He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1526 Good things

"Isn't it the first murder scene?"

Deacon Zhao and Deacon Tian's expressions instantly changed, their eyes flickered, and they were obviously struck to the core by Wang Le's speculation.

When Wang Le saw the expressions on the two people's faces, he knew that his speculation was very likely to come true.

Then he saw the older and more scheming Deacon Tian and said softly: "I have ignored the point raised by my wise nephew."

Deacon Zhao frowned slightly and said, "The main reason is because the murder scene where Sun Qiang died in the attic bedroom was so perfectly arranged and there were no flaws, otherwise we wouldn't have been deceived."

Wang Le touched his nose and thought silently with a calm expression: "There is no point in talking about this now. The right way is to quickly find the real murder scene."

As his mind wandered, a faint golden light flashed through Wang Le's eyes, and the Dharma Eye for Destroying Illusions opened again.

Previously, he only tried his best to look through the entire attic. Now that he has discovered the problem, Wang Le will of course use his clairvoyant power to check every detail of the entire Sun family mansion.

If the real first murder scene cannot be discovered, it can only mean that Sun Qiang was killed outside the mansion.

But this possibility is extremely low.

Because if Sun Qiang wanted to leave the mansion, it was impossible for the guards secretly to know about it.

Immediately, Wang Le was seen looking around, doing nothing. Without moving his expression, he looked through Nuo Da's mansion through his eyes, hoping to find some clues.

Deacon Zhao and Deacon Tian looked at each other, and with a tacit understanding, they released their spiritual consciousness. Each was responsible for half of the mansion, overwhelming the entire Sun Mansion, and quickly conducted a search.

During this period, although the martial arts masters of the Sun family felt the fierce and domineering spirit released by the two deacons here, none of them came forward and stayed in the room obediently waiting for the result.

Because they all understood that the situation was serious, it was better to obey the arrangements of the two deacons, let alone interfere with the other party's investigation.

While Wang Le was investigating the first scene of Sun Qiang's murder through his delusion-breaking eyes, he also saw the gloomy and gloomy looks of the Sun family members.

Finally, a martial arts genius like Sun Qiang was born. It can be said that he has a bright future, and the Sun family will also reach a higher level.

Unexpectedly, overnight,

Things took a turn for the worse, and the genius died suddenly.

The dream was shattered, and the cold reality made them unable to adapt to all this.

But this is the world of martial arts, where cruelty and killing are always the main theme.

Soon, Wang Le saw the other two trial members who left the team with Sun Qiang last night in the hall of the mansion through the perspective of breaking the illusion.

At this time, they were sitting in chairs with their eyes closed, looking helpless, like two rigid statues.

Wang Le couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and thought to himself: "Sun Qiang is already dead. Are these two guys really lucky to have lost their lives?"

As a veteran of murder and silence, Wang Le tried to put himself in the position of this force hiding in the dark, and then think about the problem.

"It stands to reason that since we have killed Sun Qiang, we should just stop doing it and not leave a single person alive in this mansion. We will kill them all. This is far more deterrent than killing just one person!"

Wang Leru analyzed and speculated silently in his heart.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Wang Le analyzed Sun Qiang's death in detail.

Because he has always believed that the devil is hidden in the details. No matter how perfect the cover-up is on the surface, it cannot withstand careful rational scrutiny of every link, and there are flaws everywhere.

"It's really strange that Sun Qiang died!" Wang Leru came to a preliminary conclusion in his heart.

Of course, all this is based on personal speculation. If no corresponding substantial evidence is found, even if Wang Le tells it, the two deacons in front of him, including other members of the trial team, will not believe it.

Just as thoughts flashed through his mind, the black pupils in Wang Le's eyes suddenly shrank tightly, and the perspective of the Deliang Dharma Eye was instantly locked on an attic study in the southwest of the mansion!

In the sight of Powang Fayan, there were dried water stains on the floor near the window in the study on the second floor of the deserted building.

When Wang Le looked further, he found that on the water-stained wooden floor, there were small corroded pits and depressions that were difficult to detect with the naked eye if you didn't look carefully, and they were densely scattered on the floor.

Wang Le couldn't help but think that the small pits and depressions left on the floor were most likely caused by something similar to corpse water that Deacon Zhao mentioned earlier.

This reminded Wang Le of The Deer and the Cauldron, which he had watched when he was a child. In it, Eunuch Hai and Wei Xiaobao used this kind of corpse-dissolving water that destroyed corpses and eliminated traces.

"This thing is really a good thing for killing people and killing people without leaving any traces. When you have the opportunity, you should get some in your hands in case of emergency." Wang Le couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Immediately, Wang Le continued to look through the Delusion Dharma Eye and carefully explored the study room. It was obvious that there were signs of movement of the furnishings inside, and there were even chairs that were damaged by humans.

Therefore, it is even more certain that Sun Qiang was killed in this study, which was the scene of the first murder.

Wang Le then told the two deacons in front of him about the clues he had discovered, silently put away his deception eyes and waited quietly.

Because he believed that these two sophisticated late-stage powerhouses, who had walked more bridges than he had walked, would definitely find the study in the attic.

The reason why they didn't find it before was because they didn't realize that the first scene of killing Sun Qiang was somewhere else.

Now that we know it, it is only a matter of time before we find the first murder scene in the attic study.

As time passed slowly, the powerful consciousness of the two deacons searched the entire mansion over and over again, becoming more and more careful, not even missing the darkroom.

The members of the trial team who entered the attic walked out of the attic one after another with gloomy expressions.

When Fatty Huang came out of the attic and walked to Wang Le, he said in a deep voice with unbearable expression: "Sun Qiang died so tragically."

Wang Le glanced at Fatty Huang and complained in his heart: "Are you afraid that you will suffer such a cruel attack?"

At this moment, Zheng Ge, who was the last to come out of the attic, walked directly to the two deacons and said with a suspicious look on his face: "Two seniors, I noticed that there is something fishy in this."

Before the two deacons could speak, they saw that several members of the trial team who had walked out earlier also echoed Zheng Ge's idea.

"I have checked every inch of the bedroom. It is very likely that Sun Qiang did not die in the bedroom, but his head was placed on the bed later. As for the blood stains on the floor, it was obviously intentional."


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