A month later, the day before the sisterhood meeting, the principal of Kyoto Jushu High School, Yoshinobu Rakuwaji, and the second-year students led by him had arrived.

Each sisterhood is held at the school of the previous winner, and since the three of them entered the High School of Spells, every time they have won is from Tokyo.

In a room where the principals, teachers, and students of the two schools gathered, the principal of Kyoto Jushu High School, Rakuwaji Yoshinobu was an old man with a cane in his hand, wearing a traditional white coat and wide trousers, with only long white eyebrows and a beard on the top of his head.

And the leading teachers on the side of the Tokyo Jujutsu High School are Itachi, Xia Youjie, and Gojo Satoru, and the Kyoto Jujutsu High School is led by a woman wearing a witch costume, and her originally beautiful face has a scar from the right side of her face to the bridge of her nose. (I feel that the wound on the face of the Ann Singer was deliberately drawn by JJXX.,It stands to reason that she and the Glass who can reverse the technique are good friends)

"Yo~Singer,It's been a long time~" Gojo Satoru smiled as soon as he came up, and said hello next to the sword Ann Singer, who turned her head to see this blindfolded white hair, she was originally expressionless on her face, and suddenly she was extremely angry and disgusted like a volcanic eruption.

"Satoru, don't mess with people." Xia Youjie walked over, found a random spot and sat down.

Gojo Satoru looked at Xia Youjie, covered his mouth and snickered, "Jie, if you sit behind the singer, be careful that the stool breaks." "


" "Bastard, I'll kill you!!" Hearing Gojo Satoru say this, Ange Ji was angry, and rushed up with an arrow to grab Gojo Satoru's neck, but his hand kept stagnating around Gojo Satoru's neck and couldn't go deeper.

"Ah~I'm going to die~" Gojo Satoru stuck out his tongue and looked like he was about to be strangled to death, and Ange Gehime became even more angry when she saw this scene.

"Okay, Singer, leave him alone." At this time, a white-haired woman suddenly walked in from outside the door, and the woman's long hair was braided into braids and placed on the front and back to cover her face.

"Itachi, long time no see."

Styrex looked at Itachi and said hello, and Itachi nodded in acknowledgment.

"Long time no see, Dark."

And Ange and Gojo Satoru on the side didn't stop fighting, and the rest of the people were not surprised, so they didn't persuade at the exit.

After greeting the underworld, Itachi took the opportunity to look at the students in Kyoto.

A man with almost closed eyes, dressed traditionally, looks like Kamo Kennori of the Kamo family, while a burly man next to him is much simpler, his rugged figure can't be hidden even if he wears a school uniform, and he also has a scar on the left side of his face, the scar runs from his left forehead to the left eye, and his hair is combed back and simply stands up on the top of his head.

The third student was very petite in appearance, with blond hair tied into two skyrocketing bunches, and his face looked like a half-breed.

The night moth masamichi and the Rakuyanji Kashin next to him also ended the discussion at this time, and the night moth masamichi came over and said to everyone.

"The principal of Leyan Temple and I have decided on the content of this exchange meeting, as in the past, the side that purges the most spell spirits wins, and they can interfere with each other, but they can't hurt their lives, understand?"

"Got it!" The students in Kyoto and Tokyo replied in unison.

"But are they also participating in this exchange competition?" Nishinomiya Momo pointed to the Zen temple Maki and asked them about the night moth Masanori.

"No, they just came to watch. Let's introduce ourselves and get to know each other.

Since Xigong Tao had just spoken, he took the lead in introducing himself by the way: "Xigong Tao, second grade." "

Kennori Kamo, a second-year student, please advise." The squinting man thought as he spoke, staring at Maki Zenin with his invisible eyes.

"Why does she look so similar to Zen Temple? Mayi didn't seem to have mentioned to us that she had twin sisters.

After Kamo Kenki's introduction, it was the turn of the strong man beside him, the strong man with his hands on his chest, and there was no expression on his face.

"Aoi Todo, second grade." After finishing speaking, Todo Aoi closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something in his head.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, there is a talk show with Kotakada, can you hurry up today's exchange competition!"

And the Tokyo Jujutsu High School also introduced itself alternately here, with Tsukiji and Hoshiki Raro being the first to speak, followed by Otoku Yuta.

The people at Kyoto High School were a little surprised when they learned that Otoku-Yuta was only in the first grade, but Rakuwaji Yoshinobu first looked nervous when he saw Otoku-Yuta, and then he was relieved.

After all, he had already received the news before that the super-grade spell spirit had disappeared, and the current Oto-Bone Sorrow was just a fourth-level spell master.

Then there are Zen temple Maki and Fushiguro Megumi them, and after the introduction of Zen temple Maki, the three people in Kyoto were surprised, Maki... Zhenyi, and they are both surnamed Zen Academy, they shouldn't really be sisters.

And the self-introduction of the panda and the dog Curly Thorn is more attractive to the attention of the three of Kyoto than Zenin Maki and them.

One is a self-aware mantra and is still very likable, and the other is a spell master who only speaks about the taste of rice balls.

The students here in Tokyo are really interesting.

After seeing that everyone had finished introducing, the night moth masado glanced left and right, and it seemed that he didn't see the person he wanted to see, so he asked the weasel beside him.

"Itachi, isn't she here yet?"

It is inevitable that there will be injuries in the sister exchange competition, and if you can use the reversal technique to treat other people's home glass, it can provide a safety insurance, if home glass does not come, then you can only go to itachi for treatment.

"Glass says she'll be there soon." Itachi glanced at his phone, and it happened to be a message from Glass.

"Is the glass here too?" When the hermitage on the side heard that the family would also come, she immediately let go of the hands that were holding Gojo Satoru's neck and looked at Itachi with a happy face.

"Hmm." Itachi nodded calmly to Ann Kahime.

"I'll go down and pick her up~~" After hearing Itachi's affirmative reply, Ange ran out of the door.

"Be careful not to fall to your death on the stairs~"

Satoru Gojo shouted loudly at Ange who ran out of the door with his hands like a trumpet.

There was only a roar in response.

"!! Scum!!

Gojo Satoru didn't care about that, because in his self-perception, An-U-hime didn't really hate him.

But Xia Youjie and Itachi, as well as everyone else present, could see that An-kahime hated Satoru Gojo from the bottom of her heart.

"Wu is really unconscious~" Xia Youjie shook his head with a smile and whispered.

The rest of the people are no longer able to complain, and both of you are actually quite unconscious.


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