He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,177 I don’t know which god I offended

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Seeing Wang Le's speechless look, Mu Xiyan couldn't help but laugh out loud on the spot, attracting the attention of the surrounding diners. , with you all the way! ..

The long-haired girl with outstanding temperament followed Mu Xihu's instructions, played the electric guitar, and sang Xu Wei's classic song "Blue Lotus", with a hint of strength in her sweetness...

Nothing can stop you from yearning for freedom and an unbridled life.

Your heart is no longer worried. Through the dark years, you have also felt hesitant.


During the singing, Mu Xiyan ignored the looks of the people around her and leaned in Wang Le's arms, closing her eyes.

Wang Le didn't pick up the chopsticks to pick up the food. His thoughts drifted away with the singing, and he drank cups of beer.

Just like that, after the long-haired girl sang three songs in a row, she ended her singing at Wang Le's table and went to look for the guests at the next table who wanted to sing.

"Xiaohu, I thought you were going to take a flight back to Sijiu City this morning, but you were delayed because your brother-in-law was going to sea. Come on, I'll toast you with this drink."

Wang Le picked up the disposable cup filled with beer and smiled at Mu Xihu who was sitting opposite.

Mu Xihu was not polite and didn't talk nonsense. He opened a bottle of beer and drank it all in one breath.

Wang Le smiled slightly and drank the beer in the cup casually without imitating his brother-in-law to open another bottle.

Because Wang Le treats Mu Xihu as a real family member, there is no need to be polite and thoughtful at dinners like he treats outsiders.

And this way, it seems even more intimate.

It was precisely because Mu Xihu felt it that he did not talk nonsense and kept everything in words...

When the three of them had eaten and drank enough, Mu Xihu consciously stood up and paid the bill. Wang Le took Mu Xiyan's little hand and walked slowly outside the night market to the parking place.

A few minutes later, when he walked out of the noisy night market, a cool sea breeze came to his face with a faint fishy smell. Wang Le closed his eyes and took a breath of enjoyment, and then spit it out comfortably.

At this moment, Wang Le heard Mu Xihu coming from behind after paying the bill and roared: "What are you doing? Let me go!"

"Huh?" Wang Lejian frowned,

When he opened his eyes, a look of displeasure flashed through his eyes, and his heart was filled with depression.

I really don’t know which god I offended today? Whenever you are feeling relaxed and happy, something will happen that ruins the atmosphere. I really hate it!

With his mind wandering, Wang Le followed Mu Xiyan beside him and turned around to look in the direction of the night market behind him.

At this time, not far away, Mu Xihu was seen rushing into a group of people, protecting the two singing girls from behind, and staring angrily at a group of young people with bare chests and backs.

When Wang Le saw this, he couldn't help showing a look of helplessness. He looked at Mu Xiyan next to him and spread his hands and said: "Honey, let's go to this night market! We already had a fight last time. It seems that we have to come again today." The second time.”

As a woman, Mu Xiyan saw the scene in front of her, and of course she understood what was going on. She couldn't help but hummed and replied: "This is the second time, when I meet such a person, I see him..." If I beat them hard once, their arrogance will be destroyed, and I don’t know how many girls will suffer in the future!”

Now that my wife has spoken, there is nothing more to say. Wang Le turned into an afterimage and left the place in a flash, rushing straight to where Mu Xihu was.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were blurred, and Wang Le stood beside Mu Xihu, and then said: "Xiaohu, take them to your sister's place, I will take care of them here."

Mu Xihu agreed without hesitation, without even looking at the seven or eight young men opposite him, because he knew that these guys would all be finished today and suffer heavy losses.

Mu Xihu believed and affirmed this very much, because in his impression, as long as his brother-in-law took action, even if the opponent did not die, he would lose half his life and stay in the hospital for at least a year and a half. load.

"Can he do it?"

The long-haired girl glanced worriedly at Wang Le, who was blocking the front, and then asked Mu Xihu.

Mu Xihu chuckled, and while pulling the two of them back to his sister Mu Xiyan, he replied: "The show will start soon, you two beauties, just wait and watch the excitement! I promise that I won't let you down." "

As soon as he finished speaking, before Mu Xihu could retreat with the two girls, he saw Xiao Huangmao, the leader of the group of young people, laughing loudly and scolding: "Wherever you go, stop right there, or you'll interrupt me." Damn your dog legs!"

"Girl, don't run away! Don't be afraid, brother won't do anything to your long legs."

"Who are you? You dare to stand in front of us. Do you want a hero to save the beauty?"

"Brothers, look, there's an even more beautiful beauty over there. She's so gorgeous tonight, she's going to be so happy."


In the midst of the chatter, the dirty words of this group of people couldn't help but make Mu Xiyan and the two young girls even more angry, and they felt a deep sense of disgust in their hearts.

"Have you said enough?"

Wang Le's faint words were accompanied by a violent aura that rushed out of him. The group of people on the opposite side were immediately frightened to the point where they felt chills in their hearts and lost their minds. They fell silent.

When this group of people came to their senses, they all felt fear and awe of Wang Le in front of them, but the brave leader among them started shouting loudly again, and even took out a Swiss army knife from his pocket and said fiercely Take an attack stance.

Facing this rabble, Wang Le felt that fighting with them would be a waste of his worth, so he moved without waiting for these people to continue shouting.

Using his bare hands, he was very clean and neat. He looked like he didn't want to waste any more time and rushed into the crowd like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

For a moment, the screams, the sound of fists hitting flesh, the sound of bones breaking and smashing, and the noise from the nearby night market mixed together, and finally filled every corner.

The commotion here was quickly attracted by pedestrians and diners at night, who watched the excitement.

But the result is destined to disappoint those who are ready to watch the excitement.

I saw that Wang Le had no effort at all. From the beginning to the end, there was no one who could be beaten by punches and kicks. He knocked them all to the ground with ease, making the whole process short enough for the two men who followed Mu Xihu to exit. The young girls in the battle circle were stunned and completely unresponsive.

When the onlookers woke up and took a quick look, they were all frightened.

I saw those young guys who had been beaten to pieces by Wang Le and collapsed on the ground. All of them passed out without exception, and no screams could be heard.

"This kid is so damn cruel. Aren't you afraid that the police will call the police later and cause trouble for him?"

Those onlookers who didn't know Wang Le couldn't help but think of this when they took a breath...

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