He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,221 A more powerful idea

After pondering for a while, Wang Le couldn't help but sigh with sincerity: "Compared with the great master, this boy is really not worthy of being a martial arts idiot!"

Then Wang Le went further: "Cut away the seven emotions and six desires, prevent yourself from being trapped by external things, and concentrate on martial arts training. In the eyes of this kid, such a life is too boring. Please search (¥¥) to see the most comprehensive view !The fastest updated novel”

"To prove the Tao through killing, then the only meaning of life is to climb to the pinnacle of martial arts, and stand at the highest point to overlook the martial arts people in the world. As for the so-called family love and friendship, it will be gone."

"It was because of this that the boy was tired of life and death, so he retired and left the mysterious army and returned to his hometown. He wanted to live an ordinary life, but in the end..."

Having said this, Wang Le chuckled, shook his head helplessly and stopped talking.

At this time, Qingyangzi, who was standing opposite Wang Le, laughed and said: "If you are just an ordinary person, then in this life you can only follow the crowd and live an ordinary life."

"But you are not an ordinary person among all living beings, but a dragon among people. Even if you deliberately try to escape, you can't hide your unique and dazzling light."

At this point, Qingyangzi let out a long sigh, narrowed his eyes and looked at Wang Le seriously, and said softly: "Boy, this is life."

"This is fate." Wang Le stiffened, then murmured to himself.

Qingyangzi hummed and responded: "Yes, this is fate. Regardless of your appearance or martial arts talent, you will never be a lonely person. You are destined to be the leader among your peers. Then what follows It’s just chaos and trouble.”

"But it is these difficulties and obstacles that have the effect of sharpening yourself. As long as you can get through it, you will definitely become one of the top group of giants in the world."

A bright light flashed in Wang Le's eyes, and he said: "Become a member of those people in the heavenly realm?"

Qingyangzi nodded without hesitation and replied: "Yes, only by reaching the realm of heaven and reaching the pinnacle of martial arts can your life be considered successful and truly meaningful. Otherwise, you will be sorry for yourself and others." Terrible martial arts talent!"

After a pause, Qingyangzi did not forget to add: "If you don't stand at the highest peak of martial arts, overlooking the heroes of the world, you will not be able to achieve the great freedom and freedom that you long for in your heart!"

Speaking of which,

I saw Qingyangzi's face unabashedly showing admiration and yearning, and said: "My poor Taoist master is your boy's role model. Ever since he won the last great battle between gods, he has completely changed his mind." He transcends the world of martial arts, travels around the world, explores mysterious realms, and becomes a real living god, feeling very free and at ease."

"Guixu Temple Master Xiaoyaozi." Wang Le muttered secretly in his heart, with a look of fascination in his eyes.

"That's right, he is the benchmark that I, Wang Le, want to chase after!" Wang Le said with a determined look on his face and secretly decided in his heart.

With his mind wandering, Wang Le had no intention of continuing to talk about this in depth. Instead, he changed the subject and returned to the previous topic, asking Qingyangzi who was standing close by: "Senior, what did you say about the spiritual consciousness just now? What's going on?"

I saw Qingyangzi pondering the organization's language while slowly opening his mouth to respond: "The so-called spiritual consciousness is the idea in the mind. Although it is invisible, it still exists. It is a mysterious and mysterious thing. Everyone, including all living beings in the world. , and even all other living things."

After a pause, Qingyangzi changed the topic and said: "But spiritual consciousness is the existence of advanced thoughts, which is a more powerful thought."

"A more powerful idea?" Wang Le showed a trace of confusion and muttered to himself half-understanding.

Qingyangzi hummed, nodded and replied: "Yes, more powerful thoughts are called divine consciousness."

At this time, Wang Le's heart moved, and he suddenly thought that he had a natural ability, that is, he could do two things at once.

If this is correct, then the mind should be split into two.

Thinking of this, Wang Le couldn't help but feel inexplicably happy. Although he still didn't understand the so-called more powerful thoughts, that is, spiritual consciousness, he knew in his heart that this dual-purpose ability would play an irreplaceable role in the future.

You must know that before this, that is, the last time he practiced the ancient defense technique Vajra Glazed Shield, Wang Le was doing daily practice while also developing the three secret apertures that needed to be developed to practice the Vajra Glazed Shield.

And this is taking advantage of your innate ability to multitask.

But later on, Wang Le no longer practiced ancient martial arts and defensive techniques, so his ability to perform two tasks was useless.

Because of Qingyangzi's explanation of spiritual consciousness, Wang Le couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

According to Wang Le's understanding, ideas are thought activities in the mind, which can control people's actions.

If there is no thought activity in the mind, then it will be like a living dead, just a skin.

As for his dual-tasking, a simple metaphor is that while he can score a hole-in-one while playing golf, he can also devote his mind to planning a flawless murder plan in detail.

For ordinary people, it is very difficult to do two things well at the same time. This is the so-called burning the candle at both ends, and you will achieve nothing and be exhausted.

Returning to the topic, Wang Le, who was deep in thought, put away the fluctuating emotions in his heart, then raised his head to look at Qingyangzi, and continued to ask: "Senior, is there any way to make your thoughts stronger and obtain the so-called divine consciousness?"

Qingyangzi smiled slightly and responded calmly without any detours: "There are all kinds of ancient techniques in the martial arts world, covering everything. Among them, one can make one's thoughts stronger and advance into spiritual consciousness."

After a pause, Qingyangzi further said: "This method of cultivating spiritual consciousness can continuously strengthen one's own spiritual consciousness and make it stronger. Then, the function of spiritual consciousness will also be greater. "

"For example, you can better control your own magic weapon, gain combat power when fighting the enemy, and gain an advantage."

"Of course, if your spiritual consciousness is strong enough, it will be easier to succeed in the two aspects of weapon refining and alchemy, because a strong spiritual consciousness can deal with the process of weapon refining and elixir refining. The better control of the heat during the refining process of magic weapons and elixirs, so the probability of successful refining will be higher."

Having said this, Qingyangzi waved his hands and said: "You will understand these things clearly when you enter Nanhua Temple in the future. I won't say more about this as a poor Taoist. In short, the power of spiritual consciousness is beneficial to martial arts people. harmless."

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