After the bodyguards in the corridor

under the tomb

eliminated the figurines, they left two bodyguards to protect the archaeological team who were still in


The rest of the bodyguards came forward to check with guns in their hands.

to ensure that nothing slips through the net and leads to another accident later.

However, as the bodyguard team approached step by step, these figurines suddenly began to twitch for some reason.

The captain of the bodyguard team immediately made a gesture, and the team members all stopped advancing.

In order to prevent accidents, they kept standing about three meters away from the figurines and kept a safe distance.

If the figurines suddenly erupt, they also have plenty of room to react.

And all the bodyguard team members were also ready to fight, raising their guns and pointing them at the figurines in front of them.

However, at this moment

, for some reason,

the sound of "squirming" came from among the figurines on the ground.

couldn't help but make everyone's hearts sink slightly.

Immediately afterward, under the light of the faint yellow candlelight, everyone saw that under the skin of the figurines, something seemed to be arching one after another, as if it was about to break through the ground.

The captain of the bodyguard team suddenly sensed the danger and said in a deep voice:


The index fingers of all the bodyguards present were on the trigger, ready to be pulled at any time.

As the sound of "squirming" became more and more intense, everyone's hearts beat faster and faster.

In the end,

a strange black snake with black hair on its back suddenly came out of the bodies of these figurines!

The strange snake was about a foot long, and as soon as it appeared, it opened its mucus mouth and rushed towards the bodyguards.

With the appearance of the first strange snake, almost every human figurine suddenly jumped out of this black strange snake.

In an instant, the muzzle of the gun lit up the entire corridor again.

Explosive gunfire erupted one after another.

When the corridor was quiet again, the corpses of this strange snake were already everywhere on the bluestone slabs.

The ground was also covered with green slime.

In order to prevent accidents, the bodyguard team hurriedly retreated again, keeping a distance from these strange figurines and the strange snakes on the ground.


All the experts in the seminar hall

of the command headquarters

couldn't help but breathe slightly the moment they saw these strange snakes.

Suddenly, the entire seminar hall fell silent.

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the black fur of strange snakes on the central screen.

There were even more turbulent waves in my heart.

This strange scene surprised everyone.

Of course, in addition to the conference table, Ye Xiao was leisurely sipping tea.

Not only the seminar hall, but also the audience in the live broadcast room caused a huge sensation after seeing this scene!

"What is this? A snake with black hair... Oh my God!

"It's disgusting! How could such a snake pop out of a figurine?

"I'm going to vomit, this strange snake must have come out of the body of a figurine!" How did they get in?

"Could it be that these strange snakes have something to do with the resurrection of the figurines?"

"I don't know if it's close, the way this strange snake appears, it's really disgusting to me! I definitely won't be able to eat dinner! "


After experiencing the initial shock, the experts in the seminar hall

of the command headquarters

also hurriedly commanded the archaeological team under the tomb to give a close-up of this strange snake.

With this close-up, they began to search the database for the strange snake.

Moments later, the experts were once again in shock.

This strange snake... It's not even in the vast international database!

In other words, this strange snake with black hair, like the black viper in the underground river, is the first species to be discovered in the world!

The experts present looked at the results in disbelief, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

In just a few days, it was only an ancient tomb.

The only two new species in the world today have been discovered.

It's just... It's like a dream, and it's incredible!

The experts present all glanced at each other, and they all saw extremely shocked looks in each other's eyes.

At this time, Ye Xiao, who was at the conference table, finally slowly put down the teacup in his hand and stood up.

He looked at the familiar and unfamiliar black-haired snakes on the screen, and said

, "Didn't you ask me just now,

how did you find the weakness of the human figurines?"

"Now, then, I'll tell you!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes shifted to Ye Xiao's body.

For a moment, there was silence in the entire seminar hall.

Even the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly became much less.

At this moment, all the audience also focused their eyes on Ye Xiao in the center of the screen.

And Ye Xiao was also upright, and said again:

"This kind of snake, I happened to see it in an ancient book..."

As Ye Xiao's first sentence came out, the corners of all the experts present couldn't help twitching violently.

It is "accidental" again, and it is "ancient books".

Are we all fools?

All the experts couldn't help but stare at Ye Xiao with resentment.

And the audience in the live broadcast room, when they heard Ye Xiao's first sentence, they couldn't help but burst out.

"Damn! I knew it was like that!

"What exactly was I expecting? I'm a little suspicious of myself!

"I guessed right, it's still these two sentences! It's just that Ye Pour actually merged these two sentences together! "

Anyway... That's progress, isn't it? "

It's too good at fooling people, Ye Down!"


On the screen of the live broadcast room, there were countless "leaf downs" floating all of them.

It was a silent protest from the audience.

Ye Xiao glanced at the live broadcast room, suddenly turned his head away, and pretended not to see it.

Then Ye Xiao straightened his color and continued:

"You guessed right, the 'resurrection' of these figurines is indeed related to these black-haired snakes!"

"They are actually a parasitic animal, once parasitic on the human body, they will live in the central nervous system of the human body and control the movement of the human body."

"Use the human body to find food for them and absorb nutrients from the host."

"When the host's nutrients are drained and they can't provide them with nutrients, they take control of the host and look for new parasites."

"And in the bodies of these figurines, this kind of black-haired snake is parasitic."

As soon as Ye Xiao's voice fell, there was an uproar at the seminar.

No one could have imagined that this black-haired snake would be so perverted.

Not only can it parasitize the human body, but it can also control the movement of the human body, looking for nutrients and new hosts for itself.


everyone present couldn't help but shudder.

But in turn, the experts present suddenly reacted.

This black-haired snake... Isn't there no mention of it in the database?

This is the first species to be discovered in the world!

How could Ye Xiao know so much detail?


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