He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1020: Seeing flowers in the mist is finally separated by one floor

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Nan Huaiyuan, who was sitting on the main sofa, took a deep look at Zhao Quanhui and said, "Xiao Hui."

Zhao Quanhui was startled and quickly replied: "Junior is here."

I saw Nan Huaiyuan put down the tea cup in his hand, touched his long white beard, looked at Zhao Quanhui with a half-smile, and said: "We have known each other for many years, and Pindao knows you well, since that one from the Mu family The son-in-law is against the Zhao family, so I think he will definitely find out his details, so what you just said, Xiaohui, is a bit untrue."

Zhao Quanhui, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up instantly, bowed and explained to Nan Huaiyuan: "Xiao Hui doesn't dare to be perfunctory with the seniors. As for Wang Le's deep roots, there must be only the old man of the Mu family and this person in these four-nine cities. The adoptive father, Xiao Yuanfang, knows it best. As for outsiders, his true face will always be seen through the fog."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mike Zhao, who was sitting on the sofa at the end, also stood up and said to Nan Huaiyuan with a sincere and sincere look: "This junior suffered the most at the hands of that pretty boy. These things have happened to the entire Four-Nine City." It's widely spread in the circle, so seniors don't need to doubt my Zhao family's hostility towards this person."

After a pause, Mike Zhao's handsome mixed-race face showed a look of resentment, and said: "That pretty boy is a unruly man who came out of the backwaters of the south of the Yangtze River. Later, he climbed up the branches of the Mu family. He was so complacent that he became arrogant and arrogant, including the younger generation. The children of other families have suffered great losses at his hands, and what we hope is that he will die a good death."

Having said this, Mike Zhao respectfully bowed to Nan Huaiyuan and gave a big gift, saying: "Now that senior has come to these four-nine cities with the power of wind and thunder, I hope you will uphold justice for us and teach that man a lesson." A arrogant pretty boy"

"Pretty face?" Everyone looked weird, and involuntarily put another despising label on Wang Le, who they had never met before.

At this time, Nan Huaiyuan burst into laughter, enjoying Zhao Mike's flattery. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I just made a joke. There is no need to explain it seriously." So many, sit down and talk.”

Zhao Quanhui and his son couldn't help but secretly wiped the cold sweat and exhaled softly. They looked at each other silently, and Zhao Mike secretly said: "I finally f*cked it."

After the father and son sat down, Lu Xuan looked at Nan Huaiyuan and said, "Senior Nan, I always feel that Wang Le is not capable of killing the fat hunchback. After all, the gap in strength between the two sides is too great, and the possibility of a leapfrog challenge is too far away. It’s a nightmare, the murderer must be someone else.”

As soon as he finished speaking,

Dou Xiaodou snorted and said: "Brother Lu, you can't say that. Although you have fought against Wang Le and judged that his strength is only one level higher than yours, can you guarantee that he didn't hide his strength at that time? ?”

"Uh." Lu Xuan frowned. He wanted to refute but couldn't produce evidence. Besides, Dou Xiaodou was not a person he could offend, so he could only stay silent and say no more.

At this time, Dou Xiaodou glanced at everyone and said, "We received the news about the death of Senior Brother Fat Tuozi, including the fact that he had fought with Wang Le."

Nan Huaiyuan looked at Dou Xiaodou with a glint in his eyes, because among all the people, he was the only one who had the most relevant information about the murder of Fat Hunchback.

Immediately, Dou Xiaodou continued: "It was a melee between three people. In addition to Senior Brother Fat Hunchback and Wang Le, there was also a thief who did not show his true identity and wore a mask."

"Oh?" Nan Huaiyuan was startled, then looked at Zhao Quanhui and asked, "Is there such a thing?"

Zhao Quanhui spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "I have been busy abroad these days, and I haven't had time to care about things in Sijiu City."

Then Zhao Quanhui looked at Mike Zhao and asked in a pretentious manner: "Mike, you are at home, have you heard about this?"

Mike Zhao agreed without hesitation and responded: "This happened in the suburbs of Beijing. People who have been to the scene have said that there was a lot of noise at the time."

After a pause, Mike Zhao said to Nan Huaiyuan: "The male thief stole Wang Le's brother-in-law's cultural relics and antiques, so the two sides got into trouble. As for how the fat hunchback got involved, I don't know."

Nan Huaiyuan hummed and looked at Dou Xiaodou, motioning for the other person to continue talking.

Dou Xiaodou nodded and continued: "The letter sent back to the Heavenly King's Palace said that the martial arts cultivation of the three parties at that time were at least in the middle stage of the Xuan level. Wang Le and the male thief were only stronger than Senior Brother Fat Hunchback."

"During the melee between the three of them, Senior Brother Fat Hunchback finally escaped back at the cost of being seriously injured. This shows that Wang Le had hidden his true strength in the previous fight with Junior Brother Lu."

"Well" Lu Xuan froze, an incredible look flashed in his eyes, and murmured to himself: "If all this is true, then this Wang Le is so hidden, I didn't notice it at all at first. Sure enough, as Mr. Zhao said, looking at flowers in the fog will eventually lead to a layer of separation."

Dou Xiaodou glanced at Lu Xuan with a hint of contempt. She typically regarded the other person as a fool. She just wanted to take care of this guy's face, so she didn't bother to reprimand him. After all, everyone still had to work together in the following days. If we work together to accomplish great things, if the relationship becomes too tense, it will be bad for both ourselves and others.

With his mind wandering, Dou Xiaodou returned to the topic and said: "So besides Wang Le, there is also the male thief who is the most suspected."

After a pause, Dou Xiaodou smiled slightly and said: "As for the true identity of the male thief, our Heavenly King Palace has mobilized manpower to investigate. After all, people who can achieve the martial arts level are definitely not ordinary people, so I just We need to investigate which martial arts masters at the Xuan level have left the martial arts world in the recent period, and then investigate them one by one. I believe there will always be a result."

At this point, Dou Xiaodou's face darkened, and he changed the topic and said: "If we take the lead in breaking through Wang Le and confirm that he is the murderer of Senior Brother Fat Tuozi, then our Heavenly King Palace will not need to spend huge manpower in the martial arts world. We have the resources to investigate the unidentified male thief, and this is a great achievement. I hope everyone will give you your full help. Once successful, you will be rewarded heavily."

"Well" Mike Zhao, who was sitting at the back and had no sense of presence at all, curled his lips secretly and said disdainfully: "You just open your fucking mouth and say it, and you will be rewarded for it? Why don't you mark the road?" Is this money? Or some kind of treasure?"

Mike Zhao, who was present here, became more and more dissatisfied, and became more determined to play the role of Infernal Affairs. As for the others, there were of course those who disdained Dou Xiaodou, but the power of tabooing Nan Huaiyuan was not shown.

PS: Gucheng here recommends the book "The King of Special Forces" by my friend Qing Weijun in the same group. Friends who are not good at reading can read it. It is very exciting. Well, the author is a girl, wow haha...

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