After Chen Ke retired, he was still a legend in the world every day.

Normally, after the average player retires, his popularity will decrease.

Competition is the best way to maintain popularity, bar none.

Either you are the kind of person whose live broadcast is very effective, or who is very good at organizing things.

Chen Ke is not too keen on live broadcasts here, and occasionally gives everyone a second-hand commentary.

Moreover, Chen Ke didn't have a manor, and he didn't invite others to explain it, or give them mobile phones or anything like that.

It doesn't matter if you give me some mobile phones. With Chen Ke's strength, there is no problem.

The main difference was that it lacked a manor and a Rolls-Royce. When the guests came to see it, they found it to be a bit shabby.

Every time the second channel of the live broadcast was asking for guests, Chen Ke was thinking about it.

I don’t know if Brother Coin will come back. If he doesn’t come back, it would be a waste to keep the manor empty.

If that doesn't work, you can just pay some rent and live there.

Let Brother Coin earn some more money and come back to pay the fine.

Having said that, Chen Ke doesn't have much live broadcast time now, but his popularity can still be maintained.

For Chen Ke, real life is also a little troublesome.

If you go out now, there is a high probability that you will be recognized.

Especially in crowded places, even if Chen Ke wears a mask, it may not be effective.

The scariest thing is not being recognized on the spot, but when I come back, I find that my photo has been circulated on the Internet.

Even when he went to wash his feet now, Chen Ke was a little cautious.

Try to do it late at night, as the night can cast a veil over you.

Also, when I was taking the driving license test recently, everyone found out.

Maybe the current LPL games are not very interesting, and everyone's enthusiasm is a bit exhausted.

He doesn’t pay as much attention to LPL games as Chen Ke learns to drive.

Chen Ke's learning to drive suddenly became a popular meme, and everyone on the Internet was talking about it.

"Chen Ke is going to learn to drive. I'm afraid I'll make a show at the driving school."

"Go to Bayinbuluke directly after studying?"

"Don't think this is a joke, driving schools are really good at practicing skills."

"Winning the championship just after debuting is a bit like playing League of Legends."

"What kind of car should Chen Ke learn in person?"

"Why are you learning C2? Isn't this what people with disabilities learn?"


Everyone was joking, but I didn't expect that some people would also make personal attacks.

It was convenient for Chen Ketu, so he directly signed up to learn C2, thinking that he could pass it quickly.

It doesn't matter if it's a few hundred dollars cheaper, the main thing is that it's relatively simple.

Anyway, Chen Ke feels like he can't drive a manual transmission car at all. Many people have learned C1 and haven't touched it in many years.

But you can't say that you have learned C2 online, otherwise you will be directly looked down upon.

In addition to making fun of Chen Ke, these people began to create certain continuations of Chen Ke's learning to drive.

A new series was even formed, "What if a professional player learned to drive".

If TheShy were to learn how to drive, he would have to learn it all by himself.

If the factory director goes to learn to drive and encounters danger on the road, both the car and the instructor will run away.

If my brother goes to learn to drive, he should give something to the instructor before getting in the car. He is really good at giving.

If Scout goes to learn to drive, he can steal all the cars of the students in the driving school for you.

If Uzi went to learn to drive, he would probably take a shower immediately after the instructor said a few words.

Although everyone was just playing tricks, Chen Ke just learned to drive, and everyone was able to come up with diverse creations.

In addition to being good at making jokes with netizens, the main reason is that Chen Ke’s traffic is so annoying.

When a person has a lot of memes, his traffic will not be low. Whether it is real traffic or black traffic, the total traffic must be very impressive.

But when it comes to Chen Ke, if everything he does is ridiculous, then the traffic will be unimaginable.

It is conceivable that even if Chen Ke wants to retire, it will be difficult to do so.

First of all, no matter what you do these days, there is a high probability that someone will photograph you, unless you don’t go out all day.

Just like the pig from PDD who had an accident and stayed there for so long, he was photographed several times.

Every time something goes wrong, he can always pretend to be dead and avoid disaster. He is always one step behind in disaster.

Chen Ke didn't pay much attention to the jokes made by these people on the Internet, but his progress was still very fast.

As soon as the subject test is completed, a coach will be arranged to provide training.

Chen Ke had extra money here, so he signed up for the VIP class at the driving school, which requires good service and speeds up your progress.

Basically, taking the driver's license test after you start working will be quite tight on time.

As a part-time worker, it is somewhat unreasonable to always take time off from work to practice driving. There are too many people on weekends.

Every driving school has people who sign up and then don’t go for a while.

The emergence of services like VIP is very suitable. If you are short of time, then you can spend more money.

After only a few days of learning, Chen Ke's learning to drive spread on the Internet, and even the driving school received a wave of traffic.

Now is the era of short videos, and the driving school itself has operational operations such as posting short videos to attract traffic.

Such a sudden wave of traffic is a surprise to the driving school.

Then they finally knew Chen Ke's identity. They really didn't know Chen Ke at first.

The coaches are all middle-aged, and it is normal for them not to understand the game at that age.

Even if some of the students recognized Chen Ke and asked for a photo, the coach didn't care and thought it was some kind of anchor.

There are anchors everywhere now, and coach Chen Ke is not surprised that he is only interested in those female anchors.

After realizing Chen Ke's identity and traffic, the driving school must protect him and give him special care.

I wanted to ask Chen Ke to promote their driving school, but Chen Ke refused.

To put it bluntly, there is no need. I paid you money and you still want to prostitute me for free. That makes no sense.

If you asked them to pay for Chen Ke, they wouldn't be able to pay that price.

Even so, Chen Ke still needs to be well served, because Chen Ke learns to drive here and has already brought a certain amount of traffic.

If Chen Ke really offended him, if he just said a few words later, it would basically ruin it.

It is completely normal for cyber violence to destroy a person or a company.

After giving special care to Chen Ke, Chen Ke was not suitable anymore.

When I was practicing driving in the past, I would always be scolded by the coach from time to time.

If the driving school instructor doesn't curse, it can be said that he has no soul.

Basically, it depends on the quality. Some are just strict and want you to master it quickly, while some are simply of poor quality and will make you feel uncomfortable if you don't scold you for a day.

And when they see people from all walks of life coming here to be scolded, some people feel a little sickly satisfied.

Over time, I became addicted to scolding.

Chen Ke is a pretty good coach, but he will scold you when you make a mistake.

When you are scolded, just don't take it too seriously.

He is nothing more than a driving school instructor, so don’t take him seriously.

Now as long as you pay the money, you must be guaranteed to pass and continue studying no matter how many times you take the test.

If you keep studying there, the first person you will find unbearable is the coach, who has a passing rate requirement.

The monthly salary is linked to this.

If he scolds you, if you have a slightly tougher attitude, basically nothing will happen.

If you really can't stand it, you can still file a complaint or something like that, and I'll just give you a coach and that'll be it.

However, some people, especially girls, feel sad after being scolded. If they don't speak well, they will drop their little pearls.

After all, there are only a few people who actually take pictures and post them online for boxing, but in two years it will be hard to say, and it will vaguely become a trend.

Chen Ke didn't take it seriously and even cursed with such intensity.

Sometimes when the coach said something to him, he would say something true in return, which made his fist harden when the coach heard it.

Later, when he learned that Chen Ke's identity was not simple, the coach was glad that he had endured the loss.

And after knowing his identity, his attitude changed 180 degrees.

Now I see Chen Ke smiling every day. Even when Chen Ke said he wouldn't smoke, he still gave Chen Ke a piece of cake.

It's not that I'm trying to curry favor with Chen Ke, I'm just following the advice of the leadership at the driving school and making sure Chen Ke isn't dissatisfied.

Now he has divided up all his other colleges, and now he only leads Chen Ke.

As long as there are no problems on Chen Ke's side this month and he can successfully obtain his driver's license, he can rest for the rest of the time.

Salaries are based on the highest standards.

Coaches should not be too satisfied with this condition, because it is basically impossible to get the full salary from the driving school every month.

With so many students every month, there will always be some who are weak, and every time they fail, it will affect the coach's performance.

What Chen Ke couldn't stand the most was during driving practice.

"Yes, you are really good at steering the wheel."

"Your brakes are very good!"


The coach's fists were hard, and now Chen Ke's fists are hard when he practices driving every day.

Fortunately, I have a coach to provide me with all-round services, and my progress is indeed faster.

In addition, Chen Ke was also good at learning, and he could quickly get started with cars. He got his driver's license directly in half a month.

After getting his driver's license, Chen Ke also took two selfies with his coach.

Once the coach posts online, he will definitely be able to bring in many students.

In addition to the pass rate requirement, these coaches also recruit new students every month. You can't always wait for the driving school to assign you people.

The more you recruit, the higher your income will be, which is quite reasonable.

After getting your driver's license, the first thing you do is go see and buy a car.

If it weren't for buying a car, who would have nothing to do to get a driver's license?

Many people buy cars before they even get their driver's license.

Chen Ke is not in a hurry, mainly because it is very convenient to buy a car now, and you don’t need to wait too long for many cars.

Chen Ke didn't think about buying a sports car or anything like that. He just bought a more luxurious car and drove it.

It's not necessary to be too ordinary, and it's not like there's no such requirement.

But before Chen Ke could go to see the car, the business leaders from various car companies came over to meet Chen Ke.

Especially now that domestically produced cars are gaining momentum, those new energy vehicles are heavily marketed every day.

Just open Weibo and you will know. Some brands are popular every day, and those car reviewers are basically dog ​​food.

With sufficient funds, it is not a problem to cooperate with Chen Ke.

With Chen Ke's traffic, they also knew that if they could really cooperate, the results would be good.

Many new energy vehicles are interested in young people, and Chen Ke’s fan base is young people.

In addition to these emerging domestic car companies, all well-known BBAs have come forward.

These three companies are all invested in the e-sports circle, and they have invested early.

Needless to say, Mercedes-Benz has sponsored LPL for so many years, so it is indeed a major sponsor.

After the game, the Mercedes stars have become a familiar part of LPL fans.

Although everyone usually complains, they all know that without brands like Mercedes-Benz to make money, the LPL's reduced income will affect every team.

These sponsorship dollars will eventually be shared by each team.

The same goes for BMW, which sponsors the LCK and has also selected some teams from major competition regions around the world to sponsor.

The more famous one is T1. Other teams like G2 have performed relatively average in the World Championship in the past two years.

The LPL sponsored the FPX team, but the cooperation ended long ago.

Audi is the one that contributes the least money and only selects some teams to cooperate with.

But they are all relatively targeted. When my brother was still in Taobo, he had cooperated with Taobo.

In addition, TheShy's team will also cooperate, knowing that these two people have high traffic in the LPL.

From a price point of view, BMW and Mercedes-Benz both offer relatively high prices, while Audi is not very competitive.

It doesn’t mean that there is no money, it just means that not much money will be invested in this field.

In addition to the endorsement fee, Chen Ke will be given a car to experience.

In the LCK, when Feike got his driver's license, BMW gave him a car as a gift.

BMW is still cooperating with Feike and T1. Naturally, they also want to establish a cooperative relationship with the world's number one.

As long as they reach a cooperation with Chen Ke, they will directly suppress Mercedes-Benz.

Of course, Mercedes-Benz also understands this truth, so the price is relatively high, knowing the importance of Chen Ke.

In addition, it is true that Chen Ke's recent interest in learning to drive is too high.

Domestic brands are not considered because the money offered is not that high.

Mainly, they invited Chen Ke only for cooperation, not for endorsement.

Let Chen Ke use their car and have some experience. This is a type of long-term cooperation.

But Mercedes-Benz and BMW both use Chen Ke as their spokesperson, and the nature is different.

Coupled with the relationship between Mercedes-Benz and LPL, Chen Ke had no worries and directly chose Mercedes-Benz.

After confirming the partnership, Mercedes-Benz directly gave Chen Ke one of their latest trams.

This Mercedes-Benz tram looks a bit like a no-name brand, but Chen Ke, who is a prostitute for free, doesn't mind it so much. He still has money to buy a car, which is very comfortable.

After the official announcement, Mercedes-Benz is also actively planning a series of activities.

This wave of money cannot be wasted, and it must be combined with LPL events to increase the popularity.

In the end, Mercedes-Benz decided to make it big and let Chen Ke drive the car at the Spring Finals.

As LPL sponsors, conditions allow them to do this.

Driving out is just a formality. It must be done under the condition of ensuring safety. It can't be driven more than a few meters.

The main thing is to carry out activities, and it is really just a lottery to give everyone a car. Although it is just the right to use it, it is almost as good as giving it away for free.

With such a strong intensity, you can imagine that the popularity is taking off.

Mercedes-Benz is obviously targeting BMW this time.

These two brands are definitely competitors in the domestic market. When buying a car, these two brands will most likely be compared.

Audi is slightly worse.

The person in charge was also asking Chen Ke if he had any additional suggestions.

Chen Ke thought for a moment and said, "If it doesn't work out, give Uzi some money and let him drive up in a BMW."

"You don't even have to send a car, you've already won."


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