"Now, the hiding place of that star slurry has been exposed, and there are two forces that want to take his life." The night moth took out the information and explained the information to the three of them.

A cursed group Q that aims to make Lord Tengen lose control and subvert the spelling world.

The religious group that already believes in Lord Tian Yuan-Panxing Sect.

After the night moth finished telling the information, he said to the three of them with a serious face.

"So! On the night of the full moon two days later, Lord Tengen will be assimilated at that time, so be sure to guard the Star Slurry and send it to where Lord Tengen is!

"If it fails, the repercussions will ripple through the entire human society!"


The task has been clearly explained, and the three of them immediately went to the place where the star slurry is located.

On the road, Gojo Satoru, who walked with the steps of six relatives who did not recognize him, still couldn't understand one thing.

"Needless to say, the Curse Group Q, but why does the Panxing Sect that believes in Lord Tian Yuan also prevent assimilation?"

Xia Youjie, who also walked with the steps of six relatives and had a protruding disc around his waist, explained: "Because they believe in the absolute purity of Lord Tianyuan. It is not allowed to be mixed with impure substances such as astral plasma. "

It doesn't matter, anyway, the three of us are the strongest~

" "This mission is not ordinary, let's be cautious." Itachi stepped forward and patted them on the shoulder to remind them that he was speechless about their walking posture.


Between speaking, the three of them had already arrived at the building where the star slurry was located.

Just as I was about to go up, I heard a loud "boom" and exploded upstairs?

"Hehe, if you want to hate, hate Tianyuan."

The Q member standing in the building looked at the falling girl and mocked.

"Looks like someone arrived before us." Itachi looked at the girl who was falling in the smoke of the building, and turned her head to Xia Youjie and said.

"Jie, that girl should be the star slurry, you go pick it up."

"Okay, got it."

Xia Youjie immediately summoned a flying spell spirit, jumped on the spell spirit, and rushed to the side of the building at full speed to catch the star slurry, and then said to the Q member.

"Please, don't be so eye-catching, okay? I was just reprimanded this morning.

After saying that, Xia Youjie looked down at the girl in his arms, is this girl the star slurry? Nothing special, it doesn't seem to be.

"Look at your uniform, you're a high school sorcerer, right?"

"Hand over the girl obediently, or I'll kill you!"

Xia Youjie, who was interrupted by member Q, glanced at it, put his hand next to his ear and posed mockingly.

"I can't hear you, can you please come closer and say it again?"

The two people downstairs watched as the star slurry was rescued, and were about to pass by.

And the next moment, countless blades flew towards Gojo Satoru and Itachi from the side, the blades in front of Gojo Satoru were directly blocked by the [No Lower Limit Technique], and Itachi threw out two shuriken in an instant, and with his superb shuriken throwing, several blades that flew were knocked down halfway.

When the Q member who was hiding in the shadows and launched an attack saw that his sneak attack was effortlessly blocked, instead of running away, he confidently walked towards Satoru Gojo and Itachi.

"I don't want to go too far this time, you leave now, I won't stop you."

Looking at this Q member, Satoru Gojo also had a mocking expression on his face.

"If you cry and apologize to us, we'll save your life."

The battle took place in a split second, and the confident Q member fell to the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Satoru Gojo took out his phone and turned on the selfie.

"Come and tell me, eggplant~~"

The weasel standing on the side suddenly felt a gaze, could it be that there were other people watching us? Panxing teaches...

"Satoru, let's go upstairs, Jie's side should be over too." Itachi said to Satoru Gojo, who was taking a selfie.


Although it was a battle, it was also a time to take a look, and Xia Youjie upstairs just sat aside and played with his mobile phone after releasing two spell spirits.

And the Q members who were bound by the spell spirit were still shouting unwillingly: "The seniors who are more powerful than me downstairs will definitely come to save me!"

Xia Youjie slowly stood up and pointed the phone screen at him.

"The senior you are talking about, is this one in the photo?"

In the photo, it's Satoru Gojo, and there is a person with a swollen face like a pig's head next to him, if it weren't for clothes, I'm afraid I wouldn't really be able to recognize it.


A few minutes later, Itachi and Satoru Gojo also went upstairs to meet Xia Youjie.

"Is this the astral slurry?" Itachi asked, looking at the girl lying on the sofa.

Satoru Gojo hugged him: "It can't be dead, right?"

"There's still breathing, it's just fainting." Xia Youjie said slowly.

"It's a pity that I'm not very proficient in the reversal technique, if only the glass was here."

During the conversation, the girl suddenly woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she slapped Satoru Gojo in the face, mistaking them for the bad guys who were going to kill her.

"Poof" Itachi couldn't hold back a laugh.

"Don't get excited, we're here..." Xia Youjie was just about to explain, but the girl scolded him back.

Pointing at Xia Youjie, he opened his mouth and scolded: "You have the face of a liar, and the bangs are very strange, so the ghost believes you."

Itachi sat on the side and turned his face away, looking like it wasn't my business.

This breath directly offended the two people, and the two of them directly went up and down, one grabbed his feet, and the other grabbed his hands and twisted the girl into a twist.

At this moment, the maid who was in charge of taking care of the star slurry body sat Xia Youjie's spell spirit and came.

The two who saw the maid coming also let go of the girl.

"Ahh It hurts! "

Through friendly exchanges, I learned that the girl's name was Oriko, and I thought she would resist violently because of the assimilation, but I didn't think she was proud of it.

"You're quite open-minded, I was going to comfort you." Gojo Satoru looked at Riko Amariko in surprise.

"Hmph~Hmph~ How can mortals like you understand, listen up! Miss Ben is Lord Tengen, and Lord Tengen is Miss Ben!

Riko tilted her head, her face full of energy.

Satoru Gojo on the side listened to what Riko said in the sky, and his head was full of black lines.

And the Itachi on the side opened his mouth and said to Riko Tian: "After assimilation, Riko Tianli is no longer you, is this acceptable?"

Of course you accept!

"This is my great mission!"

When she said this, Riko showed a look of loss, but she quickly suppressed this emotion and regained her smile.

"Really..." Itachi was noncommittal.

Itachi looked at Riko Tenriko, and the two met their eyes, and Riko quickly turned her head away and opened Itachi's eyes.

It was as if being able to see through the gaze of the soul made her uncomfortable.

Just then, Satoru Gojo's phone rang.

"What? Shouldn't you just bring back the Spell Master? "

It was the noctuidae who called.

"Of course I want to, but this is Lord Tengen's order, let's meet all his requirements."

"Okay, okay." Satoru Gojo hung up impatiently.

"Do you have any requests, you can ask."

"Requirements? School...... That's right! I'm going to be late! Because

of Tengen-sama's order, everyone had no choice but to comply with Tenriko's request and escort her to school.

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