Moments later,

everyone at the archaeological site and in the hall of the

seminar headquarters was ready.

With the "action" in the walkie-talkie, this nationwide archaeological action officially began to be broadcast live!

In the live broadcast room, although the screen is dark, there are already many viewers.

Everyone is eagerly awaiting, looking forward to the mystery of the locked dragon well.

"Ahhh Sofa sofa sofa! I'm the first! "

This Nima... The hand speed of the mother's fetus is not as fast as you!

"I'm so excited, is the mystery of the locked dragon well finally about to be revealed? A lifetime series!

"I watched the Lock Longjing movie two days ago, and today the official will reveal the secret of Lock Longjing! Oh my God, I feel like my life is complete!

"Where have we got?" Did you dig up the real dragon? It's really not okay to dig out a set of keels!

"Are you dreaming? This has just started! "


The audience in the live broadcast room released their greatest enthusiasm the moment the broadcast started.

The barrage is like a tide, surging one after another!

At the same time

, in the hall of the headquarters headquarters, everyone was also looking at the big screen in the

center with anticipation.

I hope that this expedition will be able to unravel the one that really bothers everyone... The mystery of the real dragon of the lock dragon well!

You must know that the people of Great Xia claim to be the descendants of the dragon, but no one knows whether there is really a "dragon" in this world!

Maybe this time the exploration of the lock dragon well can clear some of the fog of history and unravel the dusty truth!

Tell the world the secret of the true dragon!






Several archaeologists of the advance team slowly descended from the lock dragon well along the hanging rope.

The slippery walls of the well are covered with moss, and the mottled green bricks regularly surround the lock dragon well, and the space is even more cramped.

Along the way, there is no borrowing point.

The only thing the archaeological team relied on was a safety rope tied around their waists.

They slowly sink downward, sink down....

Among them, except for the occasional "ticking" sound of water droplets, and the heavy wheezing sound of a few people, there was no other abnormal sound.

Everyone's nerves were at their tightest.

The deep and boundless ancient well, like a giant beast that chooses people to devour, gradually devours them!

The five archaeologists closed their eyes tightly, not daring to look at the dark bottom of the well.

Or hold your breath and concentrate, holding the safety rope with bruised muscles and sweat.

It can be said that they are the advance team this time, and they are the first team to enter the lock dragon well to explore the way.

Their duty is to explore the way down the well first and prepare for the entry of subsequent archaeologists.

Whatever the danger will be, it is what they did not expect.

However, it is this fear of the unknown that makes people even more frightened!


I don't know how long it's been sinking.

The team members shrugged their noses, and they all smelled a strong fishy smell.

"You... Do you smell it, it's so fishy!

In the team, a man wearing glasses covered his mouth and nose, frowned and said.

When the rest of the people heard this, they all nodded busily.

This fishy smell is extremely strong, as long as you don't have a sense of smell, you can basically smell it.

It's a fishy smell that cuts straight to the brain.

Inhale a little bit, and it makes people feel dizzy.

"Wear a gas mask, there is no air circulation, and it is inevitable that there will be some germs."

After that, the five members of the advance team took out gas masks from the backpacks behind them and put them on.

Then, along the sling, he began to continue to sink.


In the seminar hall

of the command center

, including Bingbing, everyone was nervous, staring intently at the big screen, but they didn't even dare to take a breath of air.

The reason why so many archaeological authorities in China can be invited here is to solve the anomalies in the lock dragon well.

It can be seen how much attention the senior management of Great Xia attaches to this!

So everyone didn't dare to slack off, and they all cheered up one hundred and twenty points of spirit, staring at the picture on the screen.

Don't dare to slack off for a moment.

But at this time, this grand archaeological live broadcast facing the national audience suddenly boiled.

With the advancement of the underground archaeological work, the audience also suddenly found some clues, and immediately had a heated discussion:

"I'm so nervous, when can I go down to the bottom of the well?"

"At the end of the chain at the bottom of the well, will there be a real dragon tethered? I'm looking forward to it!

"Wait a minute, that's not right! Are you sure it's fishy?

"Holy! Fishy smell? Why do I feel so familiar with this plot, I seem to have seen this scene!

"I remembered, too! Isn't this plot of going down the well in the [Lock Dragon Well] movie? "

That's right, I just went to the cinema yesterday to watch this movie, and that's what happened to me!"

"Which well doesn't go straight down, are you guys kidding?"

"The movies are all made up, this is a live broadcast of reality!"

"Shhh The Iron Triangle seems to be in the lock dragon well... I smell a strong fishy smell!

"Perhaps, it's just a coincidence? You can't write a screenwriter who has locked the dragon well, right? "



...", "Whoa..."

, there seemed to be a faint sound of running water in the ears of the archaeological team.

The archaeological advance team, which was hanging on the hanging rope and slowly sinking towards the bottom of the well, suddenly felt like a dream in an instant.

"It's... Hallucinations? I think I hear the sound of running water! "

I heard it too!"


With that, the four of them set their eyes on the man with glasses.

The man with glasses nodded slightly and said, "That's right, the bottom of this lock dragon well is connected to the underground river, so the sound of flowing water is not an illusion, it is real!"

"And when we hear the sound of running water, it means that we are about to reach the bottom of the lock dragon well!"

When everyone heard this, their hearts were excited.

There is no danger along the way, and I am finally about to reach the bottom of the lock dragon well.

During the sinking process just now, their nervous hearts were about to pop out, but fortunately, they finally arrived at their destination safe and sound.

After a while,

the five members of the advance team followed the rope and finally sank to the bottom of the


In the hall of the command headquarters, the nervousness of everyone was no less than that of the advance team.

However, at this time, seeing them safely at the bottom of the well, everyone also breathed a long sigh of relief.

When the advance team came to the bottom of the well, it suddenly became clear.

Gone of the narrowness and fishy smell of the well, there was a wide underground river.

The fragrance of the river exudes here, which makes people's brains clear a lot.

"There's a stone platform there, let's swing to the stone platform!"

The man with glasses searched around, and finally found a long stone platform on the cave wall on the side.

It's big enough for about twenty people.

With that, he took the lead and swung to the top of the stone platform, and the rest of the people followed suit.


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