Compared with the liveliness of the live broadcast room, the seminar hall is relatively quiet.

Many experts were slightly stunned, and looked at Ye Xiao in amazement, not knowing why Ye Xiao suddenly said this.

When Professor Zhou heard this, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Then, as if sensing something, Professor Zhou turned his head to look at the big screen behind him.

Suddenly, Professor Zhou's brows couldn't help but shrink slightly!

"It's actually ... Bagua Mirror!"

The moment he saw the Bagua Mirror, a series of memories instantly poured into Professor Zhou's mind.

At that time, Professor Zhou was just a shallow archaeologist.

By chance, Professor Zhou got the opportunity to learn Xi with the archaeological team and came to a Western Zhou ancient tomb located in the mountains.

Among them, Professor Zhou Lao and his team found countless bronze and jade objects, several of which can be called national treasures.

Everyone was very excited.

Because at that time, there were no tomb robbers, and such a magnificent tomb could be said to be almost too rare!

So at that time, the members of the archaeological team thought that the ancient tomb was so perfectly protected that the tomb robbers could not find and enter the tomb.

Even he thinks so.

But then, they came to the main passage of the burial chamber, at the end of which was a large hall.

Thereinto...... There is a bronze coffin.

To everyone's disappointment, the coffin had been opened, and the traces of prying on it were extremely obvious, and it was pried open by brute force.

Originally, I thought that this tomb had been looted by tomb robbers, and there were no more cultural relics to salvage.

But strangely, almost nothing has been lost in this burial chamber.

The only thing that was lost was the body in the coffin.

During the search, the archaeological team finally found an old robbery hole in the northwest corner of the burial chamber, as well as four or five corpses that had been turned into dry bones next to the robbery hole.

It's just that, the creepy thing is that these corpses all have one thing in common.

That is, on the neck vertebrae of all the corpses, there are a row of deep tooth marks, as if they were directly bitten by a fierce beast.

And in the hands of one of the corpses ... So he clung to this gossip mirror!

Until now, every time Professor Zhou sounded, he couldn't help but feel a sudden shock all over his body.

Even if the archaeological team later came to the conclusion that a wild beast came in along the thief cave and ate the carcass inside.

But it is clear that this conclusion is untenable when you think about it.

With such a narrow thief hole, what kind of beast can enter and directly bite a person's cervical vertebrae alive?

This matter has always become a mystery and is buried in Professor Zhou's heart.

Later, Professor Zhou also wanted to explore this ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty again, but the result was indeed extremely shocking and panicking.

Because the ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty back then is said to have collapsed due to a mudslide, and the entire ancient tomb has collapsed.

This series of changes made Professor Zhou feel more and more abnormal.

Now that he saw the familiar gossip mirror again, Professor Zhou suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart for some reason.

His lips trembled slightly, and he turned around sharply and stared at Ye Xiao.

Professor Zhou thought that the mystery of the gossip mirror might be brought into the coffin with him.

But now looking at Ye Xiao, Professor Zhou suddenly felt that the puzzle that had plagued him for decades might be solved today.

For a moment, Professor Zhou's hands couldn't stop trembling, and he couldn't even speak with excitement!

Ye Xiao pondered for a moment, and then slowly spoke with a serious face, and said

, "Professor Zhou, please inform the archaeological team members under the water,

don't touch this gossip mirror no matter what!"

Ye Xiao's brows couldn't help frowning slightly.

Even with the rest of the experts, my heart couldn't help but leak half a beat.

Behind this "otherwise", what is the content, they can realize, but they dare not imagine.

When Professor Zhou heard this, the whole person couldn't help but be slightly shocked, and then said tremblingly:

"Okay, good..."

Then, he pressed the button of the headset and conveyed the order to the archaeological team at the bottom of the well.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room was completely confused and did not understand what was going on.

"Why can't you open the coffin? I want to know who is in this coffin? It has been thrown into the water and drowned for so many years!"

"Yes, is there any concern that can't open

the coffin?" "Don't be kidding, it's 2021, and you're still doing metaphysics?"

"But seriously, this bronze coffin is really scary! Ye may have discovered something

!" "I have a bad premonition!"


There was silence in the seminar hall

of the command headquarters

, and all the experts present stopped their discussions, and everyone's eyes were focused on a young man.

And this young man is Ye Xiao.

At this time, Ye Xiao's eyes were always staring at the big screen in the center, and his brows furrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense.

Even the experts didn't dare to gasp for breath, but they all held their breath slightly.

They also saw some clues from Professor Zhou and Ye Xiao, and guessed the mystery in this coffin.

And suddenly, as Ye Xiao's gaze froze, the folds in the center of his eyebrows unfolded, and the tense atmosphere present suddenly disappeared.

But then, Ye Xiao's words made everyone present shocked.

"I may know who is buried in this coffin!" Ye

Xiao's voice was low, but it was like a sledgehammer, smashing into everyone's heads.

couldn't help but make the experts present a little sluggish.

For a while, I didn't react.

"What, what???"

After reacting, everyone's faces showed a look of disbelief.

Everyone looked at Ye Xiao in a daze, as if they were looking at a monster.

Ye Xiao nodded slightly

, and said slowly:

"According to the ancient funeral coffin system, the bronze coffin is generally buried, it is not the emperor, the royal family, and the nobles!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present nodded slowly.

They also knew this, but what made them wonder was that they could know who was buried in this coffin based on this alone?

However, before they could speak out in doubt, Ye Xiao's voice sounded again:

"But... In addition to these three kinds of people, there is another one that also needs to be buried in

the bronze coffin

!" As he spoke, Ye Xiao glanced at the people present, and finally fixed his gaze on the bronze coffin on the screen, and said again:


That's the person who is the murderer!"

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