He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1316 1 vs. 3

Zhou Hui kept retreating under the huge impact. The surprise in his heart at this moment filled his face with an unconcealable look of astonishment, and the fear in his eyes was about to overflow.

Do you want to know if there is one? Have to wait until we fight!

Zhou Hui finally realized Wang Le's powerful and suffocating offensive frenzy.

The stinging pain from the broken fist and the heart-wrenching pain in the meridians in his body made Zhou Hui even more miserable.

At this time, Wang Le, who was completely in a fighting state, used his fists to blast away Zhou Hui, who was the strongest one watching the situation. There was no way he could stop there.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Wang Le, as if wearing golden armor, avoided the intensive attacks of the opponent's long sword and short feet. He broke out of the encirclement and pursued the victory. His speed was as fast as lightning. His whole body was like a cannonball, and he faced him again. Zhou Hui, who was seriously injured, was killed.

When Zhou Hui's two brothers saw Wang Le, they clung to their boss like brown candy. Their expressions changed drastically, and they recalled their natal magical weapons in the air, holding them tightly in their hands, and chased after him in an attempt to rescue him. !

In this race against time and the situation on the field is changing rapidly, Wang Le, who is extremely experienced in killing, certainly knows the choice. That is to deal with Zhou Hui first, instead of being distracted by dealing with the other two opponents who are attacking him. !

Of course, the premise of everything is that Wang Le has the confidence to completely defeat Zhou Hui with thunderous means in the fleeting gap before the two men rush over!

Otherwise, he will be in the unfavorable situation of being besieged again.

As for Wang Le and Zhou Hui's fist duel just now, they had already tested that their opponent's martial arts cultivation level was in the middle stage of Xuan level, which was a step lower than his own.

Because of this, Wang Le did not change his original intention and pursued the victory to eliminate Zhou Hui as soon as possible without leaving any further trouble!

The moment Wang Le caught up with Zhou Hui, the opponent finally breathed a sigh of relief and fought again on the spot!

I saw the two sides fighting fast, and various colors of light bloomed. Zhou Hui activated the sky blue of the ancient defense technique, and the scarlet of the martial arts with his hands bloomed, but all of this was covered by Wang Le's diamond glass cover, emitting an extremely dazzling golden light. It was covered.

In the dizzying moment when the light shone, Wang Le quickly switched between fists and palms, swinging, smashing, hitting, hitting, and even hitting with his upper leg and knee.

Between the rabbit's rise and the falcon's fall, Wang Le's body soared into the air and then landed on the ground. Wang Le's fists, wind and palm strikes were unbridled, and his legs flashed like lightning.

Just like the thousand-armed god king enshrined in the temple, he is unparalleled in dominance!

Bang bang bang——

Boom boom boom——

Dang Dang Dang——


After fighting to the point of madness, Zhou Hui spit out his magical weapon, and struck Wang Le's gold-colored diamond glazed cover with a long silver sword, making a sharp impact that echoed through the sky.

To be honest, Wang Le relied on his confidence in the diamond glazed shield to block the sharp attack of the silver long sword. He couldn't help but let out a beast-like roar, and then acted like a samurai character in the game. Reasonably, he unleashed his savage collision skills, and his whole body leaned into Zhou Hui's arms.

At this moment, the two Zhou Hui who came to help used their magic weapons, the long sword and the short ruler, to attack Wang Le's back. Unexpectedly, the other party left the spot and ran into Zhou Hui's arms, causing the long sword and short ruler to strike. The offensive covered the empty space and was completely blind!

Click, click, click...

Under Wang Le's brutal collision, Zhou Hui's sky-blue ancient defense technique burst open like paper without any resistance, followed by the ribs under the skin that instantly exploded like firecrackers, making a dense cracking and smashing sound. , which made the onlookers standing under the dark shadow of the Baiyujing city wall in the distance feel their scalps numb and the sounds of swallowing saliva rising and falling!


Zhou Hui spurted out a mouthful of scarlet blood like a column of water, which contained pale white bone fragments inside his body, but it was particularly dazzling under the not-so-blazing sunlight!

Wang Le, who hunched over and bumped into Zhou Hui's arms, stretched out his limbs and rose into the air like an ape, reaching out to grab the silver long sword, his natal magic weapon that had flown away from his opponent.

With a "bang", Zhou Hui, who was seriously injured by Wang Le in the blink of an eye, could no longer hold on, fell straight to the ground and passed out, completely losing the ability to fight again!

At this moment, Wang Le, who was holding the silver sword tightly in his hand and was still in the air, did not fall to the ground and stop. He turned around and swung his sword to kill the other two opponents.

Ping ping pong pong——

Dang Dang Dang Dang——

Boom boom boom——


The long sword was white and extremely sharp, and the faint light of the sword was entangled with the silver sword in Wang Le's hand. The middle-aged man holding a short black ruler stepped forward and focused on Wang Le's vital parts, working in perfect harmony with the long sword.

For a moment, the three of them were fighting in a ball under the bright sun without distinguishing each other. This made the onlookers from a distance and the warriors with weaker martial arts training dizzy, and they could not see clearly who was following whom in the melee.

As for Qingyangzi, Mr. Liuzhi, his two old servants, and even some advanced warriors in the crowd, their eyes shone brightly.

From time to time, people would shout out cheers. Whether they were cheering for Wang Le or Zhou Hui's two brothers was unknown.

Soon, just when Wang Le was too lazy to continue to entangle, he saw the silver sword in his hand first swinging away the entangled sword, and then it came out, like a sharp arrow, turning into silver lightning, directly grasping the magic of life. The middle-aged man with a long knife forced the other party to panic for a while!

Then Wang Le freed up his hands, and his palms were like butterflies flying gracefully, blocking all paths with their palm shadows all over the sky, and swatted at the middle-aged man holding a short black ruler who was entangled with him like an annoying fly. .

Among the weapons, one inch is short and the other is dangerous. The short ruler is a different kind of weapon. It uses close-range moves. It is often used to pursue the effect of killing with one hit while taking risks.

Obviously, this middle-aged man who uses a short ruler as his natal weapon hit a brick wall today because he met Wang Le, who is best at close combat.

Like a knife and an iron palm striking the flesh and bones of the middle-aged man who had nowhere to escape, there was a continuous loud snapping sound, accompanied by the sound of cracking bones and the short ruler, the natal magic weapon held tightly in his hand. He was then shot flying and fell to the ground.

The desperate screams made by the middle-aged man could not help but make the middle-aged man who avoided the silver sword want to retreat, not to mention the crowd of onlookers standing under the dark shadow of the city wall, who were also willing to give in. Wang Lesheng felt a strong sense of fear, and no longer had the previous contempt and contempt.

When the screams became weak, Wang Le stopped attacking. The middle-aged man, who had no short ruler in his hand, collapsed to the ground weakly. At this time, he heard a "dang" sound.

"I lose, I sing conquer."

The middle-aged man with the long knife still on the ground, his face full of helplessness and unconcealable fear, said to Wang Le quickly.

This article comes from /bk/hl/24/24070/index.hl

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