He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,257 Safe and secure

The short boss is used to traveling around, and he is also a shrewd person. What he thinks in his heart is one thing, but what he says is of course another thing. He responds with a kind face and a smile.

"This is my business card, little brother, please take care of it."

The short boss took out his wallet from his pocket and handed it to Wang Le with a business card and said politely.

Wang Le glanced at the business card, then stuffed it into his breast pocket, then smiled and replied: "Hello, Boss Zhao, I'm Wang Le."

Before Boss Zhao could say any more polite words, Wang Le waved his hand and said, "Boss, you are still busy unloading the goods. Let me take a look first and call you when I am sure."

After finishing speaking, Wang Le smiled at Boss Zhao, then left the place and walked deeper into the booth. He looked at the large and small woolen stones that had just been placed with a serious look.

When Boss Zhao saw this, he was very sensible and stopped following him. He turned around and left the booth to continue doing his own business.

While Wang Le was pretending to stand and squat, observing the wool materials, Boss Zhao also directed everyone to move the wool materials from the truck into the booth and arrange them one by one in an orderly manner.

When the short and capable Boss Zhao directed three strong men sweating profusely to lift a piece of wool weighing three hundred kilograms to the booth, Wang Le habitually used his clairvoyance power to glance at it.

"Hey!" Wang Le's expression suddenly changed and then returned to his natural state, but his heart was filled with extremely excited emotions, and the waves were rising.

"I'm sorry, it's been so long since I've been so lucky. It's glass imperial green jadeite again!"

Wang Le was in high spirits and couldn't help but think in his heart.

At the same time, staring at the three hundred kilograms of woolen stones carried in by the strong men, Wang Le's sword-shaped eyebrows suddenly knitted together again, and a look of confusion and confusion flashed in his eyes.

I saw that the glass-type imperial green jade hidden in this 300-pound piece of wool was about the size of a basketball. It was two circles larger than the glass-type emperor green jade hidden in the wool stone next to it. .

This is certainly gratifying, but the core of this piece of basketball-sized glass imperial green jadeite, through Wang Le's discerning eyes, turned out to be completely different in color, appearing pure gold, and about the size of a baby's fist.

This situation was something Wang Le had never seen before.

Whether it was Wang Le's general knowledge of jadeite or his several bets on stones, he had never discovered that there were other things hidden in jadeite.

Although Wang Le couldn't identify what this golden object the size of a baby's fist was hidden in the imperial green glass jade, he was sure it was a treasure.

You know, the outer skin that wraps this golden object as big as a baby's fist is not a stone, but the extremely glassy imperial green in jade!

To put it simply, it is something that can be born from the core of glass imperial green jade. Isn’t it something more valuable than glass imperial green jade?

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Le returned to his previous calm state after thinking clearly. He squatted next to the woolen material with the glass-type imperial green jade hidden in it, pretending to be an old player, and carefully observed the large woolen stone. There are cracks on it to judge whether there is jade inside.

When the three strong men finally lifted the big woolen stone into the booth and placed it inside, Wang Le looked at the short boss Zhao who happened to follow him in.

"Mr. Zhao, I want this piece of wool." Wang Le stood up and shouted to Boss Zhao.

When Boss Zhao saw Wang Le finalizing the wool material he liked, he immediately trotted over with a smile on his face.

Before Boss Zhao could speak, Wang Le pointed at the big piece of wool weighing more than three hundred kilograms that had just been placed at the end of the booth, and then asked with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, is that piece of wool too big?" The price is too high, but no one has the guts to buy it."

Boss Zhao laughed and said, "Brother Wang, if you want to buy it, I'll give you a discount. It won't cost much."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Le said smoothly with a smile on his face: "Since Mr. Zhao said so, I will buy it together for two yuan."

"Uh!" Boss Zhao froze immediately and couldn't help showing a look of astonishment. He was just talking casually, but he didn't expect that the young man named Wang Le in front of him actually wanted to buy it!

"It seems that I met a stupid rich second generation who doesn't understand anything today."

Boss Zhao smiled happily and sighed excitedly deep in his heart.

Of course, Boss Zhao would not let go of an outsider when he met them. After all, gambling on stones is a one-time deal, and it is not like opening a small restaurant to rely on repeat customers.

At this time, Boss Zhao, who had a smile on his face, gave Wang Le a thumbs up and said, "My brother is so proud, so I can't be too stingy."

A trace of amusement flashed in Wang Le's eyes. He saw through this trick of flattery at a glance, and couldn't help but secretly thought: "This guy really sees me as a fat sheep, hehe."

For Wang Le, who is no longer what he used to be, money is just a number, but it does not mean that he is willing to spend money unjustly and be ripped off.

Just when this thought flashed through Wang Le's mind, Boss Zhao continued: "Brother, I won't bargain for these two stones. Just give me 300,000!"

After a pause, Boss Zhao chuckled and added, "Brother, you can also pick out another piece of wool weighing thirty kilograms for free. How about it? This is my sincere price."

Wang Le chuckled and replied without thinking too much: "Mr. Zhao, I have no interest in these thirty kilograms of free wool, so the transaction price of 300,000 yuan, can I get a further discount?"

Before Boss Zhao could refuse, Wang Le took off the backpack he was carrying and casually pulled off the chain, revealing bundles of RMB inside.

"Mr. Zhao, I have exactly 200,000 in cash here. I don't have a cent more if I want. How about it?"

Wang Le looked at Boss Zhao with a faint smile and said calmly.

"Uh!" Boss Zhao's eyes flashed with heat, and his heart suddenly became excited.

You know, it is a common human psychology to be safe in pocket. When 200,000 cash is placed in front of you, you want to take it for yourself immediately, and get it first.

As for the negotiated 300,000 yuan, although it is 100,000 yuan more, the negotiation has not yet been completed. The moonlight in the mirror does not give people a sufficient sense of security.

With his thoughts turning, Boss Zhao gritted his teeth without thinking too much, then looked at Wang Le and smiled bitterly: "Brother Wang is such a wonderful man. What age is this? He still carries so much cash with him, so he is not afraid of being cheated." Have you been robbed? The world is becoming more and more unsettled these days."

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