He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,351 Finding Wealth and Honor in Risk (1)

When Mr. Yang and his wife were sure that Mr. Liuzhi's huge consciousness had receded and would not return, their expressions finally relaxed, showing a look of luck. Wang Le, who was standing on the railing on the second floor of the wooden building and could only stare in worry, finally relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief. . . d . c

The couple who were standing in the air turned to look at Wang Le. Among them, Lao Yang showed a smile and said with relief: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my order and drove away Mr. Six Fingers. Otherwise, if I alarmed Your Majesty, the consequences would be disastrous."

Wang Le snorted and wiped cold sweat secretly. Mr. Six Fingers swept through the air through the powerful and huge spiritual consciousness. Although in the eyes of Lao Yang and his wife, it was an unexpected variable and an unforeseen disaster, but in Young Master Wang's heart, It was very clear that it was because he killed Sun Lequan and was the first to steal half of the map from the tomb treasury of the First Emperor Yingzheng.

Otherwise, Wang Le couldn't think of anything else that would make him the target of Mr. Six Fingers.

Although this experience was short, it still made Mr. Wang unhappy from the bottom of his heart.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads, and the bigger the fist is, the better. But my strength is not as good as the opponent, so now I can only accept it and leave it to the future to settle this account!

With his mind wandering, Wang Le forced himself to suppress his terrible thoughts and regain his composure. He forced a smile on his face, and then looked up at the old Yang couple standing in front of them. He sighed and said, "Thank you, you two." , otherwise, the boy just now would have died without warning."

Lao Yang looked at Wang Le and asked with a hint of suspicion in his eyes: "Xiannephew, did you really go out just now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Wang Le standing on the railing on the second floor of the wooden building. He shook his head and denied without hesitation: "The kid has been meditating in the room to recover himself. Of course he won't have nothing to do after eating. Any right or wrong arises out of randomness, what just happened was a typical disaster!"

At this time, Lao Yang couldn't help but regret in his heart that he didn't come to check whether Wang Le was resting in the bedroom just now. No matter how he thought about it now, it could only be an afterthought, and it was useless.

Mrs. Yang, who was standing next to her, had calmed down and returned to normal at this time. There was a hint of kindness in her gentle smile, and she said softly: "I wonder who is dead, and would be suspicious of my nephew?"

Without waiting for Wang Le to answer, Lao Yang's eyes flashed, and he said with a gloating smile: "If the old man's guess is correct, it should be Sun Lequan who was seriously injured at the hands of his nephew this morning and left."

After a pause, Lao Yang further explained: "The map of the treasure house of the tomb of the First Emperor Yingzheng,

Even the heaven-level masters of martial arts are excited, let alone Mr. Six Fingers, who is in the earth-level realm. "

A flash of surprise flashed in Mrs. Yang's eyes, and she nodded in agreement: "That's right, if Sun Lequan was killed when he went back and the murderer couldn't be found for a while, the nephew would be one of the suspects no matter what. No wonder Mr. Liuzhi would look for him. Come to the door."

At this time, Wang Le shrugged helplessly, spread his hands and said, "I hope senior Qingyangzi will be released soon, so that this kid can leave Bai Yujing as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if he wants to leave again."

Of course, Lao Yang and his wife are not fools. It is clear as soon as they hear Wang Le's words that the map of the treasure house of the tomb of the First Emperor Ying Zheng was born in Bai Yujing. Next, he knows with his knees that masters from the martial arts world will flock to it.

Although the border war between the Alliance and the vampires is in full swing, and most of the elites in the martial arts world are going to participate, there must be some masters who are hiding in hiding because they don't want to wade into this muddy water.

However, since ancient times, wealth has moved people's hearts. In the treasure house of the tomb of the First Emperor Yingzheng, there are not only massive cultivation resources, but also a powerful Taoist inheritance that is unique in the martial arts world. Once someone can inherit the mantle, then the road to martial arts will not be If something unexpected happens, he will definitely shine, and reaching the pinnacle of martial arts is no longer a dream!

Wang Le believes that most people cannot refuse this huge temptation. Then for the masters who come to Bai Yujing, it is conceivable that the situation will be chaotic. It is just a matter of time.

After thinking about it, Old Yang couldn't help but show a hint of worry, and said quietly: "This map of the treasure house of the tomb of Yingzheng, the First Emperor, even attracts the old monsters in the heavenly realm." It’s normal. I hope your Majesty will be released from confinement as soon as possible so that you can make plans earlier. After all, my nephew, you are one of the suspects!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Yang, who was standing nearby, hummed, then looked at Wang Le and said seriously: "Even if you are not the wise nephew, you have to go back and kill Sun Lequan, but you still have to make outsiders believe you."

Wang Le smiled bitterly, and sighed with helplessness and depression on his face: "Since it involves the treasure trove of the tomb of the First Emperor Yingzheng, such a huge temptation is enough to make people jealous, then who else believes it or not, everything depends on strength say something!"

After a pause, Wang Le continued: "Before absolute strength, everything is fake. Those masters at the heaven and earth levels don't care about the suspicion. They must catch the kid first."

At the same time, Wang Le sighed with sadness in his heart: "After all, inertia is still causing trouble. I took it too much for granted and forgot that this is not a mortal world, but a more naked martial arts world where strength is supreme!"

At this moment, although Wang Le secretly blamed himself for neglecting the changes in the time and space environment, which led to the current predicament, he did not regret it.

Since ancient times, wealth and honor have been sought in danger, and chestnuts in fire have been sought countless times. If you want to gain benefits in anything, you will not pay the price.

Of course Wang Le understands the truth that risks and opportunities coexist, and he has a deep understanding of it!

Just as Wang Le's heart was ups and downs, Lao Yang and his wife also looked at Young Master Wang carefully, trying to get some clues from his face.

That is, Sun Lequan killed the kid in front of him and snatched half of the map of the tomb treasury of the First Emperor Yingzheng.

As Mr. and Mrs. Yang, who are both living a perfect life, if they completely believe Wang Le's words, they are really screwed up. After all, people are separated from each other, even if they are sleeping together in the same bed.

Besides, Lao Yang and his wife only met Wang Le yesterday. Although he was brought by his Majesty from the secular world and valued very much, they must listen to his words and observe his actions before making a general evaluation. They will not judge him as soon as they meet. Give complete trust.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, Lao Yang looked at Wang Le and said again: "In order to avoid unnecessary changes and dangers, my nephew must not leave his residence without authorization. We will wait until your Majesty comes out of seclusion."

Of course Wang Le would not say anything against it, and nodded without hesitation. Although he had already obtained half of the map of the tomb of the First Emperor Yingzheng, there was no need to take huge risks to find the other half hidden in Tieshan. A map.

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