He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,079 Nanhua Blood Sword

This middle-aged man wears a black burqa, has a tiger's back and a wasp's waist, and has an inverted triangle body shape with golden proportions. His thick long black hair is tied up and pinned with a jade hairpin. His facial lines look like sculptures. Appears hard and cold. (Baidu search) basket. color. Book. bar,

In those eyes that hinted at the vicissitudes of life, the situation was unpredictable, and the joy, anger, sorrow and joy in his heart could not be seen clearly.

"Nanhua Blood Sword, Cold Water"

Nan Huaiyuan saw the middle-aged man walking from the air, with deep fear and fear in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

At this time, the middle-aged man who called Han Ruoshui came to Nan Huaiyuan and stopped not far away. He looked at him expressionlessly, the disgust in his eyes flashed away, and then said coldly: "I'll give you ten Disappear in front of Han when you have time to rest, otherwise there is no need to leave."

"You" Nan Huaiyuan froze, and the depression in his heart made his pale face flash red.

Before Nan Huaiyuan could speak again, his eyes blurred as Han Ruoshui reached out and slapped his chest with a palm.


Before Nan Huaiyuan could react, Han Ruoshui's seemingly light palm imprinted on his chest.

With a pop, Nan Huaiyuan spurted out a mouthful of blood. At this moment, Han Ruoshui's body flashed and he stood back to his previous position in the air.

Nan Huaiyuan, who was already seriously injured, could no longer hold up after being hit by Han Ruoshui's palm. He could no longer float in the air and fell straight to the ground.

When he was still five or six meters above the ground, Nan Huaiyuan finally took a breath, barely stabilized his body, and fell to the ground with difficulty. Then he looked up at the black burqa in the sky, as cold as frost. So water.

"There are still six breaths left."

With a voice like thunder, the aloof Han Ruoshui put his hands behind his back and spoke slowly.

After a pause, Han Ruoshui looked down at Nan Huaiyuan on the ground, and said disdainfully: "Han Mou has been in seclusion for more than ten years. This time he came out of the mountain to join the world at the order of the master. He is unwilling to kill for the time being. It is your luck. Hurry up." Let’s go”

As for Han Ruoshui's temperament, Nan Huaiyuan has been in the martial arts world all his life. Of course, he guessed that the other party was disdainful of doing things that add insult to injury. Otherwise, this killer would not have been so easy to talk to. He would have stabbed him with a sword. Himself, instead of leaving any remaining strength, gave a light palm.

Thoughts were running through her mind. How could Nan Huaiyuan, who was so lucky, dare to say another word, let alone look into Han Ruoshui's eyes? He could be seen moving his dilapidated body, taking steps with difficulty, but still moving extremely fast. Escape towards Sijiucheng.

There was no other way. If he didn't escape within six breaths, Nan Huaiyuan was sure that Han Ruoshui, a ruthless killer known to everyone, would really leave him here, and he would never be able to return to the martial arts world.

At this time, Wang Le, who was hiding nearby, first looked up at Han Ruoshui, who was still standing high in the sky like a statue, and murmured to himself: "Nanhua Blood Sword, does this person have anything to do with Nanhua Temple?"

When Han Ruoshui arrived just now, what Nan Huaiyuan said was clearly visible to Wang Le, who had opened his Dharma Eyes for Destruction of Illusions. Through the shape of his mouth, he knew the Nanhua Blood Sword.

But this is not the time to think about the origin of Han Ruo Shui. Seeing the invisible Wang Le put away his gaze towards Han Ruo Shui high in the sky, and then looked at Nan Huaiyuan who was gradually getting further away and was about to disappear from the field of vision, he couldn't help but smile. Intense murderous intention

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him," Wang Le said in his heart with a cold light flashing in his eyes and a cruel smile on his lips.

The so-called opportunity cannot be missed, and the time will never come again. In this case, Wang Le would certainly not let go of this rare opportunity. After all, the mortal feud between him and Nan Huaiyuan was inextricable and would have to be ended sooner or later.

Wang Le, who is accustomed to controlling everything in his hands and always taking the initiative, would no longer be Wang Le if he let go of the time bomb of Nan Huaiyuan.

With his mind wandering, Wang Le, who was invisible, took a deep look at the Nanhua Blood Sword Cold Water high in the sky, and then chased in the direction where Nan Huaiyuan escaped.

Under the lock of the PoWan Dharma Eye, Nan Huaiyuan never escaped from Wang Le's lock. No matter how fast the opponent ran away, it was of no avail, not to mention that he was still seriously injured.

When the invisible Wang Le went to chase Nan Huaiyuan, he saw that he was standing high in the air and motionless. Han Ruoshui, who had his hands on his back, also disappeared from the same place in a flash, and then appeared in the distant sky in the blink of an eye, and then appeared again. It disappeared in a flash, moving towards the direction of Sijiu City like lightning. His movement was extremely strange, no less than before.

In this way, the song ends and everyone disperses, leaving a mess behind.

The fighter jets were still roaring and patrolling back and forth. The crashed fighter jet crashed into a nearby lake. It was a blessing in misfortune. The parachuting pilot was floating in the air and falling to the ground in shock.

Unconsciously, in the late autumn evening, the setting sun was already shining in the west, and the dark clouds in the sky dispersed after the cold water left, as if nothing had ever happened.

The Taoist robe was torn and covered with blood. Nan Huaiyuan looked like a bereaved dog. Most of his internal bones were broken and shattered. He was seriously injured one after another. At this moment, he felt weaker than ever before. Even with a powerful mid-level martial arts cultivation, he could not change this. Brutal about everything.

Busy traffic, bright lights, these forty-nine cities are so bustling and noisy, but these have nothing to do with Nan Huaiyuan, who is running in the darkness. All he can feel is coldness, from his heart to his body.

"The remnants of these exiles will definitely be repaid twice as much in the future, making your life worse than death."

After identifying the direction, Nan Huaiyuan swore to himself full of hatred and headed towards the suburbs of Sijiu City on the other side, where Tianxiang Pavilion is located.

"Nan Hua Blood Sword Han Shui Shui Humph, Pindao will definitely kill you with a thousand cuts. This guy is even willing to kill his own wife, Pindao should admit his defeat."

When he thought of Han Ruoshui's past deeds as a killer, Nan Huaiyuan suddenly couldn't think of revenge.

"It would be bad to choose someone else to come to Sijiu City. Why did we bring this ruthless woman here? Pindao's luck is really at a low point. He can't even drink cold water without filling his teeth."

The miserable Nan Huaiyuan could only blame himself for his bad luck and lamented secretly.

Han Ruoshui, who was previously arrogant and arrogant and disdained to do anything that could kill someone, was merciful, but for the seriously injured Nan Huaiyuan, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Otherwise, Nan Huaiyuan could grit his teeth and fly from the air to Tianxiang Pavilion for retreat to heal his injuries, so there would be no need to run around on the ground.

For Nan Huaiyuan, the place where he can now hide and heal is the relatively familiar Tianxiang Pavilion.

But what Nan Huaiyuan never expected was that someone would rush to do the job that Han Ruoshui disdains, and they would follow him silently~ Search Basket Color to read the full text of the following chapters


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