He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,293 Fierce Battle

When Wang Le looked at the blond vampire duke suspended in the sky with a face full of shock, he saw that the other party also launched an attack, stamping his feet on the longer and longer river of black blood below.

Amidst the clattering sound, the turbulent long river of dirty blood was instantly disconnected, and quickly transformed into a pair of huge Western knight swords, which swooped and slashed toward the top of the mountain with a roar, where the invisible Wang Le had just been.

Boom boom boom

In an instant, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, earth and rocks flew into the air, and the top of the entire mountain was completely flattened by the pair of giant black and red knight's swords, with a large section missing.

Wang Le, who was quick to see the opportunity, quickly left the top of the mountain and retreated to a safe area amid the rocks flying all over the sky, escaping from the edge after another.

At this time, the Vampire Duke, who was suspended in the sky, saw this and swung his hands violently. The black and red swords were no longer limited to the top of the mountain, but were attacking the surrounding areas indiscriminately.

bang bang bang

Boom boom boom

Boom boom boom

In the fierce and harsh roar, the entire mountaintop was visibly chipped away by the black and red swords, and was corroded and disappeared to the last bit.

The invisible Wang Le could only retreat down the mountain quickly and quietly, getting closer and closer to the sea of ​​​​fire on the mountainside.

Just as the Vampire Duke showed off his powerful methods, Wang Le, who was invisible, became more and more unsure when he saw this. When he was looking forward to Qingyangzi's appearance, he had to worry about whether the opponent was injured, so it was better to avoid Sharp for the time being.

"The combat power displayed by this vampire is at least equivalent to that of an early warrior. If nothing else, he should be a Duke."

Wang Le stopped after standing in a relatively safe place, looked up at the vampire high in the sky, and couldn't help but make a silent assessment in his heart.

At this time, Wang Le didn't take any more shoulder launchers or other offensive weapons from the Fayan space.

Because facing this vampire duke, the final result is in vain, so the only thing Wang Le can do now is to stare.

There is no way, in the final analysis, the skills are still inferior to others, but Wang Le is not discouraged, but is full of desire to continue to improve his combat power.

At this moment, Wang Le could only stare at the vampire duke casually,

Control the black and red swords to attack the mountain peaks indiscriminately.

But Qingyangzi, hiding in the high-altitude clouds, thought he had caught the best opportunity.

It was at this moment that the vampire duke was bent on leveling the mountain below and trying to uncover Wang Le who was invisible, so he had no time to pay attention to him.

Once Qingyangzi had an idea and decision, he didn't delay any longer, for fear of missing the best opportunity to attack and kill.

As the saying goes, after passing this village, there will never be this shop again. Opportunities are fleeting and don’t wait until the time comes.

As his mind wandered, he saw a flash of light in Qingyangzi's eyes, and he threw the magical weapon that he had already held tightly in his hand out of the clouds, flying straight towards the vampire Duke below.

At the same time, Qingyangzi also increased his speed in an instant, transformed into a green light, followed the flying sword of his life, dived to kill, showing no mercy at all, and an intimidating aura of killing everything.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, the vampire Duke's face changed suddenly as he was making indiscriminate attacks on the mountain. He raised his head and looked at the sky above him. He didn't expect that there were enemies hiding in the sky near him, and his eyes couldn't help but be filled with excitement. His look of shock was impossible to hide.

At this time, it was too late for the vampire Duke to recall the black and red swords that were still on the mountain below, so Nuo Da's wings behind his back suddenly waved, and he left the distance in the blink of an eye, and darted away to the side.

The flying sword that attacked from the air was under the control of Qingyangzi who was following closely behind. How could he let go of the blond vampire duke so easily?

If this sword fails in vain, then the so-called one-hit kill will be a complete joke.

Even if he couldn't kill the vampire duke in one fell swoop, he still had to make the other party pay a certain price.

Although the Vampire Duke waved the pair of black wings full of evil aura on his back and moved very quickly at high altitude, Qingyangzi's flying sword was faster.

Exuding an extremely sharp cyan light, Qingyangzi's magical weapon, the Flying Sword, caught up with the Vampire Duke at all, and without any tricks, it stabbed directly into the opponent's chest and left.

At the critical moment, when the vampire Duke was avoiding the flying swords, although he recalled the pair of black and red swords immediately, it was too late and had no effect at all.

The vampire Duke was forced to see that he could no longer dodge the sword in the air, so he could only bravely wave the pair of bat-shaped wings on his back, which instantly caused an invisible wind to blow in front of him, blowing violently towards the enemy. The flying swords that were shot were trying to delay time, waiting for the pair of black and red swords below to return.

But how could Qingyangzi let the other party get what he wanted? If he hadn't been seriously injured, he would have fought openly and suppressed it forcefully.

With a "boom", Qingyangzi's natal magical weapon, the flying sword, was seen flying up into the wind, making a dull and harsh chirping sound, and the speed of the sword slowed down.

When the vampire duke saw this, before he had time to be happy, he saw Qingyangzi's Taoist robe, which was following closely behind, wave his sleeves, and the cyan light emitted by the flying sword, his magical weapon, suddenly became brighter, making it particularly dazzling. Following the sword's speed, he He surged up again, ruthlessly stabbing the vital part of the vampire Duke's chest.

At this moment, the vampire Duke's face changed drastically. While he retreated quickly in an attempt to delay time, he did not forget to reach out his pale hand to block the area in front of him, and grabbed the magic weapon that was getting closer and closer, emitting a dazzling cyan light. Feijian tried to protect himself.

Amidst the crisp sound of "clang", like the harsh sound of metal collision, Qingyangzi's magical weapon flying sword had just broken through the invisible wind and arrived not far from the vampire Duke's chest. The other party stretched out his pale hand and followed. Caught the tip of the flying sword

And this whole process seems slow but is actually fast, it all happens in the blink of an eye.

With a "click" sound, the iron-cut flying sword was controlled by Qingyangzi. It first paused for less than two seconds, and then cut off half of the entire palm of the opponent's pale hand.

And this is not over yet, Qingyangzi swooped down and stepped hard on the vampire Duke Tianling Gai below.

Blood spilled into the sky, and the Vampire Duke had no time to enjoy the tremendous pain of just breaking off his arm. Due to his sensitivity to danger, his whole body reacted conditionedly and suddenly retracted the wings spread out on his back, and then quickly fell to the ground, thus avoiding the danger. Kai Qingyangzi killed him in the air with this strike.

Qingyangzi saw this, but he did not dare to increase his speed to the peak and continue to chase. After all, he was injured and had to be careful in everything.

ps. I drank too much and took off my clothes at noon to catch a cold. I have another chapter to make up tomorrow.


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