"How long have I been in a coma..."

Ota slowly opened his eyes while lying on the hospital bed, looked at the unfamiliar ceiling, looked left and right, and didn't see the person he wanted to see, and then asked Itachi in a very weak voice.

"Zen Academy... No...... How's Maki-san?

"Maki and the child are fine, don't worry."

Itachi looked at Otoku, who had woken up, and said gently.

When Otogu heard this answer, he also breathed a sigh of relief: "Great..."

, but his face was still full of sorrow, and he looked at the ring on his finger blankly.

"What's wrong?"

"It's the first time I've called out Rika on my own initiative."

"Is that so? There's progress.

Itachi looked at Otoku, and at this time he kept looking at the ring on his ring finger, as if remembering something, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked upward, but he quickly regained the sadness he had just now.

Itachi asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Otogu came back to his senses and said embarrassedly: "No, it's nothing, just recalling some past events."

"Is it a matter of praying for incense?"


Otogu was a little surprised, why Itachi-sensei knew what was going on in his head.

"You've got it all written on your face."

Itachi saw Otoku's confusion and spoke again.

"Regarding Rika in the prayer book, Satoru has asked people to investigate, and she herself does not have the talent of a sorcerer."

"What does this mean..."

"In other words, it's not necessarily that Rika in the prayer book cursed you, but you cursed the incense in the prayer book, Otogu-san."

Otogu Yuta heard Itachi's suggestion of this possibility, and his mind recalled the day of the accident with Rika in the prayer book.

The speeding car crashed into Rika Urimoto, and Yuta Otoku, who was standing in place, witnessed the birth of this tragedy, and Rika Saimoto's blood soaked the road, and her head was directly thrown out of shape by the wheels.

"Don't die, don't die!"

Otoku Yuta couldn't accept the reality that Rika was dead, and under the huge stimulus, Otoku Yuta awakened a huge spell and put a curse on Rika Qimoto.


Ota Yuta's eyes were about to well-up with tears, and his left hand with the ring slowly clenched into a fist, and said to Itachi in a firm tone.

"I'm going to be at the High School of Spells and lift the curse of Rika!"

Itachi didn't speak, just looked at Otoku with a smile on his face, and then got up to leave, leaving Otoku to be quiet.

Itachi went to the ward of Zenin Maki after leaving Otoku's ward, and Zenin Maki had already woken up, and was lying on his side on the bed at the moment, not knowing what he was thinking, and he didn't even notice Itachi when he came to the ward.

Seeing that she was thinking about something, Itachi stopped bothering, closed the door gently, and left.

"Satoru should still be at the top, I don't know if the matter has been dealt with."

Itachi then used the Flying Thunder God technique to come to Gojo Satoru's side, and Gojo Satoru was about to kick the door open, when he saw Itachi coming, and immediately put down his already raised foot.

"Yo, Itachi, are they awake?"

Itachi pretended not to see Gojo Satoru's actions just now, after all, even if he said it this time, this guy will do it again next time.

"Well, it's no big deal."

"Then let's go in and listen to their complaints~"

Satoru Gojo pushed open the door and walked in, and Itachi followed behind him.

"Huh~ You're here so early."

The executives in the conference room ignored Gojo Satoru's words, and just took out the report document and read it out to the two.

"[Special Curse Spirit: Rika Prayer Ben] showed its full picture for four hundred and twenty-two seconds, and we handed it over to you just to prevent such a thing from happening, how did you take care of Otoku Yuta?"

"Uchiha Itachi, Satoru Gojo."

Gojo Satoru scratched his head: "Eh~ Aren't we very well guarded~

" "What are you guys messing around?! If Rika gets out of control, maybe the whole city will be destroyed by it!

Itachi said at this time: "I said before that if he deliberately hurts a non-sorcerer, then I will deal with him, and the appearance of Rika in the prayer book this time did not cause casualties, but only to remove the spell spirit in the mission."

Satoru Gojo picked up Itachi's words and said, "And if it turns out like that, of course we'll do everything we can to stop it." "

I said, we don't know anything about [Special Curse Spirit: Prayer Books], the girl is not from a family of sorcerers, why her curse is so huge, we can't understand it, and we can't control it."

"In short, it's just trial and error, don't worry about them for the time being~"

Gojo Satoru said in a flirtatious tone, and then motioned to Itachi and himself to go back to the high school first.

Watching the two of them turn around and walk towards the door, the higher-ups reminded Itachi and Gojo Satoru of the threat in their tones.

"Don't forget, Otoku's death sentence is just a postponement of execution."

"If you have the guts..."

Gojo Satoru and Itachi stopped when they heard this, and their pale blue eyes and scarlet eyes looked at the person who had just spoken at the same time.

"Then you can try."


Itachi, who returns to the High School of Spells, walks around the school with Satoru Gojo.

While talking to Itachi, Satoru Gojo removed the bandages from his eyes, re-combed them, and tied them back up.

"Really, a bunch of uninteresting old things, you have to be careful, I don't want to be like that."

Itachi looked at the people on the playground in the distance and said to Satoru Gojo,

"Others may be like this, but you can't do it."

A smile suddenly appeared on Satoru Gojo's face: "Huh? Itachi, you're so confident in me. Itachi

: "........."

Itachi didn't want to say anything more to this unobtrusive fellow.

The two walked all the way to the playground, and Xia Youjie also came out of the intersection next to him at this time, with beads of sweat on his face, and it seemed that he had just finished exercising.

"Itachi, Satoru, you're back."

"Uh-huh~ I just went to listen to a mosquito call, and now my ears are itchy."

Gojo said to Xia Youjie unconsciously.

As soon as Xia Youjie heard it, he knew that Gojo Satoru had just gone to the high-level place, but he didn't ask anything, after all, those guys were indeed pedantic and annoying.

"Jie, you still have to pay attention to your body when cultivating the Eight Gate Dunjia."

"Don't worry, Itachi, although I can't be as proficient in the reversal technique as you and Glass, I still have no problem healing itself."


Itachi only reminded Xia Youjie a little that he had mastered the reversal technique, and he really didn't have to worry too much about physical damage.

"By the way, Jay, do you still have a spell in that spell spirit?" Satoru Gojo interjected at this point.

"Ah, yes, what's wrong?"

"B Bone should be able to use it now, give him a slightly better spell."

"A slightly better spell tool..." Xia Youjie stroked his chin and thought.

Which spell will you give him? Yuyun's words have already been given to Zenin Maki... Yes! That's right!

Xia Youjie remembered a spell, and that knife should be very suitable for Otoku Yuta.

"I just have a good quality spell, let's go, I'll go with you." Xia Youjie showed an inexplicable smile, looked at Gojo Satoru and said.

Satoru Gojo: "? "


"Maki and Thorn are still one lap away, and Nanako and Mimiko are two laps away."

The panda sat on the lawn with a timer in his hand and shouted to the crowd on the runway.

It turned out that when Itachi entered Maki Zenin's ward, Maki Zenin kept blaming herself.

If I could be a little stronger... If I could have been a little more careful at the time...

No, I have to get stronger! Otherwise, how could he be the head of the Zen Monastery family!

After thinking about it, he walked out of the ward, pulled up Otoku, and came to the training ground together.

Otoku Yuta is also self-serving, after all, he also has a goal to unravel Rika's curse.

So, these two sick numbers appeared on the training ground.

Satoru Gojo: "Yo! Students!

After waiting for Otoku Yuta to finish running, the three of them said hello to everyone on the training ground.

"Why are the teachers here?" Zenin Maki was a little puzzled.

"It's a bit of a matter to find Bone-san." Xia Youjie explained.

Otoku pointed to himself and asked, "Looking for me?" "

That's right, this knife is for you~"

Xia Youjie took out a Japanese knife from the mouth of the spell spirit.

Gojo Satoru looked at the knife that Xia Youjie took out, how familiar he looked.

"I've seen this knife somewhere."

"Of course you've seen it, this knife has stabbed you in the middle before." Xia Youjie looked at Gojo Satoru with a smile and said.

"Damn! Without further ado, I went back to sleep.

Gojo Satoru looked unhappy directly, turned around and walked in the direction of the dormitory, Xia Youjie smiled and looked at his back.

"Stabbed Gojo-sensei?" The first-graders couldn't help but be a little curious, after all, Gojo Satoru was so strong, someone could still stab him.

"I won't tell you, otherwise Satoru will really be angry with me." Xia Youjie shook his head, and then said to Yi Gu Yutai.

"Take it, Oto-san."

Otogu took the spell a little unclear, and Itachi explained.

"The mana is the most stable when it is attached to the object, you have already established a connection with the prayer book Rika through the ring, and the channel of contact is already there, and then use the mana of Rixiang to pour it into the spell to control it, increase it one by one, and finally control all her mana skillfully."

"Then you and her will be free."

Otogu pulled out the knife too jerky: "Infuse the mana into the blade...""

First of all, let's learn how to use the knife first, and Maki-san, I'll be responsible for teaching him first." Xia Youjie saw Otoku's jerky movements, turned his head and said to Zen Yuan Maki.

"After you learn how to use the knife, I'll teach you how to use mana to infuse the spell."

"I see! Thank you! Mr. Xia You, Mr. Itachi, Mr. Maki!

Otogu thanked the three of them one by one.

"Then, you should do your best~"


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