The corridor under the tomb was opened by the bodyguard team in front, and the

archaeological team was led by Professor Yang, following behind the bodyguard team and walking in the corridor


At the end of the line, there were two other bodyguards.

The whole team marched forward in a long snake formation in the corridor.

But suddenly,

there was a commotion at the rear of the line.

"What about Deputy Yang

?" At the end of the line, one of the two bodyguards suddenly began to shout, and his voice trembled slightly.

When the bodyguards in front of them and the archaeological team heard the movement, they couldn't help but look behind them violently.

Suddenly, the whole team began to pause.

"Others, don't move where you are!" I'll go over with Professor Yang to have a look

!" "Yes!"

the captain of the

bodyguard team spoke, and everyone nodded.

Immediately, the captain of the bodyguard team and Professor Yang came to the back of the team.

The captain of the bodyguard team slowly pulled the bolt of the firearm, and the sound of "crunching" was particularly harsh in the corridor, making the hearts of everyone present tighten.

"What's going on?" said

the captain of the bodyguard team, coming to the back of the line, and asked the bodyguard.

But then, as if he remembered something, his brow furrowed.

"Where is Deputy Yang?" The

bodyguard at the back of the team was also full of doubts and slightly nervous at this time.

Hearing this, he also replied:

"I don't know! I was still there just now, and as soon as I turned my head, the person disappeared!" As

he spoke, the bodyguard's gaze was also intentionally or unintentionally, glancing towards the black rumbling corridor behind him.

When the captain of the bodyguard team heard this, he also took a torch and walked a few steps in the direction where he came from the rear.

"Lao Yang, Lao Yang!"

shouted a few times, only his voice echoed in the entire corridor, and there was no response from Deputy Yang.

"Is there a member of the team who is missing?" Professor

Yang asked, frowning slightly.

At the same time, his eyes were also placed in the distance, in the dark and deep corridor.

"I don't know, maybe I'm falling behind!" As

he spoke, the captain of the bodyguard team took a torch and called a bodyguard from the front of the team, and said to Professor Yang:

"In this way, I'll take someone back to check it first, and we'll meet again later!"

However, Professor Yang grabbed it.


!" Saying that, Professor Yang frowned slightly, and said

, "I don't think things are so simple

!" "Just now, we walked all the way, and we almost always walked in a straight line! Deputy Yang also has torches in his hands! If he falls behind, we can at least see the light of the torches for each other!"

And there is not much space in this corridor, our voice should be able to travel far away!But he didn't respond, this is obviously abnormal!" Professor

Yang's gaze always looked at the deep and dark corridor behind him, and there was incomparably solemnity in his gaze.

"No, he's my team! I have to be responsible for him! I can't just leave him alone!" said

the captain of the bodyguard team, frowning slightly.

The members of their bodyguard team have all experienced many births and deaths.

The friendship built by blood is stronger than gold.

So, they can't abandon any of them.

No one.

As he spoke, the captain of the bodyguard team picked up the torch and walked towards the corridor behind.

But Professor Yang held him back again.

"Now is not the time to be rash!" Professor

Yang rebuked in a low voice.

Then he spoke again: "You have also seen the danger of this ancient tomb! Such rash action is even more irresponsible

!" "This matter, let's consult the seminar first, and then discuss!" As

he spoke, Professor Yang ordered the archaeological team:

"Everyone should rest in place now, don't move around!"

It was not only to repair it on the spot and restore its strength, but also because in case Deputy Yang came over, they could see it in time.

As he spoke, Professor Yang pressed the button of the headset and asked Professor Zhou Lao of the seminar for instructions on the next action.

At this time, the seminar hall had already exploded.

Based on their experience, the sudden loss of people in the midst of the operation under the tomb is definitely an extremely bad start.

What will happen next, they don't know.

Maybe it was a small number of people, and eventually the entire archaeological team lost contact.

When they were finally found, all of them had lost their life engines.

Maybe...... It was the members of the team who were separated from the team and inadvertently touched some mechanism, so they were silently swallowed by the mechanism, and they didn't even have time to scream.

In both cases, it's doing something that the experts have encountered before.

Even now that I think about it, I have goosebumps all over my body, which makes people palpitate.

Of course, the best-case scenario is that the player is really just left behind, and he can be found quickly after looking for it.

So immediately, at the first time when I noticed that there were few people in the team.

Professor Zhou gathered all the experts present and hurriedly discussed countermeasures.

With minimal or even zero loss, we have successfully found the players who have straggled.

And the audience in the live broadcast room was all a little panicked at this moment.

It's not that they haven't seen novels and movies about tomb robbing, and when they learned that the archaeological team was small, almost all of them had all kinds of pictures in their minds.

Suddenly, the entire live broadcast room fell into a panic.

"Why are there so few people all of a sudden? This is a bit abnormal

!" "Nonsense! There are fewer people, it's strange that they can be normal! There

must be some evil thing at work!" "Maybe, it's just that they fell into the trap? Or are they just the same as before?"

"No, I'm a little flustered! I have a sense of foreboding!"

Vice Yang won't have been... No way!Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense!Surely it's going to be fine!"


After research and discussion, many experts in the seminar hall

of the command headquarters

finally determined the response plan.

First, they determined that Professor Yang was doing the right thing.

When the situation is uncertain, it is indeed the right thing to do to let the team wait where they are, which can not only reduce losses, but also allow the players to recover some physical strength and have more energy to face the next difficulties.

And immediately afterwards, Professor Zhou Lao and the others would choose to agree to the approach of the captain of the bodyguard team.

"After unanimous research and discussion at the seminar, it has been decided to agree to your request to find Deputy Team Yang!" The

voice passed down the headset to the ears of the captain of the bodyguard team, and he immediately looked happy.

But in a moment, the current sound of "Zizi" sounded again, and the voice came again:

"But, you can't go!" "

The deputy team of the bodyguard team is no longer there, if the captain leaves the team again, then who will preside over the team? You can assign two team members to find the deputy team Yang! Remember to keep in touch!"

Without waiting for the captain of the bodyguard team to speak, many members of the bodyguard team behind him all recommended themselves:

"Captain, I'm going to look for Team Yang

!" "Let me go, Captain! I will definitely bring him back!" "Let's go!"

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