He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,545 Two Swords and One Sword

Faced with Wang Le asking such untechnical and even idiotic questions, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge were already used to it.

Who told this guy to come from the earthly world where birds don’t even shit in their eyes?

Zheng Ge, who was a bit slow to get up, was in a good mood, perhaps because of the aftermath of the disaster, and answered proactively: "Yes, that black ink knife is the magic weapon that Senior Tian Dao Yaozhong used to conquer the world."

Fatty Huang then added: "Senior Yaozhong relied on this natal magic weapon called the Black Jade Blood Sword to achieve the prestigious reputation of the Heavenly Sword."

After a pause, Fatty Huang continued in a lower voice: "The magic weapon of the Black Jade Blood Sword is too weird after being used. Masters like me and my generation often call it a magic weapon. knife."

Wang Le raised his brows slightly, and he couldn't help but recall the scene in his mind when Tian Dao Yaozhong sneaked up on Lord Huoyun.

At that time, Yaozhong merged with his natal magic weapon, the Black Jade Blood Sword and the Human Sword, and strangely sucked out all the blood, bones and flesh of Master Huoyun's severed arm.

"It does have an evil nature. It's not wrong to say it's a magic sword." Wang Leru silently acknowledged in his heart.

Then Fatty Huang looked at Wang Le with a strange look, and said softly: "In the world of martial arts, the most lethal thing among our master's generation is the double sword and the single sword."

"Oh?" Wang Le looked at Fatty Huang with interest in his eyes, waiting for him to continue.

At this time, Zheng Ge shook his head and said with emotion: "Two swords and one sword, now only senior Tian Dao Yaozhong has achieved the realm of heaven, while the other two's martial arts paths have been stagnant for many years. This shows how difficult it is to advance to the heavenly level.”

Wang Le's heart was moved, he looked at the two of them and asked: "You are talking about two swords and one sword, but this sword is my uncle, the Nanhua Blood Sword Han Ruo Shui?"

The two of them nodded together, and then Fatty Huang said to Wang Le: "The other one is your nemesis of Nanhua Temple, Fan Rendian of the Blood Sea Battle Sword of Tianwang Palace."

"Fan Rendian, the bloody sea sword." Wang Le murmured softly about this martial arts expert who had only heard of his name but never seen his face.

Whether in the secular world or in the martial arts world, the rift between Wang Le and the Heavenly King Palace can be said to be getting deeper and deeper, and there is no possibility of turning hostility into friendship.

Fatty Huang, who was in a lively conversation, continued: "Yes, Senior Tiandao Yaozhong has inherited a deceitful path. The scene of the sneak attack on Lord Huoyun tonight,

Brother Wang, you have also seen it, so there is no need to say more. "

"As for Fan Rendian, the bloody sea sword, this person uses the most dangerous and domineering method among swords. His sword moves are extremely fierce and courageous. There are only a handful of people at the same level who can stop his violent attacks. Among them is My brother, your great uncle, the blood sword of Nanhua is as cold as water."

At this point, Fatty Huang shook his head and sighed: "Senior Tiandao Yaozhong and Fan Rendian are both ruthless people of the same generation, but compared with your uncle, they are still not good enough!"

Wang Le kept silent with a calm expression. Of course he understood that Fatty Huang was alluding to Han Ruoshui's killing of his beloved Taoist companion.

But as a junior, Wang Le would not make any comments about Han Ruoshui in front of outsiders.

Then Zheng Ge took over and said: "Han Ruoshui only has a sword in his heart, and he pursues a ruthless killing path. It is so extreme that his opponents often become timid before fighting before they stand in front of him."

At this time, Fatty Huang first glanced at Wang Le, and then took over the conversation and said: "It is precisely because of this that Han Ruoshui, a sword of unparalleled glory, was completely destroyed. Otherwise, with his martial arts talent, he would have already achieved greatness." It’s the level of the realm.”

After a pause, Fatty Huang added: "The same is true for Fan Rendian, the Blood Sea Sword, otherwise he would not have been stuck at the peak of the late martial arts for many years, unable to take the final step."

Zheng Ge nodded in agreement: "As the saying goes, solitary yin does not last long, solitary yang does not arise. Pursuing extremes in everything will often not lead to good results."

Then Zheng Ge changed the subject and said, "But that's exactly what it is. The combat power of each of them can far exceed that of people with the same level of cultivation, and the possibility of winning in a life-and-death battle is also greater."

Having said this, Zheng Ge shrugged his shoulders and gave his own conclusion: "So everything has good and bad aspects and cannot be generalized."

Wang Le, who was taciturn, finally asked: "In that case, how can Senior Tian Sword, who uses extreme sword skills and deceitful ways, achieve the realm of heaven?"

"It stands to reason that senior Tian Dao is just like the other two. It will be extremely difficult to advance to the realm of heaven."

Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge couldn't help but smile dumbly when they saw Wang Le asking such doubts.

Immediately, Fatty Huang smiled and said to Wang Le: "That's because Senior Tiandao Yaozhong has the support of the Holy Sword Palace with a profound foundation in martial arts training, whether it is inheritance of skills, elixirs to increase the speed of cultivation, or It is when he breaks through each realm that he can get more help, such as the insights and experiences of predecessors when they broke through the bottleneck, and the precious pills that helped break through the bottleneck, etc."

"Brother Wang, don't underestimate these factors. When breaking through the bottleneck in practice, each factor is crucial. Maybe because one of them is missing, the chance of success is reduced, and the result is a failure."

Speaking of this, Fatty Huang shook his head with empathy and said with emotion: "Martial artists like us want to go further on the road of martial arts, so we must think clearly before taking every step. We must walk on thin ice and never be blind. Be impulsive and be cautious. ”

"Otherwise, no matter how talented you are in martial arts and how lucky you are, you still won't be able to reach the pinnacle of martial arts, and you will only have regrets in the end."

When Fatty Huang finished speaking with a long sigh, Wang Le nodded silently.

This was not the first time that Wang Le heard such sentimental words. Whether it was Qingyangzi before or Grandpa Jiyang later, they had all warned like this.

At this time, Zheng Ge looked at Wang Le and said: "Whether it is Brother Wang's master Bonanhua Blood Sword or the Blood Sea Saber of Tianwang Palace, if you have embarked on such an extreme martial arts path, what is missing is what Brother Huang mentioned before. Those factors that have been achieved, otherwise, taking the final step, achieving the realm of heaven is just around the corner."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fatty Huang shook his head and said in disapproval: "If Fan Rendian, the Blood Sea Swordsman, still has hope of reaching the realm of heaven, Huang agreed, but Brother Wang's uncle wanted to take the last step and advance to heaven. In the level realm, the hope is too slim."

Before Zheng Ge and Wang Le could ask, Fatty Huang said with pity on his face: "Han Ruoshui became possessed ten years ago and almost died. Although he survived in the end, his Taoist heart was not good." No matter how complete it was, there are now flaws.”

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