He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,054: Humans unleash murderous intent, causing heaven and earth to turn upside down!

, with you all the way! "Oh? Brother Zhao couldn't sleep at night. Could it be that something happened to him?" Wang Le left the bed, walked barefoot on the floor to the window and opened the curtain, and asked knowingly in a relaxed tone.

Mike Zhao on the phone was full of helplessness, and even asked with a hint of schadenfreude: "Brother Wang, do you think you can escape Nan Huaiyuan's clutches by hiding?"

"Uh" Wang Le looked at the rising red sun outside, squinted his eyes, and suddenly became alert, because he heard something in Zhao Mike's words, and immediately became serious, stopped joking, and asked seriously: "What's going on? Something happened? Is there something happening in Nan Huaiyuan?"

At this time, Mike Zhao on the other end of the phone did not beat around the bush and responded straight to the point: "Yes, just when it was dawn, a group of internal guards were summoned to my Tianxiang by Nan Huaiyuan. One of them was named Tong Guan. A master of martial arts, I heard him introduce himself as a disciple of the Bagua Sect. He owns a Fuxi compass and is best at tracking..."

Standing in front of the window, Wang Le listened to Zhao Mike's words on the phone, and his heart became heavier and heavier, and the bad feeling became more and more intense.

Although he didn't know what the Fuxi Compass was, after seeing and using the power of the magic weapon, he didn't dare to despise it any more.

Even though Wang Le was extremely confident in his ability to destroy the illusion, he did not dare to take it lightly, because the devil knew what could happen to Fuxi Compass. If he was not careful, he might be targeted or found. But there is no way to go to heaven, and there is no way to enter the earth.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le's face became uncertain, and then he said to Mike Zhao on the phone: "Are Niubi Lao Dao and Tong Guan still with you today?"

Mike Zhao on the other end of the phone replied in a deep voice: "I went to Boss Xiao's place."

"Well" Wang Le's heart suddenly thought, and he immediately thought of what his adoptive father said before he left, and felt relieved again, believing that Nan Huaiyuan would not dare to mess around.

"Brother Zhao, I have written down this favor and will pay it back in the future," Wang Le said solemnly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mike Zhao's voice came from the phone, saying slowly: "What about our previous festivals?"

Wang Le smiled and asked, "Is there any holiday between us?"

"Uh" Mike Zhao on the phone laughed dumbly, and then said in a deep voice: "Be careful, outsiders like Nan Huaiyuan are not welcome in Sijiu City"

Wang Le snorted and said in a cold voice with murderous intent: "Don't worry, I will prevent them from returning to the martial arts world and bury their bones in this mortal world."

After finishing speaking,

The two of them had a tacit understanding and ended the call without further conversation.

At this time, the red sun had already risen in the east, shining through the window on Wang Le's body.

But Wang Le didn't feel the slightest warmth. He only felt that the world had changed and the air was filled with invisible murderous intent.

And this is far more than just his own murderous intention.

"The sky sends out murderous intentions, the moving stars change places and the earth sends out murderous intentions, the rising of dragons and snakes sends out murderous intentions to people, the heaven and earth turn over again and again."

Wang Le murmured softly to himself a verse from the "Yellow Emperor's Yin Fu Jing". This was when he was still in the mysterious army. The old guy led him to the top of the mountain to watch the sun and the moon rise and fall, and when the stars rose and set, he often felt like to say

Human beings are the soul of all things, and everyone is an independent individual. Because they have their own experiences, and subsequently their own thoughts and perceptions, the human heart is like the sea and cannot be penetrated.

And Wang Le had his own unique experience. Along the way, his hands were stained with blood that could not be washed away, and he was carrying countless murders that even he himself could no longer clean up.

This also makes him extremely sensitive to unknown dangers and the killing that is about to begin.

This is like an old farmer in the field. When the seedlings first go to the ground, he looks at the weather and rubs the fertilizer in the field to know what the harvest will be this year.

Somehow, Wang Le's intuition told him that in the upcoming killing storm, far from involving both himself and Nan Huaiyuan, there might be an unimaginable enemy coming.

At this moment, Wang Le was so suppressed by his terrifying intuition that he couldn't breathe. Although he didn't know what would happen in the future, he could feel the terrifying horror coming...

After a while, Wang Le took a deep breath to calm down the turbulent thoughts deep in his heart, allowing himself to regain his calmness and confidence, because every moment after that, he was like walking on a high-altitude tightrope, and he could only be calm enough. Only with caution and invincible self-confidence can we calmly deal with the coming life and death crisis, walk through this tightrope safely, and reach the other side of victory.

Therefore, you should not worry about gains and losses. This will only interfere with your judgment of the future situation, and eventually you will fall off the tightrope and be shattered to pieces.

"Since we don't know how the Fuxi compass in Tong Guan's hand can track the young master, we can only wait and then we can act on our own initiative."

Wang Le turned away from the window, sat on the sofa next to him, closed his eyes, and calmly fell into deep thought, silently analyzing and thinking.

After all, acting blindly is always harmful and useless. The wisest decision is to wait to see the situation clearly before taking action.

In this case, the only thing Wang Le has to do is to restore his condition and keep himself at the peak of his energy and blood anytime and anywhere. Only in this way can he have the capital to save his life when facing a crisis enemy. Otherwise, everything is just empty talk.

After a while, Wang Le got up and left the guest room and left the hotel. He found a breakfast shop nearby to fill his stomach, then returned to his residence and started practicing.

At the same time, Nan Huaiyuan, Tong Houhou and three other companions drove to Xiao Yuanfang's residence.

"Master Nan, it seems that Boss Xiao knows that you are always coming over."

When a group of people got off the car and came to the entrance of the small courtyard, they saw Tonghouhou walking behind Nan Huaiyuan and saying softly respectfully

Because he knew the work and rest schedules of Xiao Yuanfang and other important figures quite clearly, he said this. You must know that at this time, Xiao Yuanfang should have gone to work long ago instead of staying at home.

Nan Huaiyuan narrowed his eyes, waved the whisk in his hand, and responded noncommittally: "Maybe."

At this moment, Zhang Xinglong, the personal guard who was protecting Xiao Yuan, opened the door of the small courtyard from inside, looked at Nan Huaiyuan, Tong Guan and others, and said in a deep and expressionless voice: "Everyone, please come in, the boss is waiting. "It's been a long time"

"As expected," Child Monkey said softly.

It goes without saying that Nan Huaiyuan, Tong Houhou and others were sure that Xiao Yuanfang already knew what Wang Le had done in the past two days.

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