He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,233 Massacre

"It's finally here. . . d . c "

When Wang Le's delusion-breaking eyes saw Chen Xinzhen and more than 500 people, he showed a relieved smile and whispered to himself.

As expected, Qingyangzi kept his promise, and he finally introduced the four men who were looking for the old guy's traces into Shiwan Mountain as promised.

Wang Le, who was standing on the towering tree, thought of this and unconsciously glanced at Yuan Datou and the others who had already walked away. He murmured in his heart: "Want to leave? Is it so easy?"

Wang Le's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he would definitely not let anyone leave this hundred thousand mountain alive!

Of course he didn't know that Yuan Datou was the mole bribed by Qingyangzi. If he knew, it would be a different matter.

Maybe it's better to destroy it completely. Who didn't Qingyangzi personally warn him?

A thought that did not linger only flashed through Wang Le's mind and he did not think about it further, because first the large group of people staying in the dense forest on the mountain in the distance had to be eliminated.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le's power of dragon concealment was turned on, and he disappeared from the original branch in an instant.

The invisible Wang Le was like an ape that had lived in the primeval forest since he was a child. He jumped up and down and shuttled through the dense forest, heading straight for where Chen Xinzhen and the others gathered.

As time passed, Chen Xinzhen and other large groups of people were getting closer and closer. Wang Le, who was invisible, moved more and more cautiously while running quickly, trying not to make the slightest sound as much as possible.

However, Wang Le did not go directly into the crowd immediately. Instead, while wandering around, he constantly took out a large number of grenades from the Dharma Eye Space, as well as guns and other weapons and hid them in the grass and trees. Save time when using it later.

At this moment, Young Master Wang wished that he was Monkey King and had seventy-two transformations. He could transform into countless versions of himself by pulling out a handful of monkey hair. He surrounded Chen Xinzhen with a machine gun and fired at the more than five hundred people. They all clicked cleanly to send them to the west.

The lack of skills is the truest portrayal of Wang Le, who is currently invisible...

After a while,

Chen Xinzhen and others, who had been on the road for a long time, rested on the spot, waiting for Yuan Datou and others who had left to ask for help to come back.

The tired subordinates were bare-chested and bored, gathering in small groups to whisper or enjoy the dry food they brought with them.

No one realized that the shadow of death was spreading from the darkness and began to cover this area.

After the invisible Wang Le recovered from his busy work, he moved to the rear of Chen Xinzhen and did not continue.

Standing quietly at a high place, Wang Le looked condescendingly at the group of unaware lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of him, without showing the slightest pity. His eyes were like ice that had not melted for thousands of years, so indifferent. There is no fluctuation of human emotions at all.

When the mountain wind blew over Wang Le's forehead and the tips of his hair swayed gently, a black shoulder-mounted launcher suddenly appeared in his hand. He took out the missile from the Dharma Eye space and installed it with great familiarity.

"Let me go to hell!"

The invisible Wang Le's cold and ruthless eyes suddenly flashed with infinite murderous intent. When Han Sheng said this, he also pulled the trigger in his hand!


The huge recoil generated at the moment the missile was launched did not make Wang Le unstable. While still standing on the spot like a mountain, he took out the missile from the Dharma Eye space and installed it on the launcher without stopping.


When the first missile exploded in the crowd, the second missile that had just been installed shot out with a whoosh and continued to bombard the crowd.

Boom boom boom! ! !


The invisible Wang Le kept taking out missiles from the Fayan space. At the same time, once the shoulder-mounted launcher became hot due to frequent use, he immediately threw it aside and took out a new shoulder-mounted launcher from the Fayan space. , without any pause, bombarding the group of martial arts elites underground in front of them.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

Ahhhh! ! !


For a moment, landslides and ground cracked, people fell onto their backs, and screams could be heard amidst the violent explosions. Wang Le's vision was filled with scarlet red, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere!

In the panic-stricken crowd, Chen Xinzhen's mind was also blown to a blank by the sudden explosions. He relied on the instinct of a warrior to hide and avoid dangerous areas.

At this time, Huang Wei and Hu Buchan were not much better either. They had never encountered such a surprise killing before. They were completely stunned by the bombing. For a while, they only knew where to avoid the bombing, and they were unable to direct their own troops. Subordinates avoid danger.

Not to mention finding out where the enemy is.

Finally, Chen Xinzhen came to his senses from the extreme horror. He clenched his fists with a ferocious expression and shouted angrily: "Let me spread out all of you! Don't get together, spread out! Quick, quick, quick!!!"

The fierce bombing has made the ears of these martial arts elites roar. Those with lower cultivation levels still heard Chen Xin's warning. They could only see him standing there clenching his fists and dancing, just like dancing with the goddess. God-like and ridiculous.

Of course, no one can laugh. There are broken arms and limbs everywhere amid the flying rocks, corpses lying on the ground, and pools of blood everywhere. The tranquility of the previous moment has completely turned into a hell, a nightmare from which one cannot wake up...

The invisible Wang Le threw away the shoulder-mounted launcher, took out the loaded machine gun from the Dharma Eye Space, then dodged, and while moving quickly, he pulled the trigger and fired wildly at the warriors who were fleeing around.

Da da da! ! !

Ahhhh! ! !


Amid the screams, the warriors who had practiced ancient defense skills opened the defensive shield. In the colorful lights, the invisible Wang Le kept running and jumping, constantly taking out grenades and guns from the nearby grass and trees, working tirelessly. The martial arts elites of more than 500 people were bombarded, shot wildly, and carried out cruel and bloody killings, turning this hell into a slaughterhouse.

Like flowers, lives withered one by one under Wang Le's cruel methods, turning into broken and cold corpses lying in a pool of blood.

This group of martial arts elites never dreamed that they would die like this. Faced with the world of mortals, they were born for killing and pursued the largest and most powerful thermal weapons. They were caught off guard and had no power to resist.

At this moment, they would rather be attacked and killed by earth-level masters than die in such a wretched manner. There is no room for their cultivation to be used at all.

Time is still passing by, and Wang Le never stops, like the god of death walking out of hell, waving the death sickle in his hand, continuing to harvest the lives of the people on site, never getting tired...

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