"I'm very sorry, but please forgive us."

The panda folded his hands and held them high above his head, apologizing to the two of them sincerely.

"Actually... We would like to invite you to participate in the

Kyoto Sister School Exchange Meeting~" "Kyoto Sister School Exchange Meeting?" Rose Nagasaki tilted her head and looked at the panda with a question mark on her face.

"What's that?" Tsukizaki Rose looked at Megumi Fushiguro beside her and asked.

"An exchange meeting with another high school of spells in Kyoto." After Megumi Fushiguro answered Tsukizaki Rose, she looked at the few people in front of her and asked.

"Didn't you participate in that exchange meeting in the second and third grades, we are only in the first grade, right? Did you go to watch the game like you did last time? "

The third grade bunch of junk is on suspension, so I want you to participate." Zenin Maki said helplessly.

Because he couldn't stand the conservatives, he couldn't get used to him, so he found an opportunity to beat up that group of people directly.

Xingqi Luo Luo saw that the scale Jinji went up and beat him, so he definitely couldn't just stand, so he also went up and beat him.

"But isn't there still Nanako and Mimiko seniors?" Megumi Fushiguro asked, looking at the two sisters in front of her.

"No, we don't want to participate, but if we have a personal battle the next day, we can go."

"Personal station? What exactly does this exchange do? Nail Rose asked curiously.

"The duration of the exchange meeting is two days, and the competition method of each day is set by the principals of both sides." At this point, the panda asked and asked Nail Rose.

"That being said, every year it's the first day of team battles and the second day of individual battles."

"Salmon." Dogcurly Thorn nodded in agreement.

"Team battles, individual battles..." Nail Rose was stunned for a moment, then reacted and asked with a shocked expression.

"Is that to fight the conjurer?"

After all, Tsukizaki Wild Rose had been in the village all along, and she had never heard of this kind of situation where sorcerers fought each other.

"That's right, it's a spell competition, as long as you don't kill the other party, you can do anything." Zenin Maki looked at the two with a smile on his face.

"You have to hurry up and train, don't be beaten to death then."

Zenin Maki didn't pay attention to the panda behind him, looked at the two in front of him and asked, "So what?" You'll be participating, right?

"After all, my companion is dead."

"Participate!" The two of them had firm eyes and answered categorically.

I'm going to get stronger, so strong that I won't lose my companions again!

As long as I can become stronger, I am willing to do whatever I do!

"Then, let's come to the training ground tomorrow~"

Since they decided to participate, Maki Zen and his party will go back first.


In a secret room, Jia Nian Glass and Xia Youjie were standing in the center, Xia Youjie summoned a spell spirit, and the spell spirit slowly spit out the corpse of "Knotweed Yuren" from his mouth.

"Knotweed Yuhito is dead, here's the report." Iiri handed the forged certificate to the man in the suit next to him.

The man took the certificate, walked quickly to the old man who was sitting not far away, and respectfully handed the certificate to the old man.

The old man just took the certificate and put it on the table without even looking at it.

"Since Knotweed Yuhito is dead, then we will be responsible for his body."

"No, I haven't dissected it yet." Home into the glass directly opened his mouth to refuse.

The knotweed Yuhito in front of him is just a clone of Itachi, and if you give it to them, you will be recognized.

Although they will have to know sooner or later, at least it is better to have a little more leisure during this time.

"We also have a professional doctor, and it's best for Knotweed Yuhito to hand it over to us..."

Knotweed Yuhito is in charge of the family's glass.

Xia Youjie interrupted the old man directly, looking at them with cold eyes, as if he was going to kill them all in the next second.

"Bringing the body of Knotweed Yuhito to you to see is just to give you face for the time being."

"Don't get an inch..."The

secret room suddenly fell silent, and no one dared to speak.

"Since it's no problem, then we'll go back~" Xia Youjie, who looked extremely gloomy from his face just now, looked at them with a smile at the moment.


that there was still no one to refute, Xia Youjie took back the body of "Knotweed Youren", and left with his family.

"What to do? Do you want to report it

to him...""Let's report to him."

In the realm of Tuogen, Qi Suo was leisurely nibbling on a watermelon, when suddenly the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

Qi Suo put down the watermelon, took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth and hands, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the message to take a look.

"Knotweed Yuhito confirmed dead."

"What's wrong?" The leaky pot looked at Qi Suo and asked curiously.

"It's okay, just that Knotweed Yuhito is dead." Qi Suo replied nonchalantly, and then lifted the watermelon again and nibbled on it.

"Clams? Then how are we going to win over the Sufu?! "

It's okay, that guy... It can't be so easy to die. Qi

Suo clearly knew that Knotweed Yuren had two sides in his body, and it was impossible for him to die.

But this news can't be fake.,It's probably because of the two-faced scumbag he saw something funny...



Megumi Fushiguro stood in the dormitory and called out to Itachi who was about to go back to his room to rest.

"Megumi? What's wrong? Itachi turned to look at Megumi Fushiguro and asked.

"That mission from yesterday... Those five people whose lives and deaths are unknown..." Megumi Fushiguro wanted to speak and stopped.

"The corpse has been destroyed during your battle and has been handed over to the recyclers to dispose of."

"That's right..." When Megumi Fushiguro heard this answer, she lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

"What's wrong? Benefit? Itachi asked.

"No, it's nothing, Mr. Itachi, you can rest first, I have to go out." Megumi Fushiguro looked at Itachi and shook her head.

"Well, remember to go to the training ground tomorrow morning, Jay will teach you."

"I see!"

Megumi Fushiguro hurried out of the dormitory after saying this, holding a rag with his name on it in his pocket.

On the rag was written the words "Okazaki Masa", which Fushiguro Megumi had deliberately tore from the corpse when she was escaping yesterday.

"It's really troublesome, this should have been up to you..."

, recalling what Knotweed Yuhito said, Megumi Fushiguro's grip on the rag tightened.

"Obviously I still have something to say to you..."

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