He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1062 Four Parties Gathering

, with you all the way! "It seems that Mr. Nanshi doesn't know about the relationship between Ji Yangzi and Wang Le."

The oldest martial arts master touched his nose and said expressionlessly

The young martial arts master smiled, shrugged, and said nonchalantly: "As long as it doesn't involve us, why do you care so much?"

The relatively stable martial arts master hummed, and then sighed and said: "We are also the bottom disciples of the sect. Otherwise, we would not join the world and come to the Forty-Nine City to carry out such a guarding mission with no future. , so, the right way is to live in peace of mind, and as for other things, it is better to know less, so as not to get into unnecessary trouble."

The other two nodded and agreed. Indeed, people must have self-awareness. Otherwise, well, just like that Wang Le, who has not recognized himself and has not fully grown up. He just knows how to kill and kill. The result is now Holding the stopwatch, the countdown to death begins...

Just as these three people were talking about the feud between Wang Le and Nan Huaiyuan and heading back to Sijiu City, Wang Dashu, the person involved, had not seen him until noon. It was time to eat, so he didn't see him for the time being. Continuing to go south, he drove his Hummer directly down the national highway and parked in front of a nearby small restaurant.

Wang Le walked into the small restaurant and found an empty table and sat down. At this time, the boss also walked out of the counter at the right time and handed over the menu politely.

"Braised crucian carp, three fresh pots, twice-cooked pork..."

After ordering a bunch of dishes, Wang Le asked the boss to cook them quickly. Then he crossed his legs and drank the tea poured by the boss. He looked leisurely and at ease, not looking like he was on the run.

At this time, the small restaurant was not big. Apart from Wang Le, the other two tables were also full of customers, but they were all passing drivers. So after eating in a hurry, I didn’t bother to stay longer, and left after paying the bill.

After a while, by the time Wang Le's food was halfway served, the small restaurant was already empty of customers.

"I never thought that I would be able to enjoy this kind of top-notch treatment of booking an entire restaurant on my way to escape. It's really nice."

Young Master Wang didn't drink any wine, so he asked the boss to bring a big bowl filled with rice. While eating, he thought happily like Ah Q.

As usual, Wang Le looked at the food on the table and swept away all the food in a short time.

It was really appetizing, and it tasted so good that I immediately stunned the boss standing behind the counter. His small restaurant received a lot of customers from all over the world.

I have never seen a thin, well-mannered young man with a hint of greenness in his eyes. He has such a big appetite that even three hard workers combined can't match it.

If those three martial arts masters see Wang Le like this, they will definitely doubt whether their judgment that Wang Le is not far from death is correct.

Because Young Master Wang behaved so calmly and not at all afraid of Nan Huaiyuan chasing after him, it was really incredible.

As the saying goes, there must be a monster when something goes wrong. Those three martial arts masters will definitely guess that Wang Le has a secret weapon to protect his own life.

As for Nan Huaiyuan, if he saw such a scene in the restaurant, he would be so angry that the three corpses would jump and smoke, because the behavior of Young Master Wang, who did not take Nan Huaiyuan seriously at all, would be punished by anyone. No, not to mention that Nan Huaiyuan is used to being aloof and aloof, which is unbearable.

Just like that, more than an hour passed by in a flash. After Wang Le finished eating, he sat in a small restaurant to rest for a while. After paying the bill, he picked his teeth with a toothpick, drove a burgundy Hummer onto the national highway, and continued heading south aimlessly. Open your face...

As the saying goes: Nothing is permanent

What God loves to do most is to play with all the living beings under his nose, intentionally or unintentionally.

When Wang Le finished his meal and drove the car slowly on the road, Nan Huaiyuan and Tong Monkey chased the scarlet mini turtle generated by Fuxi's compass and gradually caught up.

At the same time, Hong Burang, who was traveling day and night, was at the end of the road, and had truly entered the countdown to death, like a mad dog, roaring all the way to the direction of Sijiu City in a dusty way.

However, Zhang Chenzhou, who was tricked by Hong Bujang and even his grandma's family couldn't reason with him, and who could not go any further on the martial arts road for the rest of his life, finally relied on his extremely profound martial arts cultivation and a soaring resentment in his heart to withstand the pressure. Troubled by the Zi Killing Technique, he unexpectedly regained his ability to move in advance. He firmly followed Hong Burang and ran towards the four-nine cities.

Yes, that's right, Zhang Chenzhou did not use his innate power to fly, but ran wildly on the ground. Due to the influence of the Zhenzi Killing Technique, although he recovered his ability to move, he could not move as freely as he usually did in his prime state.

It can be said that although Zhang Chenzhou's martial arts cultivation level is still there, his combat power can only be less than half of the peak state. At most, he only has the combat power of the peak of the late martial arts Xuan level.

For a moment, Hong Burang and Zhang Chenzhou were in tandem, Wang Le was driving a burgundy Hummer, and Hong Burang and Tonghou were chasing behind a scarlet mini turtle in the air.

The four independent people were brought together by the big hand of fate. They all collided along the long national highway, getting closer and closer.

The wind and dust are billowing, and under the warm sunshine of late autumn, they are like four trains that have no time to step on the brakes and are colliding towards the same focus. What is about to collide will be blood flowers dancing, and the gates of hell are wide open. The murderous intent in the air spreads as the four directions approach, filling this world...

At this time, Hong Burang, his former majestic and heroic image as the head of the Hong family has long since disappeared. His tall and strong figure has long been reduced to a human shape, like a skeleton, and he is running barefoot on the national highway.

It's not that Hong Burang didn't want to take a shortcut to the capital. After all, he was still a stranger. He didn't know the trails. He could only follow the route he took when he left Sijiu City.

"We are finally arriving at Sijiu City. As long as I meet the elders of the clan and give them the life-extending fruit to take back, I will die in peace even if I am not allowed to do so."

Hong Burang, who started walking at an extremely fast speed, thought excitedly and excitedly in his heart as he hurried on.

If it weren't for this belief that held Hong Burang up, he would have died on the way.

You know, Hong Burang's intestines had already been lost. For ordinary people, death on the spot would be the only result.

The reason why Hong Burang has survived until now is not only because of the weirdness of the word-killing technique, but also because he has a belief that supports him.

Ps: Friends who are book-hungry read this and recommend two good books, historical fiction, Lang Langlang's "Water Margin: The Legend of Wu Dalang", fantasy and passion, and "Mecha Mysterious War"

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