"You're back, Itachi."

Nocturnal, who was sitting in the office sewing a panda doll, saw that it was Itachi who had returned, put down the needle and thread in his hand and said hello.


"What about the two of them, have they already gone back to the dormitory?"

After saying hello, Nocturnal Moth continued to sew the panda doll in her hand.

"They're dead."

"That's right..."The

noctuidae that was concentrating on sewing the panda finally reacted after a while.

"Dead !!??"

His voice suddenly rose by a few dozen decibels, and he looked at Itachi with a shocked face.

"Well, I killed it."

"What's going on?"

Hearing this, the night moth put the panda aside and crossed her hands on her chin to ask the weasel what had happened.

"Those two people were sent to kill me, and this mission was also arranged."

Itachi explained to the night moth as he pulled a finger out of his pocket and placed it on the desk.

"And this, it should be that they put the spell into the body of that second-level spell spirit."

Looking at the fingers in front of him, the night moth's eyes couldn't help but narrow, and he took it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"It's actually the fingers of the two-faced supreme, it seems that they want to kill you with the spell spirit after devouring the fingers."

Nightmoth put down Su Nu's finger and said mockingly.

"Heh, these families really can't tolerate the appearance of uncontrollable people at all..."

"Satoru was assassinated as a child?"

Itachi asked the night moth, puzzled.

"Well, I've only heard about it, but the difference is that it was the bounty hunter who assassinated him, not the other two families."

Itachi listened to what the night moth said, and lowered his head in thought.

"Is it... Maybe the person who wanted to kill me this time wasn't from Kamo's. Listening

to the Weasel's analysis, the noctuidae was full of question marks.

"How can you think so? Their technique is the Kamo family's [Red Blood Exercise].

"It's just a conjecture, Headmaster, you can tell the people who are connected with the High School that those two people are dead."

Nightmoth asked as she looked at Itachi.

"Why tell? It's not easy to hide it, but it's still possible. When the time comes, there will be a panic, such as a special situation in the mission, and the two of them will die accidentally or something.

Itachi shook his head and looked at the night moth in an affirmative tone

, "No need to hide it, besides, I also want to test one of my own conjectures."

"Okay then."

Seeing that Itachi was so sure, Nightmoth stopped insisting, and then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the contact number of "Kamo's" family.

As soon as the phone was connected, the night moth said straight to the point.

"Kamokai and Kamosheng died on the way to a secondary mission."

"yes, I see."

After speaking, the other end of the phone hung up the phone.


The night moth turned to look at the Itachi, his face full of disbelief.

"That's not right, this plot is not right, but it's also inherited from the [Red Blood Technique], so forget it?"

Itachi lowered his eyes and muttered.

"Sure enough—

" "Then I'll go back first, Headmaster." Itachi stood up and walked out the door.

"Huh? No, what did you verify?

Nightmoth stood up and asked Itachi, but only a door closed in response.

Seeing that the weasel had left, the night moth was stunned, so he simply stopped thinking about it, took the panda that was placed aside in his hand, and continued to sew.

After leaving Noctuidae's office, Itachi was about to go to the training ground to see the juniors.

But on the way, Itachi saw two familiar figures.

It's a little far away, so I can't see clearly, so I'll walk over and take a look.

"Pigs are spurging, pigs are spurging!!"

The two in front of him are Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie.

Satoru Gojo was riding a bicycle with Xia Youjie, who was sitting in the back seat, on the road, and the two were laughing happily.

"Looking at it like this, Jie's mood seems to be much better..."Looking

at the two people in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Itachi's mouth.

The two on bicycles saw Itachi returning from his mission, and Satoru Gojo immediately turned around and rode towards Itachi.

"Itachi, did the mission go well?" Xia Youjie asked with concern.

"Well, it went well."

"Itachi, do you want to ride together, take you to experience the feeling of galloping, I pedal the bike very fast, you can squat in front, the position is definitely enough."

Satoru Gojo stopped his bicycle and invited Itachi to bicycle.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Itachi's eyelids twitched slightly.

“...... I'll forget it.

"Hey, it's boring." Satoru Gojo pursed his lips.

Itachi ignored Gojo's funny and asked him.

"Satoru, do you remember Fuheish's last words?"

Satoru Gojo tilted his head and frowned, trying to think.

"Fuheish? Who, I don't know. "

“...... The guy who stabbed you.

Gojo Satoru suddenly realized.

"Oh~~ You said he, what's wrong?"

Itachi was speechless.

"He said he seems to have a son, and he will be sold to the Zen family soon."

"Oh~ I remembered, I remembered." Satoru Gojo's right hand clenched into a fist and hung over the palm of his left hand.

"yes, he also has a son, let's go and see!"

"It's okay, it's nothing anyway, just go to the city by the way." Xia Youjie sat in the back seat and poked his head out from behind Gojo Satoru and said.

With that, the three of them drove to the city of Tokyo.

"It's said to be shopping, but where are you going?" Satoru Gojo walked behind the two and looked left and right, trying to spot something interesting.

"Let's go to the restaurant for a bite to eat first, and then... Pick up some clothes? Xia Youjie, who was walking in front, made a suggestion.

Itachi: "I'm fine. "

Then let's go eat first!" Satoru Gojo ran over and jumped in the middle and put his arm around the shoulders of the two.

Inside the cafeteria.

"I'll get you desserts." Xia Youjie picked up the empty plate and got up and went to the dining area.

Looking at Xia Youjie who was walking away, Itachi turned his head to Satoru and asked.

"Satoru... What would you do if Jay betrayed?

Satoru Gojo said with a puzzled expression.

"Mutiny? What are you talking about, Itachi.

Itachi continued.

"You've sensed Jie's mood before, Satoru."

“......" Gojo Satoru was silent, Xia Youjie's previous mood was really not normal.

"Enlightenment, we are strong, but it is not enough for us to be strong, we can only save those who are ready to be saved."

After saying that, Itachi said no more, closed his eyes and leaned to the side to recuperate.

Satoru Gojo didn't answer, and lowered his head to think about what Itachi had just said.

At this time, Xia Youjie came over with desserts.

"Huh? What's wrong with you two?

Xia Youjie looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"Because you're too slow, too slow, we're both starving." Gojo Satoru grimaced at Xia Youjie and said funny.

Hearing this, Xia Youjie's forehead was bulging.

"Then you should eat quickly, and it is better to hold yourself to death."

"Your three-colored ball, Itachi." Itachi took it with both hands.

"Thanks, Jay."

Xia Youjie just smiled and looked at Itachi, and then sat down to eat.

Xia Youjie is not a picky eater, he can even swallow things like the spell spirit ball, and he will not find the food unpalatable, no matter how bad the taste is.


The three of them filled their stomachs and came to the business district.

"By the way, do you only like to wear robes, Itachi?" Xia Youjie asked suspiciously.

"Yes, Itachi even made the uniform of the High School into a robe." Gojo Satoru also reacted when he heard Xia Youjie say this.

"No, it's just getting used to it." Itachi shook his head.

"Try this." Satoru Gojo handed over a colorful shirt.

“...... No. Looking at the shirt handed to him, Itachi was slightly speechless.

"What about this one?" An even more fancy dress was taken by Satoru Gojo.

“...... Don't either. Seeing that Satoru Gojo was still going to pick it, Itachi was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped him.

"I'll just choose for myself!"

After the three of them bought it, it was already close to dusk.

"Let's go to his house now, elementary school should be out of school by now." All the clothes bought by the three of them were put into Xia Youjie's spell spirit body, which was quite convenient.

After a while, the three of them came to the side of Fushiguro Megumi's house.

I happened to see a hedgehog-headed boy with a school bag on his back, and the three followed.

"You're... Megumi Fushiguro's little brother. The three of them walked behind Megumi Fushiguro, and Gojo Satoru asked.

The hedgehog-headed boy turned his head and looked at the three strange humans in front of him.

Bad social person?

"Who are you? And also...... What kind of expression do you have?

After seeing the face that was exactly the same as Fushiguro's, Gojo Satoru directly performed his face art.

Satoru Gojo regained his expression, reached out and pushed his sunglasses and said, "It's nothing, I just feel the same."

Megumi Fushiguro: "?

"Then again, your father, he came from a family of magicians called "Zen Temple", but he was so unproductive that I was dumbfounded, and then he ran away from home and gave birth to you. Seeing that the hedgehog boy in front of him did not change his expression, Gojo Satoru then spoke again.

"You should also be able to see it, and you still have the ability, so you should be aware of your own technique." Satoru Gojo spreads his hands and tries to intimidate the hedgehog boy.

"The Zen family likes the technique the most, you are the most suitable for trading at this time, and then as for your father, I will kill you..."

Seeing Gojo Satoru's idea of being funny, both of them were speechless, Xia Youjie came over directly and covered Gojo Satoru's mouth.

"I've probably understood, Tsumiki's mother didn't come back a while ago, and it's because we're useless.

Gojo Satoru took Xia Youjie's hand away.

"You... Is it really the first grade of elementary school? Forget it, let's get down to business. Satoru Gojo asked, holding his right hand on his waist.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to go to a Zen temple? "

What will happen to Tsumiki, will Tsumiki be happy if she goes there?" The hedgehog asked.

"No, 100 percent not, I dare assert." Satoru Gojo spoke in a deep tone, then laughed and pressed his hand on the hedgehog's head.

"We'll take care of the rest, but it might have to make you a little harder."

Now that the matter has been said, the three of them also turned around and left.

"Let's go buy some Daifuku again, I still want to eat it."

"Let's go, then."

"I can do it all."

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