He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1530 Siam Mountains

Just as Wang Le had expected when he cast suspicion on these two people when he was investigating the site of Sun Mansion in Baoshan Acropolis, in the past few days, some members of the trial team have begun to be wary of them and take precautions.

Invisibly, He Yaoting and Chen Shihao were isolated in the alliance trial team.

Of course, all this was tacitly understood, and no member would tell the truth, only keeping their suspicions in their hearts.

However, one thing surprised Wang Le, that is, Fatty Huang actually warned in private not to approach He Yaoting and Chen Shihao.

Although Wang Le had been wary of these two people for a long time, Fatty Huang's kind reminder couldn't help but make Young Master Wang more fond of this guy.

You know, Wang Le's temperament has always been cold, and he is full of cold and ruthless factors. It can be said that it is extremely rare for him to have a good impression of someone of the same sex.

This can be seen from the fact that Wang Le has always had very few friends.

Except for his comrades in the mysterious army and his college best friend Zhang Hui, he has very few friends in life.

If we really have to count one more person, it would be Sunan.

It's a pity that the blood relationship between the two parties has been constantly cut and messed up, which prevents their friendship from going further.


Time flies by like a flash, and before you know it, it’s the sixth day since you left Baoshan Acropolis.

That evening, when the sun was about to set, the alliance trial team, led by the two deacons Tian and Zhao, stopped at the edge of the Siam Mountains and stationed themselves there, waiting to cross the mountains at dawn tomorrow. .

The members of the trial team have long been accustomed to such a schedule and are very happy with it.

Because they don't want to rush to the border as soon as possible in order to seize the time and walk at night desperately. After all, foreign enemies are everywhere, so it's better to be careful.

Under the starry night, beside the stream flowing from the mountains, there were piles of bonfires, crackling and burning. The hot light drove away the darkness and illuminated the area clearly.

The members of the trial team sat in groups of twos and threes around piles of bonfires, skewering the fish they caught from the stream and tumbling them on the bonfire racks for barbecue.

From time to time it emits bursts of drool-worthy fragrance.

Wang Le sat in front of a bonfire near the edge. Roasting on the rack was half a beast that he couldn't even name.

Nowadays, his Dharma Eye space still contains a lot of harvest from hunting in the mountains, which has come in handy these days.

As for the other half of the beast meat, Wang Le gave it to the two deacons Tian and Zhao, and also did not forget to give some seasonings.

Otherwise, eating wild animal meat without seasoning, unable to remove the fishy smell, is simply a suffering.

Wang Le rolled the campfire stand, sprinkled cumin fine salt and other seasonings, and even sprinkled Pepsi Cola for flavor.

When the beast meat was almost cooked, Huang Fatty and Zheng Ge got some more firewood and added it to the fire.

The yellow fat man squatted in front of the bonfire, like a short and fat bulldog, swallowing saliva, staring at the barbecue on the shelf with bright eyes, and said: "Well, it smells so good!"

Zheng Ge walked to Wang Le and sat down cross-legged. He couldn't help but smile and said, "I didn't expect Brother Wang to be such a person who knows how to enjoy life."

Before Wang Le could speak, Fatty Huang nodded hurriedly and said, "Isn't that right? Look at the entire trial team. Is there anyone like Brother Wang who not only carries delicious food with him, but even more exaggeratedly brings cooking with him?" Seasonings needed for barbecue.”

After a pause, Fatty Huang continued with a happy face: "Look at Brother Wang's exquisite way of grilling meat. He is obviously a good expert at this. Brother, I can't wait any longer. It really arouses all the gluttons in my stomach." .”

After finishing speaking, Fatty Huang couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Wang Le glanced at Fatty Huang, who had a funny look on his face, smiled and shook his head and said: "I am too impatient to eat hot tofu. Now is not the time. Wait until it is cooked to medium rare, so that the meat will be fresh and tender without looking old."

Fatty Huang could only sigh and said, "It seems I have to endure it for a while."

At this time, Wang Le looked at Zheng Ge who was sitting next to him, responded to the previous topic with a smile, and said: "I come from the world of mortals. It is said that the soil and water support the people, and most of them, regardless of men, women, old or young, are foodies."

"And Wang is a foodie among foodies. For his own convenience, he learned a cooking skill so that he doesn't have to go to a restaurant for every meal."

"Uh!" Zheng Ge and Fatty Huang were speechless. They dared to say that this guy really worked hard for food.

Fatty Huang gave a thumbs up and said to Wang Le: "As a brother, I like to eat, but compared to you, I can't even keep up with you, so I'm convinced!"

At this time, Zheng Ge swept away the members of the trial team in front of several other bonfires, and then whispered to Wang Le: "Brother Wang, having fun alone is not as good as having fun together. They eat bland grilled fish, but we eat like this." good……"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Le interrupted without hesitation and asked: "If I give it to them, do they dare to eat it?"

Zheng Ge: “…………”

Fatty Huang, who was squatting in front of the bonfire and waiting for the barbecue on the shelf, glanced at the silent Zheng Ge, couldn't help but smile and said nothing, and then continued to look at the fragrant barbecue, with a salivating look on his face, which made people feel funny. .

After a long while, Wang Le, who was skilled in controlling the heat, finally said: "You two, there is a great man in the world who said that if you do it yourself, you will have enough food and clothing, so now you can start."

After finishing speaking, Wang Le took the lead and unceremoniously tore off the best part of his thigh and crotch, then sat down and started eating hard!

Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge couldn't help but froze when they saw Wang Le's barbaric behavior like a bandit. Then they hurriedly took out the daggers from the storage stones on their bodies and started eating the barbecue on the campfire shelf.

After all, the education these two received since childhood did not allow them to sweep the floor gracefully and gnaw on the barbecued legs like Wang Le did.

He had no choice but to cut off pieces of roasted meat with a dagger and eat it, even for a big foodie like Fatty Huang.

When Wang Le saw this, he could only secretly sigh that the rules were killing people.

But this was also cheaper for Mr. Wang, who ate the most and the best during the subsequent sharing of barbecue.

The surrounding members of the trial team, including the two deacons Tian and Zhao, were speechless when they witnessed Wang Le's performance.

It would be a lie to say that I don’t despise him.

But seeing Wang Le eating with relish, everyone secretly swallowed a lot of saliva. Needless to say, envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Soon, the roasted half of the beast's meat was eaten completely by the three of them, leaving only bones on the ground.

Just as Fatty Huang was about to speak, he suddenly heard a "duck" sound on the ground.

A human head slowly rolled down in front of Wang Le.

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