hide it from you."

Aning closed the door, sat down and said, "I came back to you mainly to talk about this year's transfer period."

"I only found out in the past few days that 69 is planning to come back this year. It just so happens that we can talk about it together."

When Chen Ke heard this, he looked at 369 in slight surprise.

In today's market, top orders of 369's level are definitely the more popular ones.

And in this timeline, if he didn't meet Zeus in the World Championship, his value would not be wiped out.

Chen Ke thought he would continue to stay in JD.com, or return to Taobao.

I want to go back to V5, which is a bit unexpected.

Because V5 has always had two top laners, it stands to reason that there is no shortage of top laners.

When the two top laners were there, they could still do some rotation. Both of them had little qualifications, so there was no pressure in the rotation.

But after Brother 9 comes back, it will be difficult to rotate the top lane position.

After all, he is still in his prime, and his qualifications are here. He will definitely be the main force when he comes back.

Chen Ke didn't speak for the first time, but everyone obviously knew what he was thinking, so they started chatting along the topic.

According to the team management's plan for this year, only one of YSKM and Pheasant can be retained this year.

With two champions in the top lane, the pressure will indeed be a bit high.

When they first came here last year, their salaries were quite average, especially since YSKM was still a complete newcomer.

But after winning the championship this year, the price will definitely not be low, and a significant salary increase will be needed.

The two of them can be considered powerful top laners, and they also have the bonus of being champions.

This year many teams are competing for it, and the prices offered are not sky-high, but they are definitely high-paying levels.

It may have something to do with the fact that the old V5 players left the team last year, and the teams they went to became competitive teams in the entire LPL.

When everyone takes a look, it seems that the champion members from V5 are not shock waves, but they still have something.

It all costs money, so wouldn’t it be better if I buy one that can produce results?

It's obvious that YSKM and Pheasant are also talking about other teams. They have won the championship and they have no problem pursuing high salaries.

69 According to his own statement, he still doesn’t want to stay in JD.com.

This is mainly related to the operation of JD.com. JD.com made an offer for Zeus immediately after the World Championship.

A high price was given, but fortunately Zeus held back.

Zeus is indeed very powerful now. He was only cured by Chen Ke in the World Championship. Chen Ke is not considered a top laner, so he is still the number one top laner.

The top order position, like the middle order position, has a relatively high price.

There is nothing wrong with JD.com’s quotation. It is understandable that you want a stronger top order than 369.

Since your first choice is not me, you can’t say anything to me if I want to leave. Who doesn’t have another choice?

After learning that Zeus was not coming, JD.com was not in a hurry to discuss contract renewal with Zhongshang.

First, the two Korean players, Jungler and AD, have renewed their contracts. Obviously JD.com still feels that they are more important.

Brother 9 has almost figured it out. If he continues to play on JD.com for another year, he will probably still have to play hard on the road.

I simply chatted with Aning to see if there was any possibility of returning to V5.

Compared to Taobo, he still has deeper feelings for V5.

The reason why I talked to Aning was because I heard some news and knew that the two top laners of V5 were talking to other teams.

As long as he can come back, it doesn't matter if he gets a lower salary than at JD.com.

When the V5 management heard that there is such a good thing, which is equivalent to the current two top laners, they must still prefer Brother 9.

Even though the price is higher than either Renewal Pheasant or YSKM, it is definitely worth the money.

Now for V5, there is nothing to worry about in the top lane position. The main issue is the renewal of his brother's contract.

Now, as long as Brother 9 can be brought back, the probability of Brother 9's contract renewal will be higher.

Then a bold idea popped up in Aning's mind.

Now that the top order is back, why can't the middle order toothpaste come back?

This year we focus on the theme of going home. We can bring back all the champions of the first generation of V5, Shangzhong, to help the team continue to gain popularity.

These days, everyone still prefers emotions.

Today, everyone got together and called Chen Ke over specifically to make Chen Ke say a few words more energetically.

The situation with toothpaste is different. I have not decided to come back. I am probably still in a dilemma.

Although Toothpaste is average in strength, this person is still useful in the middle position.

BLG has always wanted to renew the toothpaste contract, but JD.com quickly contacted the toothpaste when Brother 9 ran away and did not want to keep his left hand.

Obviously, JD.com was a little afraid of pushing until the end, so they directly let their mid lane position disappear.

The top lane position is okay, but if there is no one in the mid lane, it will be really uncomfortable for them.

The two Korean players, AD and jungler, have already taken up their quotas, and the mid laner cannot find Korean players. There are really not many useful domestic mid laners.

So toothpaste is not only in demand this year, but the wages are quite high.

But as long as he is willing to come back, these are not problems.

After Chen Ke left, V5 saved a lot of salary, so it was naturally not short of money.

If the top two are taken care of and the older brother is left, next year's V5 will still look very competitive.

Let’s not talk about world championships or anything like that. At the very least, we need to enter the world championships.

It would be a bit embarrassing to not be able to win the world championship and then not be able to enter the world championships the next year.

It is true that some teams have done this before, and there are more than one.

But as the largest club in the LPL, V5 still needs to remain competitive.

When Chen Ke heard that he was not being persuaded to continue fighting, he immediately felt relieved.

What scares you most is that after you make up your mind, people around you will keep trying to persuade you.

It's very troublesome to refuse.

As soon as everyone drank the wine, the conversation was almost over.

They all won championships in V5. The word V5 will always be written on their skin. Naturally, they have feelings.

It was a pleasure to be teammates together before, so there will be no problem in working together again.

Let's talk about it and we can sign the contract tomorrow.

It is conceivable that after the news comes out, JD.com will most likely break its defense.

Let's forget that all the top and middle players ran away, and in the end, even our intended mid laner was kidnapped.

If 369 hadn't wanted to leave, Zuo Yi would have renewed his contract and wouldn't have run away at all.

If 369 hadn’t returned to V5, toothpaste wouldn’t have been able to return, and there was a high probability that it would have signed a contract with JD.com.

Returning toothpaste to JD.com is also considered as returning home.

As a result, JD.com’s plan has been completely disrupted, and it’s all 369’s fault.

The upper, middle and lower Cs all signed on the second day, so V5 Nosuke naturally had nothing to say.

Among the five positions, Nosuke itself has the lowest salary, and there is a clear gap with the other three positions.

In addition, the two of them are old members who have experienced three generations of V5.

I haven’t left for so many years, and I will basically play in V5 until I retire.

Aning will go back and solve the remaining personnel issues, it is not something Chen Ke and the others need to worry about.

The main thing is the top lane position. Anyway, both of them have no shortage of bottom laners.

After knowing that the team is not planning to renew the contract, I can naturally leave with peace of mind, but there is no pressure.

I wanted to get a higher salary before, but I still had feelings for V5, and I didn’t want to be criticized for just leaving.

V5 does not need them now, but it is a good thing and there is nothing unacceptable.

It’s not like madness is pulling them back, giving them work.

The little cream in the middle still has a contract, V5 has given him a salary increase, and they don’t plan to release him for the time being.

Obviously two mid laners are a good thing for next year's V5. The hero pools of Little Cream and Toothpaste are also different.

With Toothpaste's character, it wouldn't be a big deal to rotate him later, maybe he would like to rest more.

After the process is completed, V5 will directly announce the official roster.

Fans almost know the situation on V5 through the official announcements in the past few days.

This lineup for the new season really satisfies fans.

Because this is the most popular generation champion V5 lineup, except that the AD position is replaced by his elder brother Chen Ke.

My brother's ability is not bad, he can be regarded as a standard definition Chen Ke.

Let's not talk about what kind of performance it can achieve. At least with this lineup, it can be seen that the team has not been in bad shape after Chen Ke retired.

Since this attitude exists, it deserves continued support from fans.

If you don't fight well in the future and you have to spray, that will happen in the future.

After V5's lineup was locked, it was like toppling dominoes.

The follow-up caused a series of chain reactions. In addition, there was not much time left in the transfer period, and the lineups of other teams were quickly determined.

There is also the German Cup coming up, and after that we can look forward to the start of the S14 season.

V5 has never taken the German Cup seriously.

It's just that this year is abnormal, and at least three starters must appear.

There was nothing V5 could do, so they decided to use the whole team except toothpaste.

Chen Ke didn't even watch how the fight went, nor did he comment on the live broadcast.

The German Cup, even if it is played by the main players, will not feel very interesting.

Moreover, Chen Ke is also busy with the retirement ceremony recently.

Before the start of the new season, people from Tengjing contacted Chen Ke to discuss the retirement ceremony.

Now that he has retired, let's hold a retirement ceremony, which can be regarded as respect for the number one player in the LPL.

Chen Ke didn't resist this either, at least he knew about it in advance.

Some players don't know what's going on, but the retirement ceremony has been arranged, which is a bit difficult.

In fact, after holding the retirement ceremony, he did not delay his comeback.

What's more, Chen Ke has no intention of coming back.

Now that we have withdrawn, we must withdraw completely.

Regarding Chen Ke's retirement ceremony, Tengjing still attaches great importance to it.

After discussing with Chen Ke and the V5 management, the retirement ceremony was scheduled for the first game of the new V5 season.

It just so happens that V5 has a home court, so there is no problem in holding a retirement ceremony.

If you are a team that does not have a home court, it might be a bit embarrassing for you to hold a retirement ceremony for your players in a public venue.

Originally, Tengjing wanted to rent a larger venue to hold the event, but Chen Ke refused.

It's most appropriate to do it at home, and it's a bit exaggerated to do so.

After deciding, the next step is some details.

The first is the tribute video. This thing is easy to say, but quite difficult to do.

Because Chen Ke has too many career highlights, his entire career is a collection of highlights, it depends on which part you want to choose.

In addition to this, there are still some processes and details that need to be discussed.

Also, who will be present on the day must be discussed in advance.

Some of the most important people to Chen Ke will definitely come.

Aning was responsible for these things, and he quickly showed the prepared list to Chen Ke.

He said directly: "These are the people who were present on the day of your retirement ceremony. Check to see if there is anything missing."

Chen Ke took it over and took a look. There was nothing special about it. His teammates and coaches were going to compete that day, so they must be there.

In addition, former teammates will also come, namely the Lantern Emperor and Pheasant.

In addition, Chen Ke’s parents were also present, inviting their family members to the scene. Other teams had done this before, so it was a relatively tender moment.

Chen Ke nodded. He originally thought it was nothing, but suddenly thought of something and said quickly: "No, there is another person who is very important to me."


"It's okay. I'll call him later and see if he has time."

After Chen Ke finished speaking, he picked up his phone and realized that he did not have Uzi's contact information.

It sounds like I have interacted with him many times, but I am really not familiar with him personally.

Chen Ke asked his brother for Uzi's WeChat account. His brother and Uzi had played mahjong together back then, so their private relationship was still okay.

After the friend approved, Chen Ke didn't even bother to send a message and just made a phone call.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

The moment the call was connected, it could be heard that Uzi was quite confused.

He didn't know why Chen Ke called him.

While I was confused, I thought about countless possibilities, and even thought about it in anticipation.

Chen Ke won't take back his decision to retire, and will he invite him to become a teammate, right?

"On January 23rd, the team is going to hold a retirement ceremony for me. Do you have time to come and see it that day?"

Chen Ke went straight to the point.

The opening game of the spring split is January 22nd, but the first game of V5 is the 23rd.

"Okay, there's no problem with my time here."

Although Chen Ke started a team many times, but in the end, Uzi had no objection to Chen Ke.

The main reason is that Chen Ke's current results really make him unable to think about anything.

Forget about two championships each, now they have four championships and gold medals, and you can’t even see a taillight.

After Uzi agreed, he asked curiously: "Who else came over, and why did they remember to call me?"

"There aren't many people here. All the people here are our own people."

When Uzi heard this, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ke actually regarded him as one of his own.

Then Chen Ke continued: "Anyway, if you have nothing to do that day, come early and you can give me some guidance."

"You have more experience in retirement than me."


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