"This is..."

In the world of Tsukiyo, the three of them came to the Uchiha clan's clan land as if they were there, and Itachi also walked out from behind the three of them at this moment, looked at the familiar building in front of them, and said to the three of them.

"Actually... I'm not from this world.

"Not from this world?" The three of them didn't understand what Itachi meant by "not from this world".

"I was dead in that world, but then I was sent here by a person."

All three of them were shocked by Itachi's words, Itachi had actually died once, and then came here from another world.

Before they could continue to ask, the scene changed for a while, and then the eyes of the three of them moved to a little boy who was rushing to the battlefield next to him, the boy had short black hair, and traces of tear troughs could already be faintly seen in the corners of his eyes.

"It's... What did Itachi look like when he was a kid? All three of them looked at the weasel beside them in some surprise.

"This scene... Is it going to be a war at such a young age? "

That's right, what they saw was Itachi's childhood.

In the picture, Itachi runs all the way, surrounded by corpses and countless ninja tools and swords scattered on the ground.

As Little Itachi went deeper, everyone also saw the war going on, full of sparks from sword fighting, the explosion of ninjutsu collisions, and the wails of ninjas before they died.

The little ferret stood on the top of the hill and watched it all with a complicated complexion.

"It's... Ninja World Wars. "

As time passed, the sun rose as usual, and the war ended temporarily.

Little Weasel follows his father to clean up the battlefield.

"Water... Water..."

Hearing the voices of the survivors, the little ferret, regardless of who the person was, hurriedly ran over and took out the kettle and fed him saliva.

The ninja's eyes slowly opened, and he saw the ninja on the little Itachi's legs, and his pupils contracted instantly.


The ninja looked up and saw only a child who was about four or five years old, but he didn't hesitate, quickly got up, took out the kunai and stabbed it at Itachi's neck.

Almost instinctively, the little ferret took out the kunai with his backhand and killed him first.

The little ferret turned his head and looked blankly at the person in front of him who wanted to kill him.

"Dad, why did he kill me, I obviously didn't do anything."

"Because it's war."


Looking at the scene in front of them, the three of them were full of distress, this was the first time Itachi had killed someone, at such a young age.

The scene changed again, the little weasel sat under the eaves and held a baby in his arms, looking at the baby in front of him, the corners of the weasel's mouth couldn't help but hook, and a smile appeared.

"This is my brother, Sasuke."

"Itachi's brother?"

Suddenly a beast's howl broke the conversation, and an orange fox with nine tails was wreaking havoc on the village, and the little Itachi hugged Sasuke tightly in his arms, leaving him unharmed.

This unguarded destruction led to growing resentment and distrust of the Uchiha clan in the village, and the Uchiha clan was relocated to the edge of the village.

The scene changes again, and the little Itachi has reached the age of going to school, but Itachi is a genius, and after learning the shadow clone, he uses the doppelganger to go to school instead of himself, and the main body comes to the training ground of the Uchiha clan to practice shuriken throwing.

And it was here that Itachi met Uchiha Shisui, and Itachi told Shisui all the questions that troubled him, and Shizui patiently answered for Itachi, and told him his thoughts and understanding.

For Itachi, Shisui is both a friend and an older brother.

Because Itachi is a genius, he graduated from the ninja school in less than a year and became a shinobi.

After becoming a ninja, it's time to start the mission, and Itachi and two other shinobi form a team under the leadership of a mentor, the upper ninja.

One day, after completing the task, the little ferret walked on the street with his father after a long absence, and the people around greeted the two with a smile, and the little ferret, who watched this scene, laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Fuyue looked at Itachi curiously

, "Because my father is the leader of the Uchiha, I am also very proud to be able to walk with my father."

Fu Yue smiled helplessly.

"Don't compliment me, what do you want, buy it for you."

The two of them came to the shop that sold the dumplings, but unfortunately the dumplings were sold out today.


At this time, a little girl with a tear mole in the corner of her eye appeared in front of Itachi's eyes, and the little girl was still holding Sancai Tuanzi in her arms.

Itachi looked at the girl in the picture, his fists clenched slightly, and then relaxed.

Fu Yue saw that the two knew each other, so he went home alone first, leaving them to talk slowly.

The two sat on the bridge by the lake.

Satoru Gojo, who was watching this scene, whispered.

"This little girl must love it."

The two next to him nodded in agreement.

"Itachi, I'm sorry, I didn't prepare a congratulatory gift for you when you graduated." The girl said as she unwrapped the bag in her hand.

"That's... Although it can't be counted as a congratulatory gift, if you don't dislike it, do you want to have a string? The girl unwrapped the package, revealing the three-colored dumplings inside, and handed it to Itachi.

Itachi then looked at the three-colored ball in the girl's hand in a daze, not noticing that the girl was still talking.

"However, an elite teenager in the family like Itachi, who has excellent grades, is versatile in physical ninjutsu, and has graduated from a grade skip, shouldn't like to eat any sweets."

With that, the girl moved the dango away from Itachi's eyes and said in a self-reproachful tone.

"I'm sorry, I did it myself."

"However, since it's already been taken out..." Little Weasel's eyes never took off the three-colored ball, and when he heard the girl say this, a smile appeared on his face, and he was about to reach out to pick it up, when he heard the girl say.

"Well, I'll eat a bunch myself."

The girl was about to put the dumplings in her mouth, and when she glanced over, she found that Itachi was looking at her intently, no, at the dumplings in her hand.

"Could it be..." The girl put down the dough, shook it in front of Itachi's eyes, and asked.

"You want to eat?"

Itachi's cheeks were slightly red, and he shyly turned his head away from looking at the ball in the girl's hand.

The girl finally gave the dumplings to Itachi, and the two sat by the lake eating dumplings and chatting.

At this moment, a voice came from behind the two of them.

"Itachi, there's another mission."

"Don't be here."

This person is none other than Gastrodia, a companion with Itachi's squad.

This time the mission is to find the ninja cat, Itachi and Amama came to the meeting place, and Mr. Mizuki and another teammate arrived for a while.

Everyone looked at the next picture and couldn't help laughing.

"Itachi, you're pretty cute with cat ears." Satoru Gojo and Natsu Youjie smiled and leaned back.

Glass ran behind Itachi and put his finger on the back of Itachi's head like a cat, and Satoru Gojo and Natsuyoujie smiled even more when they saw it.

"It's just to get the job done." Itachi looked at the three of them with helplessness.

After finding a clue about the ninja cat, Itachi went to inform the other two companions, and when he came to the door, he happened to hear the conversation inside.

"That ninja cat... It seems to be a special ninja cat. Tianma leaned against the door and said.

"Huh? When did you become Dr. Cat.

"Not really! It's my father... He was sick, and the Chinese medicine to cure the disease needed a medicine, which was the beard of the ninja cat.


listening to their conversation, Itachi pushed the door open and walked in.

"The location of the ninja cat has been found."

After the three of them met with Teacher Mizuki, they came to the location where the ninja cat was.

Tianma looked at the drunken ninja cat in front of him and said, "In this way, the task is equivalent to completion." The

weasel next to him turned his head and glanced at Tianma.

"Then I'll try to talk to each other first." Teacher Shui Wuyue slowly walked towards the ninja cat.

Subsequently, because Shui Wuyue's negotiations failed, he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Sure enough, it should have been hard in the first place." Tianma rushed out as he spoke.

Itachi and Kokoko also followed, and in the process of chasing the ninja cat, Amama and Kokoko unfortunately fell.

Itachi threw several shuriken at the fleeing ninja cat, but they were dodged by the nimble ninja cat one by one.

"Kunai is good, but it's far from it." The ninja cat stopped and turned back to Itachi and mocked.

"yes, I thought it was only five millimeters away."

Itachi pointed to it, motioning for it to look.

The ninja cat looked up, and a kunai just fell from above, cutting off the beard accurately, and the ninja cat was also frightened by the falling kunai, and fell into Itachi's arms with black eyes.

Looking at the weasel in the picture, Iiri Glass spoke.

"Itachi has been so gentle since he was a child..."


In the end, the mission was successfully completed, and Itachi hid the matter of his beard from Granny Cat.

"Just assume that I owe you a favor, and I will pay it back." On the way back to the village, Tianma said to Itachi with a proud face.


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