"Yo! You're doing a lot of fun.

Itachi turned around, and the three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes instantly turned into kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes staring at the comer.


The white-haired man looked at Itachi carefully, and saw that it was wearing a red robe with a hood, the length of the robe was knee-length, the feet were short boots with open toes, the blood-colored eyes had dart-like patterns, and the long hair was tied behind his head.

A playful smile appeared on Satoru Gojo's face.

"You guys look pretty cool, and besides, Lao Tzu's name is Gojo Satoru."

"So, are you a sorcerer too? Or is it... Curser?

Satoru Gojo's tone was slightly threatening when he said the words curser, as if as soon as Itachi said that he was a cursed master, he would immediately destroy Itachi.

“... Itachi is neither." Itachi shook his head.

"I... It's a ninja. "

Ninja? Is there anything so old that still exists? And ninjas probably don't have as much magic as you. "

Mana? Could it be that the extra power in my body is called mana in this world? Itachi was a little puzzled when he heard this, and what are the sorcerers and cursers? I don't seem to know about this in my memory.

"What is mana? And the monster just now, you should have seen it too. Itachi stopped thinking and decided to ask about the white fur in front of him.

"Huo~~ You who can purify the second-level spell spirit, don't you even know what the magic power is?" Satoru Gojo felt that the man in front of him was more interesting.

Mana is the power used to activate the spell, and the source of mana is the negative feelings of the caster himself, and traditional spellcasters are generally trained from a young age to extract mana from various negative feelings and then store it for use in battle.

Then there is the spell, which is an innate ability that cannot be learned, and although it can be developed to play various tricks, it is essentially the same spell.

In addition, spells can be inherited, and many spells begin to form various forces in the family unit in the process of inheritance, and the three most powerful are Zen-in, Kamo and Gojo.

"Roughly understood, right?" Satoru Gojo explained it to Itachi.

"I see, I roughly understand." Itachi listened to Gojo Satoru's explanation and understood that the power in his body was mana, and he felt that the system of this world seemed to be similar to the ninja world.

"So, do you want to go back to the High Master of Spells with me?"

Satoru Gojo sends an invitation to Itachi.

"Spell Master?"

"Well, a place to train a sorcerer and then carry out a mission to cleanse the spell spirit."

Itachi thought about it for a while and decided to go to the Gojo Satoru Spell High School to understand the reality of this world.

"Yes." Itachi replied flatly.

"Then let's go, the spell spirit has been destroyed by you anyway." Satoru Gojo turned around and waved his hand to signal Itachi to follow.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet."

"Itachi, Uchiha Itachi

""Uchiha... I haven't heard of it. "

Feeling the huge magic power in the body of the ferret behind him, and the strange eyes, is it a birth technique? I really didn't expect to meet such an interesting guy when I came out on a mission this time, and he was very strong!


On the way back, the sun was shining at noon, and Itachi was leaning against the window, his black hair was blowing in the cool wind, and he observed the passers-by on the street, some of whom had strange-looking spells attached to them.

There is a similar newborn baby, the body is white, the two pairs of black eyes can not see the pupils, the hands are held on the back of the woman's neck, and the mouth is closed as if to call.

Some resemble a giant maggot, but the head has a human face, and the body is wrapped around the man's waist.

"Are these spell spirits too?" Itachi muttered to himself

, "The destination is almost here, so let's take advantage of this time to explain the spell master to you."

"The Jujutsu College, also known as the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Jujutsu, is one of only two jujutsu educational institutions in Japan, and its façade is a private religious school. There are many spellcasters here, and after graduation, they also use this place as a starting point to carry out activities, not only to educate, but also to perform tasks and assist, and it is an important place in the world of spells.

Itachi listened quietly to Satoru Gojo's introduction, and soon after the two arrived at the High School of Spells.

Itachi looked around, looking at the spell masters who were mostly trees, smelling the fresh air of the mud mixed with flowers and plants, and his body and mind relaxed slightly.

Satoru Gojo continued to lead the way.

"What's more, you have to have an interview with the principal next, and you may be denied admission to the school~

" "Huh?"

Itachi looked at Satoru Gojo in front of him with some confusion and asked, "Do you need to test your strength?"

Gojo Satoru: "No, no, no, it's probably some personality test.,Ask me why you joined the Spell Academy.,Why do you want to become a spell master or something~


Gojo Satoru looked at the man in front of him, and after seeing that he had no other problems, he pushed open the wooden door and walked into a spacious room.

The floor in the room is immaculate, and the candles in the pillars emit light. A rugged uncle with a black thorn and sunglasses is sewing a puppet with a needle and thread.

He didn't look back, and said while sewing the puppet, "Is this the person you fancie?" Realize.

"Yes, it was encountered on this mission, and the spell spirit was cleared by him, and he is a very strong person."

Satoru Gojo has a smile on his face and seems to be very satisfied with Itachi.

"Hello, my name is Uchiha Itachi, and I want to join the High School of Spells."

Itachi nodded in acknowledgment and said without any disguise.


" The man looked at the puppet that had been made in his hand, then put away the needle and thread, got up and looked at Uchiha Itachi, and said, "I can easily purify the second-level spell spirit, and there is also a recommendation for enlightenment, I don't think you need to test your ability."

"I only have one question, if you and your companion encounter a life-and-death crisis, do you abandon your companion to complete the mission, or desperately protect your companion and abandon the mission." The man asked.

"I won't abandon my companions, but I won't abandon the mission either."

Itachi's expression was flat, but his eyes were extremely determined.

The man didn't speak, and looked at Itachi expressionlessly for a while,

"Good answer."

The headmaster smiled and said, "Qualified, welcome to the High School of Spells." "

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