He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1039: One wrong step, every wrong step


The four-edged golden mace smashed open the roof of the box and flew away in an instant. Under the control of Dou Xiaodou, it landed under the legs like a critical force and started to defend.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was reaching out to grab Dou Xiaodou's ankle, saw the move and instantly turned his claws into fists to hit the four-sided golden mace that was dancing tightly.

After a fight, both sides were no longer in peak condition at this moment. The defensive quality of the four-sided golden mace was not as good as before. Of course, Wang Le's heavy punches were not as powerful and invincible as they were in his heyday.

"Bang bang——"

The fist and the four-sided gold mace instantly collided and bounced off each other. Wang Le had to take a small step back. Dou Xiaodou, who was focused on running away, had no time to think about his life magic weapon, the four-sided gold mace. Unable to control it better, he was directly smashed away, hitting the wall of the box and falling to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Wang Le, who was still invisible on the ground, felt something in his heart, and rushed straight to the foot of the wall in a flash. Then he took the four-sided gold mace into his Dharma Eye space with one big hand.

Dou Xiaodou, who spread his wings and was about to get into the hole in the roof of the box, instantly lost his sense of the magic weapon. It was too late to take it back. In anger, he lowered his head and yelled at the box: "You...bastard!"

However, Dou Xiaodou had no intention of fighting anymore at this time. In addition, he was seriously injured. It was doomed to be impossible for him to fall to the floor of the box and regain his natal magic weapon, the four-sided gold mace.

At this time, Wang Le, who put away Douxiaodou's natal magic weapon, the four-sided gold mace, smiled coldly, jumped up, kicked the wall of the box, and rushed towards Douxiaodou again!

In the electric light and flint, although Dou Xiaodou could not see the invisible Wang Le, after being injured and losing his life magic weapon, he had already become a frightened bird. The pair of big wings glowing with blue metal light behind him flapped hard and carried the whole body. The whole body rushed straight out of the head, the big hole that had just been opened by the four-edged golden mace!

At this time, Wang Le, who was already in the air in the box, secretly said a pity, and then saw him reaching out to grab the edge of the hole, and then using his strength to follow him, he rushed out of the hole and reached the top of the teahouse.

The invisible Wang Le stood on the roof, his eyes slightly narrowed as he watched Dou Xiaodou frantically flap his wings and flee, flying straight into the distance until he disappeared.

It was three o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining, it was a good day, but standing on the roof of the teahouse, Wang Le, who was in a state of invisibility, was filled with dark clouds, which became increasingly heavy.

Because he didn't expect Dou Xiaodou to have a pair of wings that could fly, which directly overturned his wishful thinking of capturing the opponent alive.

If he had known it earlier, Wang Le would certainly not have thought about capturing Dou Xiaodou alive, but would have directly killed him with a killing move, so that this tease would not have escaped.

The so-called wrong step is exactly like this.

But there is no regret in taking medicine. Wang Le can only face this helpless reality, and then... continue to hunt!

As his mind wandered, the invisible Wang Le jumped into the box through the hole again, and then left the teahouse without lingering.

Next, Wang Le did not need to activate the clairvoyance power of the Deception Dharma Eye to stare at the escaped Dou Xiaodou, because he knew that the other party must have fled to Tianxiang Pavilion on the outskirts of Beijing, because there was the protector Nan Huaiyuan stationed there.

After leaving the teahouse, Wang Le, who was invisible, found a deserted place to remove the hidden power of the Fayan Dragon. Then he took out the black heavy motorcycle from the Fayan space, and without any delay, he rode the black heavy motorcycle in the direction of Tianxiang Pavilion. Rush away.

Just when Wang Le rushed to Tianxiang Pavilion, Dou Xiaodou, who suffered a serious injury, spent more than ten minutes and finally flew to Tianxiang Pavilion.

At this time, Nan Huaiyuan, who had just finished handling the funeral affairs of the mourners, Lu Xuan and others, also happened to return to Tianxiang Pavilion Tianzi No. 1 Manor Villa.

However, Nan Huaiyuan did not go into the villa to rest, but sat in the pavilion in the garden outside, with Zhao Quanhui respectfully accompanying him.

As for Mike Zhao, he is a junior after all, so of course he is not qualified to stay here in Nan Huaiyuan.

After finishing the funeral arrangements for the mourners and others, he was sent away by his father Zhao Quanhui.

"Hey!" Nan Huaiyuan, who was drinking tea in the pavilion, was moved in his heart, and then he looked up at the sky.

Zhao Quanhui, who was sitting nearby, saw this and followed Nan Huaiyuan's gaze to the sky in the distance out of curiosity.

At this time, I saw a black spot in the distance grow from small to large, and quickly took on the shape of a person.

"It's Brother Dou!" Zhao Quanhui took a quick look and blurted out in surprise. At the same time, he felt something was wrong in his heart, because the other party was sitting and running when he went out, but now he flew back from the air alone.

Zhao Quanhui guessed after a moment's thought that Dou Xiaodou was likely to encounter a formidable enemy.

Nan Huaiyuan, who had discovered Dou Xiaodou a long time ago, stood up and looked at Dou Xiaodou who was getting closer and closer in the air with an extremely solemn expression. His eyes were filled with unspeakable surprise and even anger.

Because the moment he saw the embarrassed figure of Dou Xiaodou in the distance in the sky, he knew that the murderer had been secretly watching since the drastic change last night. Otherwise, he would not have been able to seize the opportunity of Dou Xiaodou to be alone and attack.

From the beginning to the end, Nan Huaiyuan could not find any trace of the murderer. He typically treated himself like a monkey. In this situation, no one would be happy.

Thinking of this, Nan Huaiyuan walked out of the pavilion into the yard, and watched Dou Xiaodou fall from the air to the lawn with a gloomy face, and sat down unsteadily.

"Uncle Nan, the murderer has never left our side!"

At this time, Dou Xiaodou, whose face was as golden as paper, said this as the first sentence, which made Nan Huaiyuan more sure of his speculation, and his anger increased.

Because this is a typical example of slapping him!

You know, Nan Huaiyuan chased him out last night, but returned without success, which made him think that the murderer had escaped and would stop making any moves for a while. But what he didn't expect was that the murderer had been hiding nearby and finally attacked Dou. Adzuki beans.

Seeing Dou Xiaodou, half of his body dyed red with blood, completely exhausted and slumped on the lawn, Nan Huaiyuan, as a protector, felt a stronger sense of shame in his heart. I hate it even more!

"I'm going to peel off your skin and bones, you bastard, and torture me to death!" Nan Huaiyuan gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

At this time, Dou Xiaodou, who was sitting on the lawn, looked up at Nan Huaiyuan with a mournful face and said: "Uncle Nan, the kid's four-sided golden mace, his natal magical weapon, was snatched away by the murderer."

"Uh!" Nan Huaiyuan froze and looked at Dou Xiaodou with a look of disbelief.

This book comes from PIN\u0026书 # 网

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