Kyoto Police Department

Interrogation Room

: "Don't fool people with your tricks again!" This is the police station, not a place for you to go wild and have fun! "

The seminar was broadcast live, and now the national audience knows that you are a tomb robber, and it is useless for you to quibble!"

"Don't think that if we can't find your criminal record, we can't do anything about you!"

In front of Ye Xiao, a uniformed patrolman with a Chinese character face slapped the table and raised his eyebrows.

He is the director of the Kyoto Police Department, and he was ordered to be in charge of Ye Xiao's case.

"You've fooled us, you can't fool the professionals! Professor Zhou, an authority on archaeology in China, will be here soon, if you confess now, maybe you can fight for leniency! But when we find out... Hum!

Ye Xiao couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart.

He didn't calculate that the black viper, a creature that exists in the novel, actually appeared in reality.

The most worrying thing happened:

even though the records proved his innocence, Director Liang still didn't let himself go!

The door to the interrogation room was pushed open, and an old man with gray temples walked in.

The old man was still holding a stack of documents in his hand, sat down and said

, "Xiao Ye, I said that you are not a tomb robber,

but research shows that this time I went down the well for the first time that a black viper was found on the entire Blue Star!" No one has ever found out or documented it before!

"But, this creature is in your movie!!"

As he spoke, Professor Zhou unfolded the documents in his hand one by one in front of Ye Xiao, and they were all pictures of black vipers.

"Don't tell me it's a coincidence, the black viper in your movie is exactly the same as the sample caught at the institute! Even the Xi of the black viper is not bad at all!

"So, it can't be a coincidence!"

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes helplessly in his heart.

He couldn't explain that this fish was something he had seen in a pre-time novel, right?

Otherwise, Ye Xiao estimated that he would either be sent to a psychiatric hospital or carried into a research institute.

Director Liang on the side saw that Ye Xiao never spoke, and exerted psychological pressure again:

"I advise you to confess and be lenient, and resist strictly!" Confess the facts of the crime, and maybe I can reduce your sentence!

Ye Xiao reacted, and immediately shook his head again and again to deny:

"But I really haven't been to Suolongjing!"

"What do you explain about the black viper?"

Director Liang asked sharply, and Ye Xiao was silent for a moment.

After a while, Ye Xiao seemed to have made up his mind, suddenly raised his head, and said,

"Actually... I didn't want to say it, but it's already here..."

Hearing that Ye Xiao had signs of "letting go", Director Liang suddenly cheered up.

"This black viper was actually told to me by my third uncle!"

When Director Liang heard this, he immediately frowned slightly.

There are some doubts about this "third uncle" who suddenly appeared.

"Third uncle?"

"Yes! When I was a child, my third uncle used to tell me some bizarre stories, and this black viper was one of them!

Director Liang's brows suddenly furrowed even deeper.

In Ye Xiao's file, his relatives have all passed away, but the third uncle is missing.

So immediately, Director Liang asked,

"What about your third uncle?"

When these words were asked, the atmosphere in the interrogation room suddenly became even more depressing.

After a while, Ye Xiao sighed slowly and said, "Third uncle... Passed away!

"Maybe it's because of the ominous old age, the third uncle was covered with red hair before he died, and the old people in the village said that the third uncle provoked unclean things!"

When Director Liang heard this, the first thought that rose in his mind, Ye Xiao was talking nonsense, entertaining him.

But when he was just about to get angry, Professor Zhou next to him gave Director Liang a look.

Director Liang suppressed the anger in his heart and followed Professor Zhou outside.

"What's wrong? Professor Zhou?

In addition to the interrogation room, Director Liang couldn't wait to ask.

thought that Professor Zhou had discovered Ye Xiao's clues.

However, Professor Zhou's words made Director Liang stunned.

"This Ye Xiao... Probably not a tomb robber!

Professor Zhou's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said slowly.

Director Liang's eyes widened suddenly, and he said incredulously:

"But he just now..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Professor Zhou casually waved his hand to interrupt him.

"I know, it sounds ridiculous! But there's a good chance I'm telling you that it's true! His third uncle is probably a tomb robber!

Professor Zhou groped his chin with his fingers and said,

"The air under the tomb does not flow, and there are countless bacteria!"

"Some of these bacteria can disrupt the balance of human pigment cells, resulting in human pigment disorders!"

"So a situation like what Ye Xiao said just now is entirely possible!"

When Director Liang heard this, he couldn't help but swallow hard, and then he felt uncomfortable.

As soon as he thought of that scene, Director Liang seemed to feel that his body was also covered with red hair, and he had goosebumps all over his body.

And Professor Zhou couldn't help but sigh slightly, and said again: "It seems that we really blame him!" "

Professor Zhou is an authority after all, and his judgment dominates the outcome.

Director Liang returned to the interrogation room and apologized to Ye Xiao to explain the misunderstanding.

After leading Ye Xiao to sign and press his handprint, Ye Xiao left.

Before leaving, Professor Zhou and Ye Xiao exchanged business cards, saying that it would be convenient to contact them in the future.

Ye Xiao didn't think much about it, and took a taxi home.

After sitting in the police department for so long, I was already hungry with my chest against my back, so what else can I care about?


Ye Xiao returned home.

The moment he turned on the computer, Ye Xiao couldn't help but be stunned.

Whether it's the number of his scarf @, or the number of comments and followers, all of them are 99+!

and his own fan base, which has also completely exploded, all of them are discussing the topic of whether Ye Xiao "enters".

On the Internet, reports about Ye Xiao locking Longjing and filming it are even more overwhelming.

Countless big Vs have reprinted an article "On what it's like to make an autobiography into a movie".

Ye Xiao was completely stunned, he didn't expect his popularity to be so high, and it also accounted for three hot searches!

Airborne hot search first!

But thinking about it, Ye Xiao was relieved.

has the popularity of the [Lock Longjing] movie in the front, and then the change in the suburbs of Beijing Lock Longjing has a wave of popularity.

At that time, there were naturally a lot of viewers paying attention to the live archaeological broadcast at the scene.

And Ye Xiao prevented the archaeologists from going to the tomb, and the scene where he was taken away by the patrol was also seen by the audience.

That's why the heat is so high!


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