If you want to save the archaeological team, then the only way to solve the stone steps is to solve the mechanism that disappears.

In many cases, the craftsmen who built the tomb also installed a stop mechanism in the tomb to prevent accidental injury.

Unless the craftsman of this tomb only intends to accompany the burial in the tomb.

According to Ye Xiao's speculation, the device that stopped the mechanism should be in the bluestone slab on the ground.

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and silently recited in his mouth: "Dry three times, Kun six breaks, Zhen Yangyu, Gen covers the bowl..."

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Xiao raised his head suddenly, looked at the big screen in the center, and pressed the button of the headset at the same time.

"Take a step to the left!"

the voice reached the ears of the captain of the bodyguard team with the

"zizi" telegraph.

Although he was a little puzzled by what Ye Xiao said, he didn't ask too much and did it directly.

After taking this step, everyone along with Ye Xiao couldn't help but hold their breath and waited quietly for two seconds!

Nothing happened.

The captain of the bodyguard team turned the camera, and the stairs below were still disappearing, and they were about to catch up with Professor Yang and the others.

"It's going to be too late!" said

the captain of the bodyguard team, frowning, not without concern.

Ye Xiao also frowned slightly, and said to himself:

"No reaction? How is it possible? The location of the Shengmen is correct!"

"Wait a minute!"

Looking at the big screen in the center, Ye Xiao's mind suddenly became clear

!"Live broadcast mirroring!

How did I forget this stubble?"

It turned out that the picture transmitted from the camera to the live broadcast room actually had a mirror effect.

In other words, the direction in this is actually the opposite of what Ye Xiao's eyes see.

So even if Ye Xiao is right, the steps taken by the captain of the bodyguard team are actually a little different from the direction he commands.

Suddenly, Ye Xiao suddenly understood completely, and when he pressed the button of the headset again, he hurriedly said:

"Return to the position just now, and then take a step forward to the right, quick!"

The captain of the bodyguard team heard this and hurriedly did so.

When he stepped forward to the right with one foot, stepping on the bluestone slab.

His feet sank down along with the bluestone slab - he touched

the mechanism!

Sure enough

, as the mechanism set off,

the whole staircase "rumbled" and trembled instantly.

The captain of the bodyguard team hurriedly turned around and pointed the camera at the archaeological team behind him.

However, as soon as the camera turned, everyone saw a horrific scene.

Professor Yang, who fell at the back of the line, and the two bodyguards who supported the professor, the stairs under their feet had suddenly disappeared.

The three of them didn't have the slightest leverage, they just fell down and disappeared from everyone's sight.

In front of Professor Yang, several members of the archaeological team also saw this scene clearly, and even exclaimed in amazement:

"Professor Yang!"

"Teacher Yang!"


Immediately, several members of the archaeological team ran to the stairs behind them in desperation.

At this scene, everyone who watched couldn't help but breathe slightly.

The audience in the live broadcast room did not have the joy of the rest of their lives, and the atmosphere was very solemn for a while.

"I didn't expect... Professor Yang even sacrificed

!"Alas, the loss is too heavy, this has not yet entered the

ancient tomb, how can this be?""It's terrifying! Why do you have to build such a terrifying ancient tomb?"For what?"

Actually, this is normal, no one wants to be disturbed while they are asleep, this is understandable!"

I can't see life and death the most!

The audience in the live broadcast room looked gloomy and sad.

At the same time, there was an atmosphere of sadness in the seminar hall.

Professor Yang's sacrifice made everyone feel a sense of sadness about the death of a rabbit and a fox, and their mood inevitably became a little low.

Seeing this, although Professor Zhou was still a little choked, he forced a smile and comforted everyone:

"Everyone cheer up! For thousands of years, countless archaeologists have sacrificed themselves in the ancient tombs, this is our long-cherished wish!"

"Although Professor Yang sacrificed, the rest of our team members survived! We can't let him die in vain, this..."

As Professor Zhou was talking, Ye Xiao's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting him:

"People are not dead yet, are you going to eat?"

Listening to this slightly playful voice, many experts present couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and then their eyes were on the big screen in the center.

I saw that

on the back staircase, several archaeologists were supporting an old man and slowly lifting him up.

As Professor Yang came up, the two bodyguards who had been supporting Professor Yang slowly climbed up from under the last staircase.

Only then did the crowd understand.

It turned out that just when the stairs were falling, a bodyguard grabbed the edge of the stairs at the last moment.

The other grabbed the ankle of the bodyguard with one hand and the falling Professor Yang with the other, and successfully saved Professor Yang.

The captain of the bodyguard team holding the camera suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw this.

And the audience in the live broadcast room could no longer suppress their cheers at this moment, as if they had just survived the catastrophe.

"Oh my God! it's so handsome, it's all alive, it's all survived! it's great!

Are you all right?

The stone steps have stopped disappearing!""It must have worked!The bodyguard captain must have stepped on the mechanism just now, and the stone steps stopped disappearing!

""It's a miracle!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was extremely excited, frantically swiping the screen.

At the same time

, in the seminar hall, the original tense and solemn atmosphere finally eased down at the

moment when Professor Yang was rescued.

All the experts breathed a long sigh of relief.

If Professor Yang really died in this mechanism, it would inevitably be too great a blow to everyone.

Professor Zhou Lao stared at the big screen in the center, and two drops of crystal sparkled from his reddened eyes again.

Only, this time the tears of excitement.

Ye Xiao stood aside, looking at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but smile.

Then, Ye Xiao turned around, returned the headset in his hand to Professor Zhou, and returned to his original position.

And the excited Professor Zhou, when he took the headset, his face couldn't help but freeze slightly.

The situation was urgent just now, and Professor Zhou could only choose to hand over everything to Ye Xiao.

So no matter what Ye Xiao was doing just now, despite all the doubts in his heart, Professor Zhou never asked.

just silently sweated for Ye Xiao and the archaeological team.

But now that I think about it, Professor Zhou Lao suddenly thought about it and was terrified!!

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