He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,337: Monsters appear in troubled times

When Wang Le, who lived alone in a small wooden building, fell asleep, recuperating his energy and waiting for the opponent who was about to challenge him, Lao Yang in the bedroom was whispering to his old wife. . . d . c

"Husband, the young man who came with your Majesty tonight is very special. I saw not only blood stains on his trousers and shoes, but also white brains!"

Lao Yang's wife showed kindness and solemnity in her eyes, and whispered what she had observed.

Old Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty only introduced the young man as Emperor Zuo from the secular world. As for the rest, I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"The throne?" The old wife couldn't help but repeat the name, no doubt showing surprise.

Although she is a female, as a member of the martial arts world, she certainly understands that the title with the word emperor is not trivial.

"This Emperor is obviously not ignorant, otherwise, Your Majesty would not value him so much."

The old wife couldn't help but express her guess. As an old man who has followed Qingyangzi for many years, she certainly understands His Excellency's extremely critical vision.

At this time, Lao Yang smiled slightly, with a hint of inexplicable expectation flashing in his eyes, and said softly: "We husband and wife don't need to speculate more here. In the next two days, good shows will take turns, and then the Emperor will The seat is a mule or a horse, and you will know it when you go out for a walk."

Immediately, Lao Yang told his wife everything he knew about the conversation in the living room tonight.

After a long while, Lao Yang stopped and saw his old wife feeling something and saying: "A young man from the secular world has cultivated so fast that he has reached the realm of martial arts. The only ones who can compare with him are the top Taoists." He is a proud figure in the sect."

After a pause, the old wife couldn't help but admired: "That's alright. What's more important is that your Majesty has confirmed that this young man has the ability to fight beyond the ranks. Such a difficult old fox as Nan Huaiyuan did not die in the martial arts world, but was killed by this person." The emperor was killed in the palm of his hand and fell into the mortal world, which is really shocking and unexpected!"

Lao Yang hummed, nodded in agreement with a solemn expression: "The emperor will be a disciple of Nanhua Temple in the future. I have a feeling that because of his arrival, the central region will be more bloody in the future!"

When the old wife heard what her husband said, she couldn't help but sigh and said: "If evildoers emerge from troubled times, then this is the throne."

Lao Yang saw his wife's solemn and worried look,

He couldn't help but smile and comforted him: "Madam, please rest assured. Your Majesty is on good terms with this emperor and is considered a member of the same country. What we should worry about are those opponents who have grudges against Nanhua Temple, not us."

When the old wife thought about it, the heavy feeling in her heart lightened, and she secretly laughed that she was really a typical mediocre person with long hair and short knowledge.

Immediately, the couple stopped chatting and went to bed to rest after turning off the lights. After all, Qingyangzi was in retreat to heal her wounds. As subordinates, they had the responsibility to protect the Dharma, so they had better rest early and make proper preparations. Next If nothing unexpected happens in the next two days, trouble will follow...

A trace of fish belly white appeared on the sky to welcome the dawn, and when more and more pedestrians were walking on the streets in the city, Wang Le, who stayed in a mansion in a deep alley next to Zhenlong Avenue last night, also opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

Wang Le frowned, because the smell of sweat and blood on his body reminded him that he was too busy thinking about things last night that he forgot to take a shower.

As his mind wandered, he saw a faint flash of golden light in Wang Le's eyes, and the Dragon's hidden power of Breaking the Illusion was activated, and his entire figure disappeared in front of the bed without a trace.

Wang Le, who was invisible in silence, left the bedroom and quickly walked out of the single-family wooden building. Then he found the route through the perspective of the clairvoyance, and then climbed out of the mansion directly from the back garden wall without stopping.

The invisible Wang Le first looked around the mansion again with the Deliang Dharma Eye. When he saw the surveillance warriors nearby who had not left, he couldn't help but sneered silently, with a cold look flashing in his eyes.

"Before I change into clean clothes, I'll take care of you all by the way, hum!"

After Wang Le made the decision in his heart, he took out the special military thorn from the Dharma Eye Space without hesitation.

Whether it was the fierce battle outside the city yesterday or the subsequent fight with Dong Chong on the long street in the city, in order to avoid arousing people's suspicion, Wang Le never took out the weapon from his Dharma Eye Space. They all fought with a pair of iron fists to win.

Now that there are no outsiders and no one is aware of the situation, Wang Le, who is invisible, of course has no scruples in taking out the special military thorns that are most suitable for killing people.

Through the perspective of the Deliang Dharma Eye, there are six people monitoring the mansion. The party with the smallest number has only one person, the party with the largest number has four people, and the other four parties have two people each, making a total of thirteen people.

If Wang Le hadn't possessed the power of the Dharma Eye, it would have been very difficult to find the hiding place of these six people in a short time.

Fortunately, Wang Le had a clear view with the clairvoyance of the PoWan Dharma Eye, and found these guys effortlessly.

As for the base of these six people, Wang Le, who was invisible at this time, had no interest at all. He just wanted to kill all those who dared to monitor the mansion first.

You know, no one wants to be watched, and Wang Le is certainly no exception. What's more, Qingyangzi is currently in seclusion, so be careful.

"It's true, Lao Yang, so many people came to the door of my house, but they didn't even say anything. Now it's up to me to solve the problem."

The invisible Wang Le couldn't help but think sadly in his heart. At the same time, without stopping, he rushed towards a nearby man and horse.

For a moment, under the dim light of the sky, a faint smell of blood floated silently in the air outside the mansion...

After a while, when the smell of blood became stronger, Wang Le saw that after killing the last warrior, he skillfully took out the black plastic bag from the Dharma Eye space and put the body in it, and then took it back into his Dharma Eye space. The sprayed blood left nothing behind.

Wang Le wiped off the blood-stained special military thorns and put them into the Dharma Eye space. He thought with great satisfaction: "Fortunately, these guys are not high in cultivation, they are only at the Huang level. Otherwise, I would have wanted to do it without causing the slightest movement." Under the premise, a lot of energy will be expended.”

While rejoicing in his heart, Wang Le did not forget to look towards the outer reaches of the mansion through the clairvoyance power of the Delirium Dharma Eye.

After a while, Wang Le saw a clothing store through perspective.

As the saying goes, do as the Romans do. Wang Le felt awkward from the bottom of his heart while walking in the martial arts world wearing the same external clothes. It would be best to change into martial arts clothes.

Thinking of this, the invisible Wang Le quickly left the alley without stopping and took a shortcut to the store...

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