He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,060 Continue to track

(Baidu search) "You have to rely on yourself at all times, and you can never rely on others."

Nan Huaiyuan thought of these words helplessly, and then he was too lazy to talk to Tong Houhou and others. He dusted the whisk in his hand for a while, then rushed into the hotel at the lead.

At this time, Tong Houhou and the other three people saw Nan Huaiyuan taking the lead, and they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't dare to confront Wang Le, the evil star, and ended up following the footsteps of the fat hunchback.

It is everyone's innate nature to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Tong Houhou and others certainly do not feel guilty. They are happy to see Nan Huaiyuan at the front.

"Why are you still here? Do you really want Nanshi to rush to the front?"

The child monkey pretended to scold his three companions, then turned around and walked into the hotel.

"Who are you..."

The waitress at the front desk of the hotel saw Nan Huaiyuan rushing in. Before she could finish her yelling, she was waved by the other party's hand. Her head was fractured on the spot, and the red and white stuff inside spurted out. She collapsed to the ground and died.

"Uh" Tong Houhou and the other three people who rushed in from the outside twitched their eyelids when they saw this. They looked at Nan Huaiyuan who had already rushed up the stairs, and they became more and more afraid and jealous.

What they fear most is people like Nan Huaiyuan. Not only are they highly skilled in martial arts, but they are also moody and unreasonable. They take people's lives with their bare hands without any reason. Who knows if they who are following Nan Huaiyuan will lose their lives just like that? , then you will really be wronged to the point where grandma’s family will have no way to explain.

Grinding the skin with the tiger, the child monkey couldn't help but sweat on his palms. He felt a little regretful that he was so eager to make a contribution when Tianxiang saw Nan Huaiyuan.

But since ancient times, wealth can only be found in danger. What’s more, now that things have come to this, Child Monkey can only bite the bullet and continue to work.

Soon, Nan Huaiyuan, Tong Houhou and others arrived in front of the guest room where Wang Le had stayed on the third floor.


Nan Huaiyuan kicked open the door without hesitation, and at the same time, he transformed into a shadow and rushed into the guest room.

"Where are the people?" Nan Huaiyuan's eyes were like eagle eyes, looking around the entire room with murderous intent, and asked in a cold voice.

At this time, the child monkey who had just stepped into the guest room trembled in his heart and shrank his body, looking even thinner and frailer.

"Master Nan, there is no need to be anxious. Let me take a look first before talking." Tong Houhou quickly walked to Nan Huaiyuan, bowed his head and said respectfully.

I saw Nan Huaiyuan take a deep breath,

He allowed himself to regain his composure and said calmly: "I hope that nephew Tong Xian will not let down Pindao's expectations for you."

"Uh." Child Monkey shrank his neck and quickly hummed. Then he began to walk around the guest room, bathroom and other places to check.

Ten minutes later, the child monkey once again collected a handful of hair in his hand, came to Nan Huaiyuan, and reported respectfully: "Master Nan, according to the boy's examination, it was not more than an hour before or after Wang Lecai left this room. "

"Oh? How can you see it?" Nan Huaiyuan's eyes flashed and he asked Tonghouhou

I saw Tong Hou said with confidence: "The hair that the boy collected must have fallen from Wang Le's body. It looks shiny, and it must have been in the past few hours."

After a pause, the child monkey made a big move, and saw the scarlet mini turtle floating under the ceiling of the guest room quickly fall down and fly to the Fuxi Compass in his hand.

"Besides, the fact that the tracking turtle generated by Fuxi's compass can hover here and not leave means that Wang Le has not left the hotel for long," Tong Hou said with certainty.

At this time, after Nan Huaiyuan heard what Tong Hou said, he felt a little regretful that he had just killed the hotel front desk staff with his bare hands. Otherwise, he could have been arrested and tortured to confirm when Wang Le left.

"The poor Taoist was really shaken by that little evil beast. How could he normally do such a stupid thing?" Nan Huaiyuan's face was uncertain, and he thought to himself in annoyance.

But there is no regret in this world. Nan Huaiyuan could only swallow this mistake helplessly, and then asked Tonghouhou with a depressed look: "Then what should we do next?"

Tonghouhou responded with a confident smile: "Now that Wang Legang has fallen hair, it will be easy for us to find him next."

"Are you sure?" Nan Huaiyuan's eyes lit up and he looked at Tonghouhou seriously and said

The child monkey smiled and said nothing, nodded slightly, then put the handful of Wang Le's hair that had just fallen into the guest room in his hand into the Fuxi compass, and then pinched it with his fingers as before, muttering something in his mouth, and running the innate power at the same time. Force input into the Fuxi compass

Standing in the near future of Nanhuai, Tonghou Hou didn't ask for any more help from him, and felt a little relieved, because the older he got, the less courageous he became, which made him taboo from the bottom of his heart against the mysterious and weird magic of Fuxi Compass. Qi Tian knows if there might be some hidden trick that would make him fall into the trap. At that time, even if Nan Huaiyuan’s martial arts cultivation is high, he can only bow his head and admit defeat.

Of course, everything was because of Wang Le's murder. This lesson was not far away and made Nan Huaiyuan completely frightened. That's why he did this, making everyone in the world except himself a potential enemy.

Closer to home, after some spell casting by Child Monkey, the bunch of short black hair that fell from Wang Le quickly merged into the scarlet mini turtle, making the scarlet light that emerged from it deepen.


The child monkey pointed his finger at the scarlet mini turtle on Fuxi's compass, and then he saw it, just like before, once again wrapped in bubbles formed by a scarlet halo and flying up, almost floating away from the window that had just been smashed. go out


Just as the mini turtle floated out of the glass opening of the window, Nan Huaiyuan dodged. Tong Houhou and others were dazzled when they saw this old-fashioned man smashing open the window and flying away.

"Why are you still hanging around? Chase after me quickly."

Child Monkey shouted in a deep voice to the three companions who were standing still beside him and had not yet reacted. Then he took the lead and rushed out of the guest room and chased outside.

"I'm so fucking unlucky today. How come I have to deal with such a thankless job, and the person on the other side is the evil star Wang Le?"

One of the younger of the three martial arts masters finally couldn't help but blurted out

As soon as he finished speaking, another middle-aged martial arts master who was relatively stable smiled bitterly and sighed: "So what? Who makes our cultivation not as good as those two? If we don't want to suffer, we can only accept our fate and follow them." I'm running errands from behind. At most, don't be stupid and rush to the front and be used as cannon fodder when the time comes."

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