"Anyway, why did you come to Tokyo Spell Academy?"

Knotweed Yuhito pulled away from the topic of the wall and asked Rose Nailsaki.

"I've been asked many times before."

"This... I don't want to stay in the countryside, I want to come to Tokyo! Nail Rose shouted loudly with a natural expression.

When Knotweed Yuhito heard such an outrageous reason, the whole person was directly stunned.

"I don't have any money, so if I want to come to Tokyo, this is the only way~" Tsubashi Rose turned her back to Knotweed and said softly.

"Can you gamble your life for such a thing...


Rose Nagasaki cut the corner, turned to look at Knotweed Yuhito, stepped forward and placed her hand on top of the boy's head.

"It's to keep my heart intact, and in that sense, I'm grateful to you."

"Whether I die or I am the only one who lives, there will be no bright future."

Tsukizaki Rose looked at Knotweed Yuhito with a smile and said sincerely, "Thank you."

"Now that the spell has been removed, let's go." Satoru Gojo suddenly appeared in front of Yuhito Knotweed and said with a smile.

"Itachi, they're still waiting outside."

"But... What about this child? Knotweed Yuhito looked at the little boy, a little worried.

Experiencing such a terrible thing at such a young age should leave a psychological shadow.

Gojo Satoru waved his hand: "It's okay, let's go outside first."

Seeing that Satoru Gojo seemed to have some way, Knotweed Yuhito didn't ask any more questions when he saw this, and walked out of the building with the little boy.

When Itachi saw them coming out, he cast an illusion on the little boy in front of him, causing him to forget what had happened today, changing his perception and making him feel that he was just lost.

"Then Itachi and I will send this child home first." Xia Youjie smiled and stretched out his hand and took the child.

"Where is your house?"

"Turn left in front and go straight ahead." The boy stretched out his hand and pointed to the road ahead and said to Xia Youjie.

"That's not too far~"


"You know, when I'm hungry, I'm in a bad mood." Tsukizaki Rose shook her legs and looked at Knotweed Yuhito with a bored expression.

Knotweed Yuren whispered: "You're not in a good mood, are you?" "

I've been waiting for a long time~" A voice suddenly came from behind him.

Nailsaki Wild Rose and Knotweed Yuhito turned their heads to see that Itachi and Xia Youjie had already appeared behind Satoru Gojo.

Seeing that the two had returned, Gojo Satoru said to the two Knotweed, "Since they have returned..."

"Then let's go eat~ This time it's serious~

" "Steak!"


Satoru Gojo smiled confidently: "It's all wrapped up in me!"

"Megumi, what about you?"

Gojo Satoru approached Megumi Fushiguro, and when he found that he was checking what food he had, he ignored him and left with Knotweed in his arms.

"Let's go first~

" "Huh."

On the way, Knotweed Yuhito was still arguing with Nail Saki Wild Rose, and the three of them watched this scene with a smile on their faces, without disturbing them.

"Fushiguro, why are you so sad?" Knotweed Yuhito noticed that Megumi Fushiguro didn't seem to be in a very good mood, and asked with concern.

Megumi Fushiguro didn't speak, and Satoru Gojo on the side explained to Knotweed Yuhito: "I didn't have his role today, so it's awkward

~" "It's really a child~" Tsukizaki Wild Rose covered her mouth and snickered.

"Since I'm going to eat, I'll call and ask if Glass is coming." Xia Youjie immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Jiajin Glass.

"Glass, the first-grade dinner, are you coming?"

"Does Itachi cook?"

"No, in Tokyo, eat out."

“...... Okay, then pick me up. Hearing

that the family was coming to the glass, Xia Youjie hung up the phone, looked at the weasel on the side and said.

"Itachi, please take the glass."


After the weasel agreed, the figure disappeared in an instant, and when it reappeared, there was already a long-haired woman in a white coat beside him.

"Why don't you let me change my clothes first... Dressing like this to eat would be considered a psychopath. Irito looked at Itachi helplessly and said.

"Then I'll take you back again?"

"Forget it, that's it, I'll take off my coat and put yours later."

Nailsaki Wild Rose and Knotweed Yuhito looked at the woman in front of them curiously, and asked Megumi Fushiguro, "Is she also a teacher?"

"No, she's a doctor, and she cured her two classmates."

As soon as Knotweed Yuhito heard that it was the woman in front of him who had cured his senior, he immediately rushed to him, bowed his head and bent over, and the whole set of actions was completed in one go.

"Thank you for curing my senior! Thank you very much!

Ieri Glass's fingers played with his long hair and looked at Knotweed Yuhito with interest.

"No thanks, it's just my job."

"He's who...?" Iiri looked at the weasel beside him suspiciously.

Itachi nodded, not saying anything more.

Nail Rose looked at the four of them at this time and said, "Is the relationship between the teachers very good?"

"We have been classmates since we were in high school, and we have known each other for more than ten years now." Xia Youjie smiled and answered Nail Rose's doubts.

"It's been a long time~

" "Don't talk about this, let's go eat quickly." Megumi Fushiguro said impatiently.

Knotweed Yuhito: "Little child

~" Wild Rose Nailsaki: "A child who sweeps the atmosphere~

" "You two are almost done!" Fushiguro Hui's forehead was bruised, and he angrily scolded these two living treasures.


In the restaurant, Tsukizaki Wild Rose and Knotweed Yuhito are both drooling at the food in front of them.

"This is—"

"Premium Sushi!"

"Premium steak!"

Just as Knotweed Yuhito opened his mouth and wanted to swallow the steak in front of him whole, he found that his family member in a black coat had been staring at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just wanted to dissect you and see what the structure is." Iiri Glass has a smile on her face, and she seems to be extremely interested in Knotweed Yuhito.

Knotweed Yuhito was covered with goosebumps, and the more he looked at the smile of the family, the more he looked like a female demon.

"Glass, don't tease him." Xia Youjie couldn't stand it, and said to Jia Jinzi.

"Okay~Okay~" After hearing this, Iiri no longer looked at Knotweed Yuhito, and concentrated on eating the food in front of him.

Nail Rose noticed that there was actually a dessert in front of Itachi!?

"Itachi-sensei... Do you like to eat this? "

I really didn't expect it, but it looks like a person who can eat "soba" or has a light taste, but really people can't look good...


Itachi saw Nailuzaki Wild Rose staring at him inexplicably, a little puzzled.


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