He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1064: The Four Elders of the Hong Family

"Hey, what's going on up front?"

Taking his time, Wang Le was driving a Hummer on the national highway. When he saw such a large piece of ink-colored clouds floating in the sky in front of him, he couldn't help but think:

At first glance, I would have thought that some highly polluting company was discharging emissions indiscriminately.

And this was also the first reaction of Nan Huaiyuan and Tong Monkey, who were not far away from Wang Le and were chasing after him in the form of a black light.

But these two people are not ordinary beings, especially Nan Huaiyuan, who has lived a long life and is well-informed. He quickly recognized that this was a unique signal, not some company's random emission of polluting gases.

"Master Nan, what's going on? There seems to be a big movement ahead. Could it be caused by that guy Wang Le?"

The child monkey, who was being carried by Nan Huaiyuan and flying in the air, had a look of uncertainty on his face and opened his mouth to say

Because the scarlet mini turtle generated by Fuxi's compass was flying quickly towards the place where the ink clouds were rising.

This has to make Tonghouhou speculate whether it is related to Wang Le

Nan Huaiyuan's eyes flashed, he kept chasing the scarlet mini turtle in front of him, and responded in a deep voice: "Let's go over and take a look and we will see clearly."

Without waiting for Tong Hou to speak again, Nan Huaiyuan chuckled and comforted him: "Don't worry, Tong Xian Nephew, Pindao is here, so there is no need to worry about personal safety. No matter how high the storm caused by that little evil beast is, he will only die in the end." "

After saying that, Nan Huaiyuan stopped talking nonsense while carrying the child monkey, and caught up with the scarlet mini turtle that was already flying farther and farther...

Wang Le, who was driving a Hummer, looked at the dark clouds in the sky in the distance, which were slowly moving towards him. He couldn't help but feel curious. The golden light flashed faintly in his eyes, and the Dharma Eyes for Destroying Illusion opened. Look straight ahead

"That is?"

When Wang Le saw Hong Burang running towards him along the national highway through the clairvoyance power of the Deliang Dharma Eye, he was completely thin and disheveled, and was no different from a beggar on the street. I didn't react, I just thought it looked familiar.

When Wang Le took a closer look, he suddenly stopped suddenly and blurted out a curse: "Damn - your mother, it turns out it's Hong Bu let this old bastard"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Zhang Chenzhou's figure appeared in Wang Lepo's vision, and he couldn't help but raise his brows again.

He thought to himself: "Hey, something's wrong! Why is this old bastard still following someone behind him?"

Thinking about it, Wang Le speculated again: "Is it possible that this old bastard is acting like a lost dog because he is being chased by the martial arts master behind him?"

In a flash of thought, Wang Le immediately opened the car door and jumped out, then turned around and put the Hummer into the Dharma Eye space. At the same time, he did not forget to activate the magic eye dragon's invisible power to make his body disappear on the road.

Just when Mr. Wang was invisible for about ten seconds, he suddenly felt something. He turned around and looked up at the sky behind him. He suddenly took a breath of air and felt his scalp numb.

"What the fuck, it's not like enemies don't get together, why the hell are they all here together? God, don't you think you've had enough fun?"

The invisible Wang Le suddenly had a mournful look on his face, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood. His heart was filled with sadness, and he muttered silently, feeling completely depressed to the point where he came to his grandma's house.

Soon, as Hong Burang and Zhang Chen were getting closer and closer to the invisible Wang Le while chasing and escaping on Monday, the scarlet mini turtle generated using the Fuxi compass to track Young Master Wang also flew to the invisible king. Near Le, where the Hummer stopped just now, the sky began to hover...

And just when the four parties were about to collide with each other, the four elders of the Hong family who were lurking near the capital and were in meditation were also awakened by the younger members of the clan who followed them.

Because they discovered that not far from here, a unique contact signal among the clan was formed in the air. They knew without thinking that this must be sent by the head of the family, Hong Burang.

"Xiao Rang really lived up to expectations," Gujing Wubo, an old man named Hong Wan, said with excitement on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Hong Yu, the tallest Taoist among the Four Great Su Laowu, with a stooped waist and looking very thin, said lightly: "It's not the time to be happy yet, let's hurry up to pick up Xiao Rang, and wait until we meet. Once we are sure that he really has the Life-Renewal Fruit from his ancestral land in the martial arts world, we can never be too happy."

After finishing speaking, some old brothers who didn't understand spoke, Hong Yu dodged out of the house, and then he was lifted up into the sky by a blue cloud. With a glance, he saw the ink-colored clouds floating in the sky to the south. They were the family members. The signal generated by the unique disposable magic weapon in

"Something is not good."

Hong Yu murmured to himself, and then shouted to the three old brothers on the ground who had not yet come out of the house: "I'll take a step first, you guys should follow quickly."

Before he even finished speaking, Hong Yu had already raised his speed to the highest level, turning into a ray of green light and flying straight towards the place where the ink-colored cloud signal was floating.

Hong Wan, who just came out of the house at this time, looked at the other two old brothers and said with a smile: "It's true that the eldest brother is over a hundred years old, but he is still as impatient as the younger generation, not at all. Never changed”

Hong Gu, the third eldest among the four, glanced at Hong Wan, and then asked thoughtfully: "Second brother, according to Xiao Rang's always steady temperament, these forty-nine cities are almost here, why do we need to send a signal? ?”

"Uh" Hong Wan was stunned, and before he could speak, he was standing next to him. He was the smallest and tallest in stature. Although his face was wrinkled, he had black hair. He was the most powerful in martial arts and had already reached the middle stage of martial arts. , and stepped into the later era of prehistoric times, his face became solemn, he took over the conversation and said: "It seems that Xiao Rang is in trouble."

"Ah?" Hong Wan was startled and said quickly: "Then why are we still here? Go chase big brother quickly."

Hong Gu and Hong Huang nodded slightly, and then they saw that these three old guys did not waste any more nonsense, soared directly into the sky, identified the direction below, and then, like the boss Hong Yu who left first, immediately rushed into the sky in various colors of light. Towards the south where the signal rises...

For martial arts masters like the four elders of the Hong family, it is easy and effortless to reach the place where the signal rises in the shortest possible time.

Especially when they have a premonition that the situation is not good, they can fly at full speed, even if they are far away from the flood, it will not take a long time to arrive.

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