He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,375 Who is to blame?

Boom boom! ! !

As soon as the green-purple sword light hit the two grenades, there was a loud explosion, and a strong shock wave swept across the world!

Only Wang Le, who was invisible, quickly squatted on the ground. The other warriors standing on the ground had no idea of ​​the power of this grenade. They watched helplessly without making any mental preparations. As a result, they were completely devastated. They staggered around and screamed one after another. The screams scared me out of my mind, as if it was the end of the world.

For the unknown and inexplicable things, even the martial arts people with strong strength were afraid. For a while, everyone was made disgraced and embarrassed.

Wang Le, who was squatting on the ground, stood up and had no time to look elsewhere, staring intently at Zhan Bo, who was falling rapidly from the sky.

"What an idiot."

When the invisible Wang Le saw this, a look of ridicule flashed through his slightly narrowed eyes, and he complained silently in his heart.

Just now, Wang Le didn't expect that Zhan Bo would use his sword to hit the grenade head-on. What he didn't expect was that the other party would not dodge at all.

When he reacted, Wang Le realized that no one in the martial arts world had ever seen the destructive power of fire-powder heat weapons, so Zhan Bo's performance was taken for granted.

"What the hell is this?"

"It must be the emperor! This bastard, I'm not done with him!"

"The hidden weapon used by Emperor Zhan to attack Zhan Bo is really powerful. If I have a chance, I'll also get some self-defense!"


Amid the horrified onlookers' shouts and curses, the invisible Wang Le ignored them, moved his feet, and rushed towards the direction where Zhan Bo fell.

In the midst of lightning and flint, he was blown up by two grenades one after another, leaving blood all over his body. His clothes were broken into pieces and hung on his body. He almost showed his naked body, but finally stopped three meters above the ground. Falling, to avoid the tragedy of being thrown into pieces, he slowly landed on the ground, staggering twice before he stood still.

Zhan Bo, who was in panic, turned as pale as a vampire.

The onlookers saw Zhan Bo, a master of martial arts, being blown up so miserably by two unfamiliar metal objects in the blink of an eye. They felt horrified just thinking about it, and the chill in their hearts increased sharply, fearing that they would not know what happened. The emperor who was hiding somewhere suddenly threw a few more balls into the crowd on his side, and he was really going to see the King of Hell.

Zhan Bo, who had just stood firm on his feet at this time, felt the panic in his heart had not faded away, and at the same time, he was even more grateful.

Fortunately, I was in the air just now. If I hadn't habitually turned on the ancient defense skills to protect myself, my life would have been completely lost and fell into the ditch by that damn throne.

Just when Zhan Bo felt frightened by this, Wang Le, who had already put the waistcoat launcher into the Dharma Eye space, rushed over. The special military thorn he held tightly in his hand waved a strange arc at an extremely tricky angle. Insert directly into Zhanbo's waist to hide the vital parts of the kidneys!

At this moment, his blood had not yet calmed down after being blown up, and his ears were still filled with roaring sounds. It was not until the moment when the special military spikes touched his skin that he fully reacted. In shock, he stepped back without even thinking. Go backwards.

There was a click, and the special military thorn didn't have time to insert into Xibo's waist, but only cut open the flesh.

Zhan Bo was in pain and had to pinch his fingers, trying to recall the flying sword, which was still suspended in the sky and had not been put away, so that he could protect himself.

As for the ancient defense technique that had just been destroyed by the grenade bombardment, it could not be used for a while.

When Wang Le, who was invisible, saw this, he would not let go of this fleeting rare opportunity. With a slight bow of his body, he rushed to Zhan Bo again!

The innate power in the dantian swarmed out, and the left hand formed a fist. The scarlet and gold colors of the extremely magical weapon fist that controlled the mountains and rivers flowed erratically, gathering powerful power.

At the same time, the special military thorn held tightly in his right hand emitted a faint and strange gray light due to the natural infusion of innate power.

Of course, all of this, except for the invisible Wang Le, no one can see it anymore because of the power of the Dragon's invisible power.

The fist shook violently and hit Zhan Bo's chest violently, and at the same time, the special military thorn hidden behind the iron fist penetrated Zhan Bo's belly!

For a moment, Zhan Bo only felt the biting wind, causing goosebumps to fall all over the floor. In desperation, he used ancient martial arts without hesitation, and his fists that swelled up instantly were like red-hot iron pillars, blooming. A bright red light greeted him.


Amidst the violent collision of the fists of the two sides, blood spurted out uncontrollably. Wang Le fought hard to get hurt, but managed to stabilize his body and took another step forward. In the belly, only the handle of the military thorn is left!

The invisible Wang Le's eyes flashed fiercely, and with a twist of his wrist, the special military thorn inserted into Zhan Bo's belly instantly crushed his internal organs!

Without waiting for Zhan Bo to strike back with an angry look, Wang Le, who was invisible, quickly pulled out the special military thorn and stepped back, instantly widening the distance between the two sides.

Wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth, the invisible Wang Le completely broke through the magic of the Eye Dragon's invisible power, and reappeared in the sight of Zhan Bo and everyone.

With a "clang" sound, the flying sword hanging in the sky fell directly to the ground because its owner was seriously injured and dying.

"You!" Zhan Bo pointed at Wang Le, who was standing not far in front of him, with a ferocious face and the hatred in his heart clearly visible.

Wang Le sneered, looked at Zhan Bo with a mocking look on his face and said, "I'll let you, an old guy, pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but it's useless here!"

After a pause, Wang Le snorted coldly, and continued: "I don't know how many times I have told you, I have reiterated Sun Lequan's half of the map of the burial treasury of the First Emperor Yingzheng's Tomb, but I don't have it in my hands. You old boy has to come and die." , who can you blame? You can only blame yourself!"

When the warriors onlookers heard what Wang Le said, their thoughts in their hearts began to waver even more unconsciously.

"The emperor's methods are so cruel that people can't bear to see them. His words and deeds are really outrageous. It's precisely because of this that this guy doesn't even bother to lie and refuses to admit his guilt. Then the half of the Shihuang in the hands of the damn Sun Lequan It’s really possible that this kid didn’t take the map of Ying Zheng’s tomb.”

"That makes sense. Could it be that after Mr. Six Fingers took it away, he diverted the trouble to the east and put the blame on this guy in the throne?"

"The Emperor's Throne has swept through the Bai Yujing Profound Ranking in the past two days. Dong Chong and Tieshan both died in his hands. It's hard to explain why he was jealous of Mr. Liuzhi, who was Bai Yujing's turn to talk about things. But because he was too senior, It was inconvenient to take action, and then I used the map to deliberately target the throne."


Wang Le glanced at the crowd intentionally or unintentionally, and the noisy discussion reached his ears, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Well, that’s right to think about.

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