He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,369 Bai Xiaolou

When the master and the apprentice made their way to the city where they were staying, they found that it was so late but still so lively, and they heard from time to time about the map of the treasure house of the tomb of the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

"Although this emperor comes from the mortal world that we all look down upon, he is still a ruthless person. No, this guy is ruthless to the core. I think he was born to be an inhumane murderer!"

"In less than two days, we swept through the Baiyu Jingxuan Ranking. Except for the four brothers Tian Chenghai who barely escaped with their lives because of the presence of Mr. Six Fingers, Dong Chong, Tieshan, and that Black Mountain Guan Hong today, but They all died in his hands, and the tragedy was really unbearable to witness!"

"Isn't it said that there are no cultivation resources in the world? But this emperor is only in his early twenties, how can he practice so fast? He is already a master of the late stage of the martial arts profound level. If he goes further, he will be a famous martial arts earth level. .”

"Tsk, tsk, at such an age, even if you bury yourself in a huge amount of training resources, it will be extremely difficult to reach the late stage of martial arts. Only the talented ones in the top sects have this strength."


Along the way, the two masters and disciples would naturally hear from the mouths of warriors in groups of three or five about the major events that happened in the White Jade Capital after the map of the treasure house of the tomb of the First Emperor Yingzheng was released.

Although I only heard a general outline and could not know the specific details, it was almost enough.

From the beginning to the end, the master and the apprentice listened calmly and silently, and did not step forward to inquire carefully.

When the old man led the young man to an ordinary inn in Nancheng District and exchanged code words, the innkeeper knew that a big shot was coming, so he respectfully led the master and apprentice through the halls and rooms, starting from the small room in the backyard of the inn. Go out through the door, then cross the narrow alley, and then enter a neatly tidied courtyard with two front and rear entrances.

Under the old man's unquestionable instructions, the innkeeper had to give up his plan to give the two of them a bedroom each and arranged them in the same room.

Just like that, after the shopkeeper diligently served the master and apprentice, they were sent away after washing themselves.

"Master, I didn't expect that our Taoist Sect's foothold in Bai Yujing would be so shabby."

When the young man confirmed that the shopkeeper had left the house, he couldn't help but curled his lips and said with some dissatisfaction.

The old man said indifferently: "As a hidden sect, our Daode Sect is proudly independent of the disputes among various forces in the martial arts world. Setting up a foothold in Bai Yujing is just for convenience.

A big battle is not beautiful, just keep a low profile. "

After a pause, the old man continued: "Although I live in seclusion, I cannot lose touch with the martial arts world. These peripheral personnel are indispensable."

The young man hummed, nodded to express his understanding, and then couldn't help but exclaimed: "Bai Yujing is indeed a famous city in the martial arts world. It's so late and the flowers are still blooming. It's really lively."

The old man smiled slightly and said: "Because of this, the major forces in the martial arts alliance receive astronomical figures in profit dividends from Bai Yujing every year."

When the young man saw what his master said, he immediately felt regretful in his heart, because for warriors and sects, no one would have too many cultivation resources. Even if Tao De Sect, as a hidden sect, has a profound foundation, it is comparable to it. Very few, that is.

No matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat. It is better to have them than not to have them.

Such thoughts flashed through the young man's mind, and then he took the initiative to change the topic and said with a suspicious look on his face: "Master, the secular world is not as good as the martial arts world. There is no good environment suitable for martial arts practice, but how is it possible? Will there be a master of the late stage of martial arts? Moreover, this emperor is not very old, he is only two or three years older than his disciples at most."

As he talked, the young man said with increasing certainty: "When things go wrong, there must be a monster. This emperor must have concealed his true roots."

After a pause, the young man looked unable to agree. He shook his head and continued: "But this emperor is too brainless. What kind of identity can't he make up? If he has to make it up, he must be from the world of mortals from the outside world. It's more like lying to a ghost."

The old man suppressed the faint smile on his face, put down the tea that the shopkeeper had just made, and then said with a serious face: "Lou'er, what you hear is false, and what you see is belief, so what you are saying now They are all wild speculations and cannot be taken to be true.”

The young man quickly stood up from the wooden bench in front of the table and saluted respectfully: "Master's teachings are correct, I understand."

The old man hummed, then waved to the young man to sit down again, and then said: "But what is certain is that the strength of this young man named Emperor Zuo cannot be underestimated."

Speaking of this, the old man pondered and said: "Now the martial arts alliance is fighting endless battles with vampires at the border. Most of the real masters in the entire central region have been taken away. Bai Yujing is certainly no exception, so the emperor can sweep the Baiyujing Xuanban. , which is a bit exaggerated.”

The young man chuckled and commented with a hint of disdain: "Master is right, the current situation in Bai Yujing is that there are no tigers in the mountains, monkeys are the kings, and it is no big deal if the throne can sweep the Xuande of Bai Yujing. "

Immediately, a look of regret appeared on the handsome face of the young man with bright eyebrows and starry eyes, and he said somewhat depressedly: "If it weren't for the raging war on the border, this disciple could have challenged the masters on the White Jade Jingxuan List one by one and won the first place!"

The old man shook his head and said: "Lou'er, real masters often walk at night in bright clothes and hide themselves deeply. Most of them will not be on Bai Yujing's Xuanji list."

"Uh!" The young man suddenly showed a look of surprise. Before he could speak, the old man said in a serious voice: "Lou'er, your cultivation speed is not slower than that of anyone of your generation, but you have too little actual combat experience. The most common It’s just a discussion with the brothers in the sect.”

"Only by constantly engaging in actual combat and experiencing the horror between life and death can one truly transform and gain a deeper understanding of martial arts."

At the end, the old man did not forget to add seriously: "I believe that if you do this, it will play an irreplaceable and important role in helping you break through the bottleneck you are encountering now."

The young man nodded without hesitation and accepted the instruction, because this time as his master was born and traveled around the world, the most important thing was to accumulate practical experience and strive to break through the bottlenecks he encountered now as soon as possible.

"If I can break through the bottleneck and be promoted to the realm of the earth, then I, Bai Xiaolou, will be qualified to practice the core inheritance skills of the Tao De Sect."

Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help but feel excited and couldn't calm down for a while.

Because this is the goal he has been striving for.

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