After Liu Bowen returned to his hometown, Liu Bowen did not ask about political affairs for a long time.

Just drinking and playing chess all day long, never talking about his exploits, and living a life like an idle cloud and a wild crane.

However, after a few years, Liu Bowen, who had already returned to his hometown, was suddenly slandered by Hu Weiyong, the prime minister of Zuo.

At that time, Liu Bowen was already ill, but he still insisted on returning to Beijing to apologize.

After returning to his hometown, Liu Bowen's health deteriorated day by day.

However, after Zhu Yuanzhang found out, he sent Hu Weiyong, who framed Liu Bowen, to visit Liu Bowen.

At the same time, Hu Weiyong also brought Liu Bowen a prescription.

It stands to reason that Hu Weiyong framed Liu Bowen, and Liu Bowen must have known.

Hu Weiyong's harmful person is obvious, but Liu Bowen seems to be unaware of it, and grabs the medicine according to Hu Weiyong's medicine and decoction.

Sure enough, Hu Weiyong's prescription was greasy, and Liu Bowen died not long after taking it according to the prescription.

Liu Bowen is so clever, not only has a good grasp of the battlefield, but also has done many great feats during his career.

He understands the deceit of officialdom very thoroughly.

Moreover, the person who framed Liu Bowen and convicted Liu Bowen was Hu Weiyong, the prime minister of Zuo.

The relationship between the two, Zhu Yuanzhang can't be unaware.

It is even more impossible for him to send Hu Weiyong to visit Liu Bowen when Liu Bowen is terminally ill.

There are too many irrationalities in this.

So in Ye Xiao's opinion, Liu Bowen's death was full of catty and weird.

Therefore, according to Ye Xiao's guess,

the body trapped by countless chains is likely to be Liu Bowen's body.

For a moment, Ye Xiao couldn't help but turn his gaze to the big screen in the center again, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Why is Liu Bowen here?"

After thinking for a moment, Ye Xiao's pupils contracted and he raised his head suddenly.

"Is it for repression? There really is a presence in the eyes of the sea... ??? Dragon"


At the same time, the

archaeological team under the tomb had already crossed the narrow wooden bridge without danger and came to the

opposite cliff.

Along the way, everyone was sweating tightly and watching this scene with concern.

According to Professor Zhou Lao and others, after crossing this suspension bridge, everyone is likely to come to the place where the main burial chamber is located.

And here, in general, is the most powerful place in the entire tomb, and it is also the most dangerous place.

Everyone was afraid that the mechanism would suddenly trigger and cause the drawbridge to break.

Caused an accident in the archaeological team.

Fortunately, the wooden planks of the suspension bridge along the way are a little rotten, and sometimes they are accidentally stepped on.

However, there were no casualties among the archaeological team.

And after walking up the cliff and stepping on the ground.

Sensing this familiar touch, everyone couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

It was only at this time

that many people suddenly realized that their legs were already a little weak because of the tension just now.

Walking on the suspension bridge, everyone's heartstrings completely collapsed to the tightest.

It wasn't until this moment that I finally relaxed.

Sensing everyone's mental state, Professor Zhou also hurriedly gave an order to let everyone in the archaeological team rest in place first.

If the mental state has been so tense, I am afraid that when you really go to the main burial chamber, it will be extremely easy to have an accident.

So immediately, the archaeological team hurriedly moved away from the edge of the cliff, leaned together in twos and threes, and began to rest and replenish.

The members of the bodyguard team were holding guns on the side, watching for danger around them.

Protecting the people of the archaeological team.

And suddenly, a member of the bodyguard team seemed to have discovered something

, and directly shouted:

"Come and see, there seems to be a stone tablet here!"

When everyone in the archaeological team heard this, they didn't even have time to swallow the food in their mouths, so they hurriedly got up and followed the sound.

The two archaeological team members also hurriedly helped Professor Yang to the front of the stele.

All of a sudden, all the members of the archaeological team gathered in front of the stele.

"Professor, there is a stone tablet here! Could it be engraved with the epitaph of the tomb owner?"

said one of the members of the archaeological team, with a look of surprise on his face.

The rest of the team members couldn't hide their excitement at this time.

They all looked at each other, and their hearts were happy.

After experiencing so many life and death in the tomb, the archaeological work has finally made progress.

The exhaustion on Professor Yang's face was also swept away, and he took out a magnifying glass instead and began to observe the contents on the stele.

"Don't worry, this stele should be an ordinary seal inscription, and it will be able to be deciphered soon!" said

Professor Yang, who began to interpret the stele.

In the seminar hall, many experts, like Professor Yang, began to interpret the content on the fast stone tablet.

At first

, according to the interpretation of the experts present,

it seemed that the stone tablet was only engraved with some interpretations of astronomical phenomena.

But slowly, many experts began to notice that something was wrong.

What is engraved on this stele does not seem to be just an ordinary interpretation of celestial stars.

More of it seems to be related to astronomical divination.

"Zikui and Jiashen, greedy wolf all the way. Ren Mao Yi Wei Kun, five for the giant gate. Qianhai Chen Xunsi, the name of the martial arts. Youxin ugly Gen Bing, Tianxing said to break the army!" When

Professor Zhou Lao interpreted this paragraph, the shock in his eyes could not be concealed.


, the inscription on

this stele is not an epitaph,

nor is it a record of astronomical phenomena.

But...... Using the Astronomical Divination Technique of Good Fortune and Evil!

Professor Zhou's heart has already set off a stormy wave.

He had no idea that such a record would be engraved on this stone tablet.

At this time

, the rest of the experts looked at the series of formulas on the paper,

and they couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

reacted immediately, and everyone gasped.

"Why is there a mantra engraved on this stone tablet for astrological feng shui divination?"

one of the experts couldn't help but wonder.

The rest of the experts were equally puzzled at this time.

When Professor Zhou heard this, he shook his head slowly, and then said

, "That's not the case!"

When the rest of the experts heard this,

they couldn't help but look at Professor Zhou Lao suspiciously.

But then, Professor Zhou's next words couldn't help but make everyone gasp.

"On this stone tablet, it is clear that a whole set of astrological divination doctrines are engraved! This is simply ... A divination master carved it!"

As soon as these words came out, the breath of everyone present couldn't help but stagnate slightly.

Although they are all archaeologists

, although they are engaged in scientific research, they are in this profession,

and they are more or less involved in things such as divination and feng shui.

The tomb robbers they have caught almost all know how to use feng shui.

Now I see that this is engraved from above, and it is a whole doctrine of astrological feng shui divination, and everyone can't calm down!!

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