The stone that hung high in the hearts of the rest of the experts finally landed slowly again.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw this.

"Great! Did our prayers work?No one was left behind!"

Whew—relieved at last!Good that nothing happened!A good start is a good sign

!"That's right!This exploration will be smooth!"

"I don't want to discourage you, but I want to say don't rejoice too soon!".

"Yes, the black viper, the bronze coffin, and the sea eye are just the mechanisms outside the tomb, and they are already so terrifying! The mechanisms inside the tomb must be even more terrifying

!" "There is no way, but to pass the level, step by step! It's all here

!" "Come on! You must come back safe and sound!"

On the white-veined stone platform, the archaeological team sat down and rested, ready to recuperate enough energy before going down to the tomb.

In the seminar hall, however, the atmosphere was a little strange.

After realizing that there were no accidents in the archaeological team, the relaxed crowd also began to observe the structure of the white-veined stone platform.

What surprised Professor Zhou was the location of the white-veined stone platform.

It stands to reason that according to Professor Zhou's description, the underwater tomb should not be connected to the water.

After all, in order to prevent the tomb from being flooded, the water tank above and below the tomb is completely separated.

But the form of the ancient tomb in front of him is a little different from what he said.

The white-veined stone platform of this ancient tomb is connected to the underground dark river.

There is no structure of a two-story tomb, an upper stone tomb, and a lower water tank as Professor Zhou said!

The water is like a cave, which makes people feel extremely strange!

For a while, Professor Zhou couldn't help but fall into doubt.

This form of tomb, even if he has been involved in archaeology for decades, is the first time he has encountered

it! And the rest of the experts have also discovered the clues, and they can't help but light up for a while, and they feel extremely novel!

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room also found the structure of the ancient tomb, which seems to be a little different from what Professor Zhou said.

Suddenly, the audience in the live broadcast room was puzzled.

"The structure of this underwater ancient tomb seems to be a little different from what Professor Zhou said!"

"Hey! It seems that there are indeed some discrepancies, why is this white-veined stone platform connected to the dark river? Shouldn't it be independent?"

"Could it be... Are there different forms of underwater tombs?

""It should be the form of a newly discovered tomb

that has never been touched before!"

"Indeed, this form of tomb has never been seen before, connected to the water, but perfectly avoided by the flood! It's amazing!"


Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but

also many experts in the seminar hall also had heated discussions.

Before, they thought that the form of the underwater tomb was only the one that Professor Zhou Lao said.

But now it seems that this is not the case

! because a new form

of ancient tomb is placed in front of everyone! He is in the water, connected to the water!

But it perfectly avoids the problems that the ancient tomb in the water is difficult to avoid, such as stagnant water, leakage, and soaking in water.

The tomb has been preserved intact!

And the strange thing is that this seemingly closed tomb seems to have a ventilation system.

The archaeological team stayed in it for so long, but they never felt unwell.

It means that at least the air here is completely fine.

For a moment, all the archaeologists couldn't help but be a little excited!

This new form of underwater tomb will tear a corner of the fog hidden over the long river of ancient history.

It will also reveal the wisdom of our ancient working people

! It's just that they now have almost zero understanding

of this ancient tomb!

If you want to fully understand how this ancient tomb was built, it is estimated that you need to observe the overall form of this ancient tomb.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room

seemed to remember something, and it became boiling again for a while!"Wait a minute, have you remembered how Professor Zhou Lao introduced the underwater cemetery just now, and Ye Pour seemed to want to say something

!" "I remember! Bingbing's wife wanted to ask Ye Pour at that time, if there were any other opinions

!" "Get out of the house!"

Bingbing is my wife

!" "No wonder! It seems that Ye Chuan wanted to say that this ancient tomb was not built according to what Professor Zhou said


"Then it's not strange! Ye Chuan has been to this ancient tomb after all, and it is normal to know about this ancient tomb!"

Ye Xiao looked at the barrage in the seminar hall

of the command headquarters

, and the audience said seriously that he had been to this ancient tomb, and his face couldn't help but become serious again.

"I repeat again! I've never been to this tomb! I'm just a pure screenwriter, please... Believe me

!" After saying this, the screen in the live broadcast room suddenly floated up with a full screen of "We believe in you, Ye Pour"!

Ye Xiao: "


Seeing this, Bingbing on the side couldn't help but cover his mouth and snicker again, and a pair of apricot eyes bent into a crescent moon.

But immediately, Bingbing collected his emotions, looked at Ye Xiao again and asked

, "It seems that the audience is very enthusiastic!So Mr. Ye has any insights on the form of this ancient tomb to share with you?"

As he spoke,

the photographer pointed the camera at Ye Xiao.

Although Ye Xiao was galloping with thousands of "horses" in his heart, he still smiled slightly with great grace and said:

"I also learned about the form of this ancient tomb by chance..."

Ye Xiao couldn't help but be stunned.

"Hahaha! Look! I'll

just say, he's going to say this!"

That's right! I learned by chance! Yes, okay in the Ganges?"

"Damn! I bet with my roommate on two packs of spicy noodles, I bet you won't say this! I lost! Since then, the pink has turned black!""

I remember that someone set up a flag just now, and Ye Xiao said this, and he ran away? Remember to call me before running, I'll go to the scene

!"Hahaha! Ye should not have found any other excuses, so can it only be said that he learned about it by chance?"

"To be honest, Ye Down, I can help you find a few excuses, it's definitely better than yours!"


Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room was so funny, Ye Xiao was also a little bengbu.

"That's... Let's talk about the tomb!" Ye

Xiao bluntly diverted the topic and directly began to talk about the construction form of this tomb.

Suddenly, there was a burst of boos in the live broadcast room.

Ye Xiao stubbornly didn't see it:

"Actually... It's easy to understand how this underwater tomb was built!

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