At this time, after filling his stomach, Nanami Kento and Gray Hara came to the vicinity of the statue of the earth-producing god.

Looking at the barren scene in front of them, the two were a little surprised.

"Although I heard that the harvest is very low..." Gray Plains muttered to himself.

"But in this situation, the land may have been abandoned." The people of Nanami didn't expect that the environment here would be like this.

Is it true that the negative emotions in this location are only level 2 as stated in the mission?

The two of them were on alert at the same time, and their attention was directly reduced to 120%, but strangely, there were no other buildings or hiding places around, so where would the spell spirit be?

Wait a minute...... Is it a god idol?

"Gray Plains, let's take a closer look at the statue." At the same time as he spoke to Gray Hara, Nanami Kento had already reached behind and pulled out the cow's spotted watermelon knife.

Seeing Nanami Kento so vigilant, Gray Hara also understood the other party's thoughts, and also took out his nunchuck, ready to fight at any time.

Step by step, the two of them approached the statue of the god of earth, and suddenly, Nanami Kento stepped forward with an arrow, and slashed down the head of the idol with his sword-wielding hand.

The head of the "click"

idol shattered instantly, and Gray Hara took a nunchuck and looked closer, the inside was hollow, and Gray Hara and Nanami Kento did not find the existence of a spell spirit inside.

"Is there a mistake in the intelligence?"

This thought had just flashed through Nanami's mind, but there was a sudden vibration under his feet.

Not good! The Curse is underground!

Nanami Kento seemed to have a premonition, and his legs jumped backwards with force, and when he jumped, the spell spirit in the ground also broke through the ground at the same time, and Nanami Kento looked up after landing on the ground.

The spell spirit was yellow, human-like, and held a woodcutter, but the knife was twice as large as an ordinary firewood knife.

When the gray plain male on the side saw the appearance of the spell spirit, he waved the nunchuck in his hand and hit the spell spirit.


With a loud metal collision, the spell spirit used a machete to shock the attack of the gray hara male to himself, and after dodging the rebounding attack with his side head, the gray plain male turned around, squatted closely, stood up, and a set of movements flowed, and the three consecutive punches all hit the curse spirit's chest.

[Mark the spell!] Success!

[Marking Spell] Attacks the target's body three times in a row will mark a weak point, but the weak point can only exist in one part at a time, and whoever it is marked will become more vulnerable.

To put it simply, the place marked by Gray Plains is in a state of armor breaking.

And Gray Plains, as Nanami Kenren's partner, naturally knows what Nanami Kenren's technique is.


of who the opponent is, this technique divides the length of the target into equal parts and forcibly creates a weak point at a point of 7:3. As long as you hit [Dot], you will be able to trigger a critical hit!

Even enemies that are stronger than the caster can deal some damage.

"Nanamin! I'm ready! "

Ah, it's on!"

Nanami Kento was ready to attack when he saw Gray Hara successfully touch the spell spirit's chest.

Holding the spotted watermelon knife in his right hand, he came to the front of the spell spirit in an instant, and Nanami Kento turned around and borrowed his strength, and his right hand violently swung out the blade, slashing at the position marked by Gray Plains.

[Ten Strokes Mantra - Varootah]


A huge gap was directly cut out of the curse's chest, and feeling such a sharp pain, the curse spirit roared angrily and slashed at Nanami's waist with his backhand.

Gray Yuan Xiong on the side reacted extremely quickly, holding the nunchuck with both hands and blocking it in front of Nanami Jianren, although the spell spirit was powerful, the quality of the nunchuck was very good, and the chains connecting the two ends successfully blocked the slash of the spell spirit.

Although the slash was blocked, the two of them were still sent flying by this strong force.

The two who flew out immediately stabilized their bodies and looked at the spell spirit, beware of the spell spirit's movements.

"What! Such a terrifying resilience?!! Gray Plains' tone was extremely surprised, the chest that had just been damaged by them with armor piercing and critical hits was already intact at this moment.

The spell spirit sank into the ground immediately after recovering from its injuries, and the two of them didn't feel it at all because the spell spirit sank to the ground.

"This can't be the god of the earth, this is the god of the land! Level 1 case! Nanami Kenren roared.

This kind of spell spirit is not something they can deal with in the first grade at all.

Nanami Kento immediately no longer hesitated, quickly reached into his waist bag, and took out the kunai given by Itachi with the mark of the Flying Thunder God, and the mana was injected into it in an instant.


Within the High School of Spells.

After exercising, Xia Youjie and Itachi were sitting on the training ground basking in the sun.

"Wu is in the field of research, and the juniors are on a mission, so boring." Xia Youjie had a grass in his mouth and complained boringly.

"Hmm." Itachi simply replied.

"What, are you worried about those two juniors?" Xia Youjie looked at Itachi curiously and asked.

"Well, I always feel that something is wrong in my heart."

"It's okay, didn't you give them your kungwu?" Xia Youjie patted Itachi on the shoulder, and then said, "As long as they are in danger, you can come to them in an instant, can't you?"

Itachi also felt that what Xia Youjie said made sense, if they didn't experience actual combat, they wouldn't be able to become stronger, and it also gave them bitterness.

"Let's go, let's go to Glass's lab and see Satoru." Xia Youjie stood up and patted the dust on his buttocks and said to Itachi.

"Okay, let's go."

The two walked slowly to the laboratory together.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Satoru Gojo making strange gestures to the guinea pig used for the experiment.


Gojo Satoru's exit, nothing has changed around him, and the mouse in front of him is also curious to look at the white-haired guy in front of him.

"Alas~ still can't work." Satoru Gojo said dejectedly.

"Take your time, don't be so anxious." Xia Youjie said comfortingly.

"Don't you want to master the realm?" Seeing the arrival of the two, Satoru Gojo asked curiously.

"I still have to concentrate on cultivating [Eight Gate Dunjia], I don't have time to practice the realm, besides, I have mastered the simple realm, so I'm not in a hurry." Xia Youjie shrugged his shoulders and said.

With the [Eight Gate Dun Armor], even if the enemy knows the realm, as long as he has the effect of the simple realm and the effect of falling into the target, he can kick the opposite head with one kick, and after cultivating to the seven gates, he can concentrate on learning the reversal technique to treat the damage caused by the seven gates.

"Itachi, what about you?" Satoru Gojo shifted his gaze to Itachi.

"Hmm... I'm not in a hurry with my words.

Itachi's eyes wandered, and he didn't make eye contact with Satoru Gojo.

"Humph! When I get the realm out, I'll leave you far away! Satoru Gojo said angrily. Then continue to focus on the mouse in front of you.

"Actually..." Just as Itachi was about to speak, he suddenly sensed that the Flying Thunder God Technique had been triggered in the distance!

This is...... The kunai on Nanami Kenren!

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