He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,344 Return of Carriage

Lao Yang was already accustomed to Wang Lehui asking questions that were of no standard at all, because in the previous chat, the other party asked too many questions that seemed to him to be idiotic.

"Ahem!" Old Yang cleared his throat and patiently explained to Wang Le: "When warriors reach some kind of major agreement, they often use this so-called oath to prevent the other party from regretting it later. .”

Before Wang Le, who looked confused and was about to speak, Lao Yang further explained: "The binding power of this oath mainly lies in the Taoist heart of the warrior. If the promise is broken, the thoughts will often not be clear, and the Taoist heart will remain. flaw."

"This doesn't matter in normal times, but when you break through the bottleneck and advance to a higher martial arts realm, and when external demons invade and test your Taoist heart, then the problem becomes big. If you don't do it well, you will go crazy, or you will fail to break through the bottleneck, and your own cultivation will regress. The vitality is severely damaged, and the path of martial arts will stop here, or worst case, it will cost people’s lives.”

After a pause, Lao Yang's face lost its calmness and became solemn. He looked at Wang Le seriously and warned: "So this oath should not be used easily, lest it backfires on you. Remember, remember!"

Wang Le snorted, nodded his head solemnly and said to Lao Yang: "Although I still don't understand the magic power of this oath that can affect the Taoist heart of a warrior, I will keep your words in mind and don't dare to Or forget!”

At this time, Old Yang chuckled and replied: "As for the magic power of this oath that can affect the Taoist heart of warriors, I don't know very well, but what is certain is that since ancient times, many people have betrayed the Taoist oath they once swore. , and you will reap the consequences, and you will regret it!"

Wang Le shivered unconsciously. He did not dare to imagine the tragic situation of being possessed and ruining the path of martial arts. Deep in his heart, he couldn't help but secretly decided: "No matter whether this oath is really so effective, I will never do it." I will put myself at risk!"

Just when he was thinking something, Wang Le's ears twitched slightly, and he no longer heard the noise outside the mansion. He immediately knew that Sun Lequan should leave.

Immediately, Wang Le put away the ups and downs in his heart and regained his composure, and then said to Lao Yang in front of him: "Senior, the boy had a fierce battle just now. Although he did not receive any damage, he still spent some effort. After all, Tieshan and Sun Lequan is a tough guy."

After a pause, Wang Le continued with a hint of apology: "So in order to cope with the more severe challenges ahead, I want to retreat to my residence to meditate and practice so that I can recover as soon as possible."

Lao Yang had no doubt that he had it, and nodded with a slight smile: "I originally planned to go back to the living room with my nephew to refill tea, but now it seems that it is no longer possible. If you please, nephew, I won't disturb you."

Then Lao Yang did not forget to add: "Lunch later,

I will ask the old woman at home to send it to you, my nephew. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Le refused calmly: "The kid has eaten enough in the morning, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't eat lunch, the most important thing is to recover his condition as soon as possible. After all, the real masters usually come later. , of course the boy must be fully prepared and be at his peak at all times.”

"Uh!" Lao Yang suddenly thought of Wang Le's scene of a starving man sweeping the entire table of delicious food at breakfast, so he didn't say anything more.

In this way, Wang Le said goodbye to Lao Yang, turned around and left the front yard, walked slowly and unhurriedly to the small single-family wooden building in the back garden of the mansion, and soon disappeared from Lao Yang's sight.

As soon as Wang Le's back disappeared, the old lady emerged from nowhere, walked slowly to the side of her man, and stared at the direction where Wang Le disappeared. The kind look on her face had long since disappeared, and she seemed to have something to show for it. Si De said softly: "He was not even interested in Ying Zheng's underground tomb treasure house. He was unmoved and killed Tieshan on the spot. It is really surprising. To be more precise, it is incomprehensible!"

At this time, Lao Yang smiled bitterly, shook his head and replied with a sigh: "After all, this kid comes from the world of mortals. Now that he has just entered the martial arts world, how can he really know what kind of opportunity Ying Zheng's underground tomb treasure house means."

The old wife glanced at her man and said noncommittally: "Really?"

"Uh!" Lao Yang's face stiffened. After being silent for a few seconds, he suddenly replied in a confused way: "Nephew Wang is really horribly wise! Most of the other warriors of his generation would not be the same."

The old wife nodded in agreement and said: "To resist such a huge temptation and make the most rational decision in such a short period of time, it is really a hero who comes from a young age. In this world of mortals, there is such a person. When Kong was born, he was no less generous than the young prodigies in the martial arts world, and even exceeded it, which is really unexpected."

While the couple was talking in low voices, Wang Le, the person involved, also returned to his bedroom on the second floor of the single-family wooden building in the back garden.

However, Wang Le did not leave immediately. Instead, he sat quietly on the wooden stool in front of the table. Then his heart moved, a golden light flashed vaguely in his eyes, and the Dharma Eye for Destroying Illusion opened again.

Immediately, Wang Le looked outside the mansion, in the direction of Zhenlong Avenue, looking for traces of Sun Lequan.

Because Sun Lequan had not left the front door of the mansion for long, and the natal magical weapon that was linked to his own life was destroyed, and thus suffered serious injuries, Wang Le spent a few minutes to effortlessly pass through the Delusion Eye. With his clairvoyance ability, he could easily find Sun Lequan, who was being supported by his subordinates among the crowds of people coming and going on True Dragon Avenue.

At the same time, Wang Le also noticed the sneaky warriors mixed in the crowd through the Delusion Dharma Eye, clinging to the back, and there were quite a few of them.

Wang Le, who was sitting on the chair, stood up with a faint smile on his face and murmured to himself: "This is best. Even if I kill you Sun Lequan, he will only be one of the many suspects, not The only suspect, this can avoid a lot of trouble."

Immediately, Wang Le couldn't help but think about it. Even if Sun Lequan died, he would be one of the many suspects, and his suspicion would be the least.

Because it is difficult for anyone to think that Wang Le would suddenly come back with a killing blow!

Of course, the more important point is that I can rely on the Dharma Eye to pierce delusion, so that no one is aware of it, and no clues will be left after the deed is completed.

Thinking of this, Wang Le smiled widely, and at the same time, the power of the Dragon's invisible power was activated, and his entire figure disappeared into the bedroom in an instant.

Then he saw the bedroom window open and close quickly. The invisible Wang Le jumped directly from upstairs to the path in the back garden, and then kept rushing towards the wall. When he got to the corner of the wall, he jumped up and jumped over, and then Like an invisible sharp arrow, it rushed straight towards the True Dragon Avenue, chasing Sun Lequan...

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