He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,099 Infiltration

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In the night, Wang Le drove his white Audi Q7 along the crowded traffic flow like a galaxy, through the bustling and brightly lit urban area, and followed the car navigation system to arrive at a place where there were fewer vehicles and pedestrians, making it seem like he had entered another world. Antao North Road. (Baidu search)

Along the road, the car didn't drive for a while before Wang Le found the home and Shengshi high-end community that Jin Zhongxin told him about.

However, Wang Le did not drive the car directly into the community. He first walked along the road around his home and Shengshi, and then stopped on the opposite side of the road near the community, then opened the car door and got out.

Wang Le first walked to a deserted place, and then activated the dragon's hidden power of the Eye of Deception. His entire figure disappeared into the air, and then he trotted across the road to the foot of the community wall.

Then he saw the invisible Wang Le bending his legs slightly, touching the ground with his toes, and rising into the air. Then he flew directly over the two-meter-high courtyard wall in the air, and landed on the ground in the community with great ease.

Standing on the spot, Wang Le did not act immediately. Instead, he activated the clairvoyance power of the Deception Eye and scanned the entire community, looking for the single-family villa No. 008 hidden among the rockery and flowing water, among the picturesque scenery.

In less than a minute, Wang Le's delusion-breaking eyes locked onto Villa No. 008, which was located in the southeast of the community, about three to four hundred meters away from his position.

Seeing through obstacles such as the rockery, woods, and villas in front of him, Wang Le saw the entire Villa No. 008 from the outside to the inside, like a woman taking off her clothes, completely naked.

When Wang Le, who was invisible, saw Jin Zhongxin, Lao Yu, and Li Er in the living room of the villa, they were surrounded by a group of men in black and standing. A man wearing a black vest, holding a cigar in his hand, was sitting on a European-style leather sofa. When he saw the burly middle-aged man inside, he couldn't help but look slightly cold and whispered to himself: "Sure enough, something happened."

Immediately, the invisible Wang Le left the place in a flash, took a shortcut, and rushed to the single-family villa No. 008.

After a while, the invisible Wang Le walked through the forest and across the bridge, and quickly and quietly arrived in front of the dark electric iron gate of No. 008 Single-family Villa Manor.

Standing invisible in the darkness, Wang Le looked at the bright lights in the manor with a cruel smile on his lips, looking particularly cold.

"There are a lot of people. I have to add another massacre to Sijiu City tonight."

The almost inaudible words slowly came out of Wang Le's mouth word by word.

Immediately, Wang Le, who was invisible, stepped on the ground with both feet.

It was like an invisible dark ghost floating high into the sky, then a kite turned over, easily crossed the two-meter-high electric iron gate, and bowed without making any sound and landed gently into the manor.

Wang Le, who fell into the yard, straightened up, then walked slowly to the steps in front of the villa gate and stopped.

At this time, the men in black who were responsible for guarding the manor were unaware of this, not to mention the surveillance probes, which were directly ineffective and useless in front of Wang Le who turned on the power of the dragon's hidden power to break the illusion.

Wang Le, who was invisible, was already used to this, because he himself had forgotten how many times he had experienced similar situations.

The invisible Wang Le, adhering to the principle of caution as always, once again activated the clairvoyance power of the Deception Eye, and scanned the entire villa in front of him from bottom to top again and carefully.

When he saw the elderly and children imprisoned in the two rooms on the second floor looking terrified, curled up and crying, he roughly guessed that they should be the family members of Lao Yu and Li Er.

"It won't bring harm to the family. These guys who are wandering around in the world have broken the rules."

The invisible Wang Le narrowed his eyes slightly, the cold light inside flickered, and he thought to himself silently.

With his mind wandering, Wang Le did not directly break through the door and go inside. Instead, he went around to the back of the villa according to the structure of the villa that he could see with the Powan Dharma Eye, because the window at the end of the corridor on the second floor was opening in this direction.

Immediately, the invisible Wang Le gently stretched his arms, and then took out the black leather gloves often used when riding a heavy motorcycle from the Dharma Eye Space.

The invisible Wang Le slowly put on the black leather gloves, and then saw him first bow his waist and lower his lower body, his head raised slightly, and then he kicked his bare feet to the ground. In an instant, his whole body was as straight as an invisible sharp arrow. The ground soared upwards!

The moment he reached a high altitude and the inertia of gravity prevented him from continuing, his hands wearing black leather gloves lightly tapped the wall of the villa, and he flew upward to the second floor window again.

In the flash of lightning, when the edge of the second floor window appeared, Wang Le grabbed it with one hand and lifted the whole person up to the window sill.

The whole process was completed in one go, without any pause. In the blink of an eye, Wang Le arrived at the second-floor window more than five meters above the ground.

The reason why Wang Le wore black leather gloves was to avoid having his fingerprints discovered at the scene afterwards. After all, this was a high-end community, and the people who lived there were all wealthy people. He didn't want to leave any little tails, lest he get into trouble. Adding unnecessary trouble.

At the same time, just as the invisible Wang Le came to the window on the second floor, in the living room on the first floor of the villa, Qin Yue looked at the clock on the wall, frowned, looked at Jin Zhongxin and said: "This is so fast. Hours have passed, why hasn’t Wang Le come yet? Jin Xiaodao, are you playing some tricks?"

Jin Zhongxin showed a sneer on his face and asked: "Under your nose, the hands-free mobile phone is turned on, and I read what you wrote word for word, what else can I do? "

"Uh!" Qin Yue's face darkened, he looked at Jin Zhongxin, and warned in a cold voice: "It's best not to play any tricks and let that Wang Le notice it, otherwise, your Jin Xiaodao will be completely ruined in this tomb robbing business from now on. Removed!"

Jin Zhongxin smiled nonchalantly and replied: "Do you think Sijiu City is a third-tier small city that becomes an empty city at night? Even I, who don't live in Sijiu City, know this city The traffic jam is so bad it’s ridiculous!”

Qin Yue was speechless and felt relieved. He was afraid that Wang Le would notice something was wrong and turn around and run away. Then the difficulty of finding traces would increase dramatically.

As for whether Wang Le would bring someone over after noticing it, Qin Yue was not worried about it because he had enough confidence in the strength of his subordinates.

These men in black were all born as international mercenaries. They had seen blood on the battlefield, and playing with guns was commonplace. Qin Yue did not believe that Wang Le could escape unscathed by bringing ordinary people.

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