At six o'clock in the afternoon, Itachi and Xia Youjie were on their way to the mission location.

They didn't know that Qi Suo's plan was not how powerful the spell spirit was, nor how many spell spirits there were, but ...

Somewhere in the village, two little girls in thin and shabby clothes were dragged back to the house by the village woman, and the girls cried and tried to break free from the woman's restraints, but in exchange for punches and kicks.

Some of the surrounding villagers were watching indifferently, while others were throwing stones or garbage on the side of the road at the girl, accompanied by accusations and abuse.

"These two must be monsters! It's a monster cursed by the gods!

"My grandson was injured by these two monsters! They can't be allowed to live! Otherwise, we will all be in danger! "

The death of their parents is absolutely inseparable from them!!"

"Put the monster in an iron cage! Can't let them come out again! "


In the evening, Xia Youjie and Itachi arrived at the mission location.

When they came to the entrance of the village, there were already people waiting for them at the gate.

When the man saw the arrival of the two, a flattering smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Master! You're coming, please come in, come in. The

two men followed the man into the village, and then came to the door of a mansion.

"They're inside, I'll take you inside."

"They? Can you see those monsters? Xia Youjie asked the man suspiciously.

The man in front of him was just an ordinary person, not a sorcerer, how could he see a spell spirit?

"Huh? I can see it... Come inside, they've been locked in an iron cage by us, and they'll be fine. The man didn't care about Xia Youjie's doubts, he just wanted the two of them to take the two monsters away as soon as possible.

"Let's go, Jay, go in and have a look." Itachi said, standing aside.

Xia Youjie also wanted to see what kind of spell spirit it was, not only could it be seen by ordinary people, but it was actually locked in an iron cage.

The two followed the man into the house, and the man led them to the basement.

There was also a woman in the basement, it was the scathing-looking woman Xia Youjie had seen before, and the woman was still cursing at the things in the iron cage at the moment.

After noticing that someone was coming from behind, he turned around and looked, and a smile quickly appeared on his face.

"You're here, those two monsters are inside."

Xia Youjie and Itachi did not respond to the woman's words, and they became slightly vigilant in their hearts and walked towards the iron cage.

"It's... What the?

After entering the basement, looking at the scene in front of them, the two of them were stunned.

Locked in the iron cage, it was not a "monster", nor a curse spirit, but two little girls in thin clothes, and the little girls could clearly see the traces of being beaten.

The two little girls seemed to think that the two in front of them were also here to beat them, their bodies trembled, and they curled up in the corner in fear and hugged each other.

At this time, the woman and the man walked up to Xia Youjie and Itachi, and kept pouring out the "troubles" they encountered.

"These two monsters have been harming the people in the village, and even my son was injured by them."

"That's right, these two monsters also killed their real parents."

Xia Youjie looked at the two girls in front of him blankly at the moment, he didn't pay attention to the sounds around him, and his fists didn't know when to clench.

Is this what Rou Suo is planning? I was really surprised...

Monster? They have what it takes to be a sorcerer.

Kill your own biological parents? No, that's definitely what Kinso did!


". Itachi looked at Xia Youjie's state as if it wasn't quite right, and leaned closer and shouted at him.

Xia Youjie heard Itachi call his name, and he also came back to his senses at this moment.

"I'm fine, Itachi." Xia Youjie, who came back to his senses, turned his head and said to Itachi.

"However, although it will not be killed by them, the lesson will still be given, and my methods are not suitable, so please leave it to you."


"Yes, yes, these two monsters must be taught a lesson." The woman on the side didn't understand what Xia Youjie said, and thought that she was going to punish the two little girls.

Xia Youjie just turned his head and looked at the woman with a smile, and stopped talking.

"Let's go out and talk." Itachi walked over to the two villagers and said in a tone that could not be refused.

"Ahh Okay..." The woman and the man hesitated, but followed Itachi out.

After watching Itachi take the two out, Xia Youjie looked at the two girls.

The two girls' bodies trembled even more, hugging each other tightly, seeing this, Xia Youjie showed a gentle smile and slowly squatted down.

"What's your name~"

The two girls said with trembling voices.



"yes, that's a cute name!"

"It's okay, big brother is the same as you."

After Xia Youjie finished speaking, he stretched out his palm and summoned a slightly cuter looking in the spell spirit.

Non-sorcerers can't see spell spirits, only those who have the talent to become a sorcerer.

Watching Xia Youjie summon a spell spirit, Nanako and Mimiko couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Big brother is a monster like us?"

"No, you're a sorcerer, just like me."

During Xia Youjie's conversation, Itachi led the two villagers outside the house.

"Has anyone else beaten them?"

"Yes, yes! But that's what we're supposed to do, and you don't have to thank us. The woman smiled and waved her hand.

"You two bring them all here." Scarlet eyes looked at the two of them, and their emotions could not be heard in their words.

The two of them just wanted to ask why Itachi's eyes were red, and then they said with a blank expression.


The two of them quickly summoned the other villagers, who came outside the house to ask the Itachi why they had been asked to come, when suddenly, all of them had extremely painful expressions on their faces, and they knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I really know it's wrong! "

Mom! I really didn't mean to!

"Please! Please!


Immerse yourself in the pain of illusion."

Itachi looked at the scene in front of him unmoved.


At this time, the door behind him was opened, and Itachi looked back, Xia Youjie walked out with Nanako and Mimiko, and the two of them wore Xia Youjie's uniform together.

Nanako and Mimiko looked at the scene in front of them at a loss, and Xia Youjie reached out and touched their heads.

"It's okay, let's go, we'll take you home."

It was getting late, so Xia Youjie and Itachi had no choice but to take the two of them back to the Spell High School first, and then ring the room where the family was in the glass.

The house into the glass poked out of the head.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Youjie and Itachi went home to the glass, which explained the situation of the girls.

"Huh? Are there still so many brainless people out there?

After hearing what happened to Nanako and Mimiko, Iiri Glass's eyes were full of distress, and he took the two of them directly into his room.

"I'll take a shower for you first, and I'll take you to buy clothes tomorrow."

Feeling the unprecedented care and warmth, Nanako and Mimiko finally couldn't help but be aggrieved and cried out loud.

Jia Nian Glass hurriedly hugged them and comforted them.

"It's okay, in the future, the High Commissioner will be your home, and we will be your family."

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